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Old Blue Box
603 Old_Blue_Box 오래된파란상자

A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Class: Item Giver
Weight: 20


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 5000 zeny
Weight 20
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
1 Soccer Ball 10 Formless Neutral 1 Small 128 99 201 171 Normal 5%
1 Crystal 15 Formless Neutral Small 160 99 202 1170 Boss 0.5%
1 Thief Poring 30 Plant Water 1 Medium 2 5 202 177 Normal 1%
1 Suspicious Babee 30 Plant Water 1 Medium 2 5 202 177 Normal 1%
1 Sealed Dracula 30 Demon Ghost 1 Large 1 1 202 172 Boss 2%
15 Botaring 15 Formless Holy 1 Small 20 20 225 262 Normal 2.5%
15 Large Gift Box 1,000 Formless Neutral 3 Large 100 100 315 285 Boss 3%
25 Giant Eggring 142,480 Plant Earth 3 Medium 63 4 237 263 Boss 1%
25 Giant Eggring 142,480 Plant Earth 3 Medium 63 4 237 263 Boss 50%
39 Myst Case 809 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 50 11 258 240 Normal 0.1%
39 Furious Myst Case 4,045 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 50 11 263 240 0.5%
46 Megalodon 1,249 Undead Undead 1 Medium 52 28 270 245 Normal 0.01%
56 Mimic 1,707 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 63 15 376 335 Normal 0.23%
56 Furious Mimic 8,535 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 63 15 412 335 1.15%
56 Elusive Mimic 8,535 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 63 15 376 335 1.15%
69 Nightmare 2,366 Demon Ghost 3 Large 116 15 301 316 Normal 0.15%
70 Kraben 2,159 Formless Ghost 2 Medium 108 20 303 308 Normal 0.05%
71 Requiem 3,251 Human Dark 1 Medium 88 20 305 291 Normal 0.18%
71 Solid Requiem 32,510 Human Dark 1 Medium 88 20 305 291 0.9%
72 Nine Tail 2,422 Brute Fire 3 Medium 95 40 310 348 Normal 0.5%
85 Uzhas 5,545 Human Water 3 Medium 49 8 299 321 Normal 0.02%
87 Noxious 4,462 Formless Ghost 3 Medium 117 66 332 325 Normal 0.01%
87 Venomous 5,577 Formless Poison 1 Medium 104 65 315 311 Normal 0.01%
87 Venomous Ringleader 27,885 Formless Poison 1 Medium 104 65 315 311 0.05%
87 Furious Noxious 22,310 Formless Ghost 3 Medium 117 66 345 325 0.05%
90 Ghostring 26,700 Demon Ghost 4 Medium 88 72 375 379 Boss 0.05%
91 Red Eruma 8,029 Fish Water 2 Medium 102 102 381 360 Normal 0.1%
91 Elusive Red Eruma 40,145 Fish Water 2 Medium 102 102 381 360 0.5%
92 Stormy Knight 630,500 Formless Wind 4 Large 306 166 457 467 Boss 15%
92 Enchanted Peach Tree 7,426 Plant Earth 2 Medium 109 40 344 354 Normal 0.03%
92 Solid Enchanted Peach Tree 74,260 Plant Earth 2 Medium 109 40 344 354 0.15%
97 White Lady 720,500 Human Wind 3 Large 210 178 541 513 Boss 0.01%
98 Hatii 1,275,500 Brute Water 4 Large 173 103 451 443 Boss 30%
98 Knight Seyren 13,260 Human Fire 3 Medium 149 10 360 386 Normal 0.02%
98 Assassin Eremes 9,029 Human Poison 4 Medium 109 10 376 382 Normal 0.02%
98 Blacksmith Howard 11,803 Human Water 4 Medium 117 9 369 341 Normal 0.02%
98 Hunter Cecil 8,835 Human Wind 3 Medium 68 13 411 416 Normal 0.02%
98 Wizard Kathryne 7,092 Human Ghost 3 Medium 69 66 368 393 Normal 0.02%
98 Priest Margaretha 9,192 Human Holy 3 Medium 97 83 364 357 Normal 0.02%
98 Crusader Ygnizem 13,440 Human Fire 2 Medium 136 8 399 376 Normal 0.02%
98 Rogue Whikebain 11,712 Human Poison 3 Medium 125 72 398 361 Normal 0.02%
98 Alchemist Armaia 11,376 Human Earth 3 Medium 130 4 362 373 Normal 0.02%
98 Bard Kavac 12,637 Human Wind 2 Medium 94 52 417 431 Normal 0.02%
98 Dancer Joshepina 12,637 Human Wind 2 Medium 94 52 417 431 Normal 0.02%
98 Sage Rawrel 9,868 Human Ghost 2 Medium 83 96 384 391 Normal 0.02%
98 Monk Erend 11,168 Human Holy 2 Medium 116 108 370 363 Normal 0.02%
98 Furious Wickebine Tres 58,560 Human Poison 3 Medium 125 72 428 361 0.1%
98 Elusive Eremes 45,145 Human Poison 4 Medium 109 10 376 382 0.1%
99 Treasure Chest 0 Formless Neutral Small 0 0 299 1468 Fixed drop rate 50%
99 Treasure Chest 0 Formless Neutral Small 0 0 299 1468 Fixed drop rate 50%
99 Treasure Chest 0 Formless Neutral Small 0 0 299 1468 Fixed drop rate 50%
99 Treasure Chest 0 Formless Neutral Small 0 0 299 1468 Fixed drop rate 50%
99 Thanatos Phantom 1,445,660 Demon Ghost 4 Large 364 35 428 516 Boss 50%
99 the Last one 265,203 Human Fire 4 Medium 510 139 447 429 Boss 30%
99 King of the alley 268,800 Human Fire 4 Medium 410 192 493 472 Boss 30%
100 Assaulter 8,772 Human Wind 2 Medium 169 49 392 414 Normal 0.01%
100 Assaulter Ringleader 43,860 Human Wind 2 Medium 169 49 392 414 0.05%
100 Special Guard 21,914 Human Fire 1 Medium 80 90 364 420 Normal 0.03%
100 Human Chimera 36,968 Brute Neutral 2 Medium 80 100 350 410 Normal 0.3%
100 Material Chimera 36,968 Brute Fire 2 Medium 120 50 350 410 Normal 0.3%
100 Nightmare 21,300 Demon Ghost 3 Large 116 15 352 377 Normal 0.15%
101 Morocc Necromancer 80,000,000 Human Earth 4 Medium 1 1 302 272 Boss 2%
103 Osiris 2,850,000 Undead Undead 4 Medium 172 164 402 438 Boss 40%
105 Heart Hunter Guard 41,428 Human Dark 2 Medium 73 42 411 420 Normal 0.03%
106 Beholder Master 13,421 Formless Wind 2 Medium 73 62 373 359 Normal 0.01%
106 [PH] Monster Name 32,940 Fish Water 2 Medium 312 10 416 384 Normal 0.1%
108 Megalodon 145,000 Undead Undead 1 Medium 179 28 390 430 Normal 0.01%
110 Sedora 16,740 Fish Water 2 Medium 92 55 428 389 Normal 0.05%
110 Furious Lamp Rey 83,700 Fish Water 2 Medium 92 55 463 389 0.25%
110 Heart Hunter Ebel 2,800,000 Human Dark 2 Medium 100 100 380 520 Boss 5%
110 Heart Hunter Ebel 2,800,000 Human Dark 2 Medium 100 100 380 520 Boss 50%
110 Venomous Chimera 2,800,000 Brute Poison 4 Large 150 150 385 530 Boss 5%
112 Ancient Mimic 19,778 Formless Neutral 3 Large 100 40 382 423 Normal 0.15%
112 Ancient Mimic Ringleader 98,890 Formless Neutral 3 Large 100 40 382 423 0.75%
115 Butcher Solder 90,000 Demon Undead 4 Small 50 30 405 435 Normal 0.02%
115 Scythe Solder 120,000 Demon Undead 4 Small 30 60 390 405 Normal 0.02%
115 Bone Crash Solder 170,000 Demon Undead 4 Small 80 40 405 365 Normal 0.02%
118 Gremlin 27,456 Demon Dark 2 Large 76 25 393 414 Normal 0.01%
118 Gremlin 10,000 Demon Dark 2 Large 76 25 393 414 Normal 0.01%
118 Beholder 10,000 Demon Dark 2 Large 76 25 393 414 Normal 0.01%
120 Beholder 19,651 Formless Wind 2 Small 50 30 402 422 Normal 0.01%
120 Pet child 3,500,000 Brute Dark 3 Large 220 150 390 530 Boss 5%
120 Pet child 3,500,000 Brute Dark 3 Large 220 150 390 530 Boss 50%
121 Wraith Dead 37,420 Undead Undead 4 Large 88 56 390 397 Normal 0.02%
121 Caterpillar 25,907 Insect Earth 1 Small 100 42 358 345 Normal 0.02%
121 Furious Caterpillar 129,535 Insect Earth 1 Small 100 42 369 345 0.1%
135 Gemini-S58 108,999 Formless Water 1 Medium 89 45 427 446 Boss 5%
135 Byorgue 92,544 Human Neutral 1 Medium 120 13 421 427 Boss 0.2%
135 레드페퍼 9,514,800 Formless Fire 3 Medium 345 77 408 414 Boss 50%
137 Mimic (Nightmare) 63,101 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 210 40 517 368 Normal 0.5%
141 Egnigem Cenia 2,910,088 Human Fire 2 Medium 373 175 518 589 Boss 25%
141 Gaster 90,574 Formless Poison 2 Medium 191 96 482 439 Normal 0.01%
143 Cursed Box 24,958 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 139 46 505 526 Normal 0.5%
145 Watcher 120,000 Formless Wind 1 Small 125 47 425 395 Normal 0.01%
148 Combat Basilisk 216,036 Brute Earth 2 Medium 126 80 422 454 Normal 0.8%
158 Morocc Necromancer 4,000,000 Human Neutral 3 Medium 215 555 548 627 Boss 2%
158 Corrupt Orc Baby 250,000 Human Earth 2 Small 240 50 443 416 Normal 0.2%
158 Corrupt Baby Desert Wol 232,890 Brute Fire 2 Small 240 45 443 448 Normal 0.2%
158 Corrupt Familiar 222,550 Fish Water 2 Small 240 70 443 428 Normal 0.2%
158 Corrupt Orc Warrior 300,000 Human Earth 2 Medium 240 60 443 450 Normal 0.2%
Title Category
Rebirth in Valhalla! General
Name Chance Enchant
1x  Town Sword [1] 0.001%
1x  Town Sword [2] 0.001%
1x  Star Dust Blade [1] 0.001%
1x  Cinquedea [1] 0.001%
1x  Kindle Dagger 0.001%
1x  Obsidian Dagger 0.001%
1x  Fisherman's Dagger 0.001%
1x  Loki's Nail 0.001%
1x  Unholy Touch 0.001%
1x  Bloody Roar 0.001%
1x  Inverse Scale 0.001%
1x  Hemorrhage [2] 0.001%
1x  Windhawk 0.001%
1x  Doom Slayer 0.001%
1x  Heart Breaker [1] 0.001%
1x  Hurricane Fury [1] 0.001%
1x  Gae Bolg 0.001%
1x  Ahlspiess 0.001%
1x  Legacy of Dragon 0.001%
1x  Sage's Diary [2] 0.001%
1x  Hardcover Book [1] 0.001%
1x  Wing Staff 0.001%
1x  Survivor's Rod (Dex) 0.001%
1x  Survivor's Rod (Dex) [1] 0.001%
1x  Survivor's Rod (Int) 0.001%
1x  Survivor's Rod (Int) [1] 0.001%
1x  Hypnotist's Staff [1] 0.001%
1x  Hypnotist's Staff [2] 0.001%
1x  Luna Bow [2] 0.001%
1x  Dragon Wing 0.001%
1x  Burning Bow [1] 0.001%
1x  Frozen Bow [1] 0.001%
1x  Earth Bow [1] 0.001%
1x  Gust Bow [1] 0.001%
1x  Hatii Claw [1] 0.001%
1x  Magma Fist [3] 0.001%
1x  Icicle Fist [3] 0.001%
1x  Electric Fist [3] 0.001%
1x  Seismic Fist [3] 0.001%
1x  Combo Battle Glove [4] 0.001%
1x  Burning Passion Guitar 0.001%
1x  Loner's Guitar 0.001%
1x  Green Acre Guitar 0.001%
1x  Gentle Breeze Guitar 0.001%
1x  Oriental Lute 0.001%
1x  Base Guitar [1] 0.001%
1x  Red Flame Whip 0.001%
1x  Icicle Whip 0.001%
1x  Gaia Whip 0.001%
1x  Skipping Rope 0.001%
1x  Blade Whip 0.001%
1x  Queen's Whip 0.001%
1x  Electric Wire 0.001%
1x  Electric Eel [2] 0.001%
1x  Sea Witch's Foot [1] 0.001%
1x  Carrot Whip 0.001%
1x  Novice Shield [1] 0.001%
1x  Orleans's Server [1] 0.001%
1x  Thorny Buckler [1] 0.001%
1x  Strong Shield [1] 0.001%
1x  Coronet 0.001%
1x  Angel Wing 0.001%
1x  Evil Wing 0.001%
1x  Spiky Band 0.001%
1x  Ghost Bandana 0.001%
1x  Orleans's Gown [1] 0.001%
1x  Novice Shoes [1] 0.001%
1x  Angel's Reincarnation [1] 0.001%
1x  Novice Manteau [1] 0.001%
1x  Heavenly Maiden Robe [1] 0.001%
1x  Pauldron [1] 0.001%
1x  Eagle Wing [1] 0.001%
1x  Ring [1] 0.001%
1x  Earring [1] 0.001%
1x  Necklace [1] 0.001%
1x  Glove [1] 0.001%
1x  Brooch [1] 0.001%
1x  Rosary [1] 0.001%
1x  Goddess of Fortune's Cursed Brooch 0.001%
1x  Shinobi Sash 0.001%
1x  Armor Charm 0.001%
1x  Jewel Crown 0.001%
1x  Small Ribbons 0.001%
1x  Galapago Cap 0.001%
1x  Super Novice Hat 0.001%
1x  Angry Snarl 0.001%
1x  Bucket Hat 0.001%
1x  Banana Hat 0.001%
1x  Puppy Headband 0.001%
1x  Super Novice Hat [1] 0.001%
1x  Bucket Hat [1] 0.001%
1x  Magni's Cap 0.001%
1x  Censor Bar 0.001%
1x  Dark Crystal Fragment 0.001%
1x  Insect Leg 0.001%
1x  Rusty Screw 0.001%
1x  Old Pick 0.001%
1x  Used Iron Plate 0.001%
1x  Dust Pollutant 0.001%
1x  Crystal Fragment 0.001%
1x  Toxic Gas 0.001%
1x  Battered Kettle 0.001%
1x  Flexible Tube 0.001%
1x  Fluorescent Liquid 0.001%
1x  Flashlight 0.001%
1x  Red Feather 0.001%
1x  Blue Feather 0.001%
1x  Cursed Seal 0.001%
1x  Three-Headed Dragon's Head 0.001%
1x  Treasure Box 0.001%
1x  Green Bijou 0.001%
1x  Blue Bijou 0.001%
1x  Red Bijou 0.001%
1x  Yellow Bijou 0.001%
1x  Bloody Page 0.001%
1x  Skeletal Armor Piece 0.001%
1x  Fire Dragon Scale 0.001%
1x  Yellow Spice 0.001%
1x  Sweet Sauce 0.001%
1x  Savory Sauce 0.001%
1x  Spicy Sauce 0.001%
1x  Red Spice 0.001%
1x  Cooking Oil 0.001%
1x  Level 1 Cookbook 0.001%
1x  Level 2 Cookbook 0.001%
1x  Level 3 Cookbook 0.001%
1x  Level 4 Cookbook 0.001%
1x  Level 5 Cookbook 0.001%
1x  Pot 0.001%
1x  Burnt Part 0.001%
1x  Pocket Watch 0.001%
1x  Suspicious Hat 0.001%
1x  White Mask 0.001%
1x  Jujube Dagger 0.001%
1x  Dragon Killer 0.001%
1x  Ginnungagap 0.001%
1x  Cowardice Blade [1] 0.001%
1x  Cowardice Blade [2] 0.001%
1x  Long Barrel 0.001%
1x  Long Barrel [1] 0.001%
1x  Gate Keeper-DD 0.001%
1x  Thunder P [1] 0.001%
1x  Bullet 0.001%
1x  Old Silver Bullet 0.001%
1x  Old Bloody Shell 0.001%
1x  Old Flare Sphere 0.001%
1x  Old Lightning Sphere 0.001%
1x  Old Poison Sphere 0.001%
1x  Old Blind Sphere 0.001%
1x  Old Freezing Sphere 0.001%
1x  Huuma Calm Mind [2] 0.001%
1x  Specialty Jur [4] 0.002%
1x  Lever Action Rifle [2] 0.002%
1x  Katana [3] 0.003%
1x  Katana [4] 0.003%
1x  Slayer [2] 0.003%
1x  Slayer [3] 0.003%
1x  Bastard Sword [2] 0.003%
1x  Bastard Sword [3] 0.003%
1x  Two-Handed Sword [1] 0.003%
1x  Two-Handed Sword [2] 0.003%
1x  Broadsword [1] 0.003%
1x  Broadsword [2] 0.003%
1x  Claymore 0.003%
1x  Knife [3] 0.003%
1x  Knife [4] 0.003%
1x  Cutter [3] 0.003%
1x  Cutter [4] 0.003%
1x  Main Gauche [3] 0.003%
1x  Main Gauche [4] 0.003%
1x  Dirk [2] 0.003%
1x  Dirk [3] 0.003%
1x  Dagger [2] 0.003%
1x  Dagger [3] 0.003%
1x  Stiletto [2] 0.003%
1x  Stiletto [3] 0.003%
1x  Gladius [2] 0.003%
1x  Gladius [3] 0.003%
1x  Damascus [1] 0.003%
1x  Damascus [2] 0.003%
1x  Novice Main Gauche 0.003%
1x  Jur [2] 0.003%
1x  Jur [3] 0.003%
1x  Katar [1] 0.003%
1x  Katar [2] 0.003%
1x  Jamadhar 0.003%
1x  Jamadhar [1] 0.003%
1x  Katar of Frozen Icicle 0.003%
1x  Katar of Dusty Thornbush 0.003%
1x  Katar of Raging Blaze 0.003%
1x  Katar of Piercing Wind 0.003%
1x  Axe [3] 0.003%
1x  Axe [4] 0.003%
1x  Orcish Axe 0.003%
1x  Battle Axe [3] 0.003%
1x  Battle Axe [4] 0.003%
1x  Hammer [2] 0.003%
1x  Hammer [3] 0.003%
1x  Buster [1] 0.003%
1x  Buster [2] 0.003%
1x  Two-Handed Axe [1] 0.003%
1x  Two-Handed Axe [2] 0.003%
1x  Lance 0.003%
1x  Lance 0.003%
1x  Guisarme [2] 0.003%
1x  Guisarme [3] 0.003%
1x  Glaive [2] 0.003%
1x  Glaive [3] 0.003%
1x  Partizan [1] 0.003%
1x  Partizan [2] 0.003%
1x  Trident [2] 0.003%
1x  Trident [3] 0.003%
1x  Halberd [1] 0.003%
1x  Halberd [2] 0.003%
1x  Soul Staff 0.003%
1x  Book [3] 0.003%
1x  Bible [2] 0.003%
1x  Tablet [1] 0.003%
1x  Book of Billows 0.003%
1x  Book of Mother Earth 0.003%
1x  Book of the Blazing Sun 0.003%
1x  Book of Gust of Wind 0.003%
1x  Girl's Diary [1] 0.003%
1x  Rod [3] 0.003%
1x  Rod [4] 0.003%
1x  Wand [2] 0.003%
1x  Wand [3] 0.003%
1x  Staff [2] 0.003%
1x  Staff [3] 0.003%
1x  Arc Wand [1] 0.003%
1x  Arc Wand [2] 0.003%
1x  Mighty Staff 0.003%
1x  Wand of Occult 0.003%
1x  Evil Bone Wand 0.003%
1x  Bow [3] 0.003%
1x  Bow [4] 0.003%
1x  Composite Bow [3] 0.003%
1x  Composite Bow [4] 0.003%
1x  Great Bow [2] 0.003%
1x  Great Bow [3] 0.003%
1x  Cross Bow [2] 0.003%
1x  Cross Bow [3] 0.003%
1x  Arbalest Bow [1] 0.003%
1x  Gakkung Bow [1] 0.003%
1x  Arbalest Bow [2] 0.003%
1x  Gakkung Bow [2] 0.003%
1x  Hunter Bow 0.003%
1x  Waghnak [3] 0.003%
1x  Waghnak [4] 0.003%
1x  Knuckle Dusters [2] 0.003%
1x  Knuckle Dusters [3] 0.003%
1x  Studded Knuckles [2] 0.003%
1x  Studded Knuckles [3] 0.003%
1x  Fist 0.003%
1x  Fist [1] 0.003%
1x  Claw [1] 0.003%
1x  Claw [2] 0.003%
1x  Finger [1] 0.003%
1x  Finger [2] 0.003%
1x  Violin [3] 0.003%
1x  Violin [4] 0.003%
1x  Mandolin [2] 0.003%
1x  Mandolin [3] 0.003%
1x  Lute [2] 0.003%
1x  Lute [3] 0.003%
1x  Guitar 0.003%
1x  Guitar [1] 0.003%
1x  Harp [1] 0.003%
1x  Harp [2] 0.003%
1x  Gumoongoh [1] 0.003%
1x  Gumoongoh [2] 0.003%
1x  Rope [3] 0.003%
1x  Rope [4] 0.003%
1x  Line [2] 0.003%
1x  Line [3] 0.003%
1x  Wire Whip [2] 0.003%
1x  Wire Whip [3] 0.003%
1x  Rante Whip 0.003%
1x  Rante Whip [1] 0.003%
1x  Tail Whip [1] 0.003%
1x  Tail Whip [2] 0.003%
1x  Whip [1] 0.003%
1x  Whip [2] 0.003%
1x  Guard 0.003%
1x  Guard [1] 0.003%
1x  Buckler 0.003%
1x  Buckler [1] 0.003%
1x  Shield 0.003%
1x  Shield [1] 0.003%
1x  Mirror Shield 0.003%
1x  Mirror Shield [1] 0.003%
1x  Memory Book 0.003%
1x  Novice Guard 0.003%
1x  Sunglasses 0.003%
1x  Glasses 0.003%
1x  Diver Goggles 0.003%
1x  Wedding Veil 0.003%
1x  Fancy Flower 0.003%
1x  Ribbon 0.003%
1x  Ribbon [1] 0.003%
1x  Hair Band 0.003%
1x  Bandana 0.003%
1x  Eye Patch 0.003%
1x  Kitty Band 0.003%
1x  Bunny Band 0.003%
1x  Flower Band 0.003%
1x  Biretta 0.003%
1x  Biretta [1] 0.003%
1x  Flu Mask 0.003%
1x  Hat 0.003%
1x  Hat [1] 0.003%
1x  Turban 0.003%
1x  Turban [1] 0.003%
1x  Goggles 0.003%
1x  Goggles [1] 0.003%
1x  Cap 0.003%
1x  Cap [1] 0.003%
1x  Helm 0.003%
1x  Helm [1] 0.003%
1x  Gemmed Sallet 0.003%
1x  Gemmed Sallet [1] 0.003%
1x  Circlet 0.003%
1x  Circlet [1] 0.003%
1x  Santa Hat 0.003%
1x  Monocle 0.003%
1x  Grampa Beard 0.003%
1x  Purple Glasses 0.003%
1x  Geek Glasses 0.003%
1x  Big Ribbon 0.003%
1x  Sweet Gent 0.003%
1x  Golden Gear 0.003%
1x  Romantic Gent 0.003%
1x  Western Grace 0.003%
1x  Cute Ribbon 0.003%
1x  Monk Hat 0.003%
1x  Wizard Hat 0.003%
1x  Sunflower 0.003%
1x  Unicorn Horn 0.003%
1x  Mini Propeller 0.003%
1x  Mini Glasses 0.003%
1x  Army Cap 0.003%
1x  Clown Nose 0.003%
1x  Zorro Masque 0.003%
1x  Gangster Mask 0.003%
1x  Iron Cain 0.003%
1x  Cigarette 0.003%
1x  Pipe 0.003%
1x  Romantic Flower 0.003%
1x  Romantic Leaf 0.003%
1x  Jack be Dandy 0.003%
1x  Red Bandana 0.003%
1x  Angled Glasses 0.003%
1x  Nurse Cap 0.003%
1x  Mr. Smile 0.003%
1x  Bomb Wick 0.003%
1x  Halo 0.003%
1x  Apple of Archer 0.003%
1x  Pirate Bandana 0.003%
1x  Mr. Scream 0.003%
1x  Poo Poo Hat 0.003%
1x  Funeral Hat 0.003%
1x  Masquerade 0.003%
1x  Stellar 0.003%
1x  Blinker 0.003%
1x  Goblin Mask 0.003%
1x  Green Feeler 0.003%
1x  Orc Helm 0.003%
1x  Cotton Shirt 0.003%
1x  Cotton Shirt [1] 0.003%
1x  Jacket 0.003%
1x  Jacket [1] 0.003%
1x  Adventurer's Suit 0.003%
1x  Adventurer's Suit [1] 0.003%
1x  Mantle 0.003%
1x  Mantle [1] 0.003%
1x  Coat 0.003%
1x  Coat [1] 0.003%
1x  Mink Coat [1] 0.003%
1x  Padded Armor 0.003%
1x  Padded Armor [1] 0.003%
1x  Chain Mail 0.003%
1x  Chain Mail [1] 0.003%
1x  Full Plate 0.003%
1x  Full Plate [1] 0.003%
1x  Lord's Clothes [1] 0.003%
1x  Formal Suit [1] 0.003%
1x  Silk Robe 0.003%
1x  Silk Robe [1] 0.003%
1x  Scapulare 0.003%
1x  Scapulare [1] 0.003%
1x  Saint's Robe 0.003%
1x  Saint's Robe [1] 0.003%
1x  Wooden Mail 0.003%
1x  Wooden Mail [1] 0.003%
1x  Tights 0.003%
1x  Tights [1] 0.003%
1x  Silver Robe 0.003%
1x  Silver Robe [1] 0.003%
1x  Thief Clothes 0.003%
1x  Thief Clothes [1] 0.003%
1x  Ninja Suit 0.003%
1x  Wedding Dress 0.003%
1x  Pantie 0.003%
1x  Novice Breastplate [1] 0.003%
1x  Legion Plate Armor 0.003%
1x  Tattered Novice Ninja Suit 0.003%
1x  Sandals 0.003%
1x  Sandals [1] 0.003%
1x  Shoes 0.003%
1x  Shoes [1] 0.003%
1x  Boots 0.003%
1x  Boots [1] 0.003%
1x  Crystal Pumps 0.003%
1x  Shackles 0.003%
1x  High Heels 0.003%
1x  Greaves 0.003%
1x  Novice Slippers 0.003%
1x  Hood 0.003%
1x  Hood [1] 0.003%
1x  Muffler 0.003%
1x  Muffler [1] 0.003%
1x  Manteau 0.003%
1x  Manteau [1] 0.003%
1x  Ancient Cape 0.003%
1x  Ragamuffin Manteau 0.003%
1x  Somber Novice Hood 0.003%
1x  Ring 0.003%
1x  Earring 0.003%
1x  Necklace 0.003%
1x  Glove 0.003%
1x  Brooch 0.003%
1x  Clip [1] 0.003%
1x  Rosary 0.003%
1x  Skull Ring 0.003%
1x  Gold Ring 0.003%
1x  Silver Ring 0.003%
1x  Flower Ring 0.003%
1x  Diamond Ring 0.003%
1x  Celebrant's Mitten 0.003%
1x  Matyr's Leash 0.003%
1x  Belt [1] 0.003%
1x  Novice Armlet [1] 0.003%
1x  Joker Jester 0.003%
1x  Gas Mask 0.003%
1x  Machoman's Glasses 0.003%
1x  Puppy Love 0.003%
1x  Safety Helmet 0.003%
1x  Indian Fillet 0.003%
1x  Aerial 0.003%
1x  Fin Helm 0.003%
1x  Egg Shell 0.003%
1x  Panda Hat 0.003%
1x  Poring Hat 0.003%
1x  Nut Shell 0.003%
1x  Novice False Eggshell 0.003%
1x  Surprised Mask 0.003%
1x  Annoyed Mask 0.003%
1x  Goblin Leader Mask 0.003%
1x  Skull Helmet 0.003%
1x  Monster Oxygen Mask 0.003%
1x  Transparent Head Protector 0.003%
1x  Pacifier 0.003%
1x  Wig 0.003%
1x  Queen's Hair Ornament 0.003%
1x  Silk Ribbon 0.003%
1x  Punisher 0.003%
1x  Wild Flower 0.003%
1x  Battered Pot 0.003%
1x  Stellar Hairpin 0.003%
1x  Tiny Egg Shell 0.003%
1x  Poring Pet Backpack 0.003%
1x  Rocker Glasses 0.003%
1x  Green Lace 0.003%
1x  Golden Bell 0.003%
1x  Bark Shorts 0.003%
1x  Monkey Circlet 0.003%
1x  Red Scarf 0.003%
1x  Grave Keeper's Sword 0.003%
1x  Sword [3] 0.007%
1x  Sword [4] 0.007%
1x  Falchion [3] 0.007%
1x  Falchion [4] 0.007%
1x  Blade [3] 0.007%
1x  Blade [4] 0.007%
1x  Rapier [2] 0.007%
1x  Rapier [3] 0.007%
1x  Scimitar [2] 0.007%
1x  Scimitar [3] 0.007%
1x  Tsurugi [1] 0.007%
1x  Tsurugi [2] 0.007%
1x  Ring Pommel Saber [2] 0.007%
1x  Haedonggum [1] 0.007%
1x  Orcish Sword 0.007%
1x  Ring Pommel Saber [3] 0.007%
1x  Saber [2] 0.007%
1x  Saber [3] 0.007%
1x  Haedonggum [2] 0.007%
1x  Flamberge 0.007%
1x  Club [3] 0.007%
1x  Club [4] 0.007%
1x  Mace [3] 0.007%
1x  Mace [4] 0.007%
1x  Smasher [2] 0.007%
1x  Smasher [3] 0.007%
1x  Flail [2] 0.007%
1x  Flail [3] 0.007%
1x  Morning Star [1] 0.007%
1x  Morning Star [2] 0.007%
1x  Sword Mace 0.007%
1x  Sword Mace [1] 0.007%
1x  Chain [2] 0.007%
1x  Chain [3] 0.007%
1x  Stunner 0.007%
1x  Javelin [3] 0.01%
1x  Javelin [4] 0.01%
1x  Spear [3] 0.01%
1x  Spear [4] 0.01%
1x  Pike [3] 0.01%
1x  Pike [4] 0.01%
1x  Red Potion 0.014%
1x  Orange Potion 0.014%
1x  Yellow Potion 0.014%
1x  White Potion 0.014%
1x  Blue Potion 0.014%
1x  Green Potion 0.014%
1x  Red Herb 0.014%
1x  Yellow Herb 0.014%
1x  White Herb 0.014%
1x  Blue Herb 0.014%
1x  Green Herb 0.014%
1x  Apple 0.014%
1x  Banana 0.014%
1x  Grape 0.014%
1x  Carrot 0.014%
1x  Potato 0.014%
1x  Meat 0.014%
1x  Honey 0.014%
1x  Milk 0.014%
1x  Hinalle Leaflet 0.014%
1x  Aloe Leaflet 0.014%
1x  Mastela Fruit 0.014%
1x  Holy Water 0.014%
1x  Panacea 0.014%
1x  Royal Jelly 0.014%
1x  Monster's Feed 0.014%
1x  Candy 0.014%
1x  Candy Cane 0.014%
1x  Apple Juice 0.014%
1x  Banana Juice 0.014%
1x  Grape Juice 0.014%
1x  Carrot Juice 0.014%
1x  Pumpkin 0.014%
1x  Ice Cream 0.014%
1x  Pet Food 0.014%
1x  Well-Baked Cookie 0.014%
1x  Piece of Cake 0.014%
1x  Raw Fish 0.014%
1x  Condensed Red Potion 0.014%
1x  Condensed Yellow Potion 0.014%
1x  Condensed White Potion 0.014%
1x  Cheese 0.014%
1x  Yam 0.014%
1x  Rice Cake 0.014%
1x  Sushi 0.014%
1x  Bao 0.014%
1x  Traditional Rice Cake 0.014%
1x  Chocolate 0.014%
1x  White Chocolate 0.014%
1x  Fly Wing 0.014%
1x  Butterfly Wing 0.014%
1x  Anodyne 0.014%
1x  Aloe Vera 0.014%
1x  Yggdrasil Berry 0.014%
1x  Yggdrasil Seed 0.014%
1x  Amulet 0.014%
1x  Yggdrasil Leaf 0.014%
1x  Magnifier 0.014%
1x  Mini Furnace 0.014%
1x  Iron Hammer 0.014%
1x  Golden Hammer 0.014%
1x  Oridecon Hammer 0.014%
1x  Worn Out Scroll 0.014%
1x  Unripe Apple 0.014%
1x  Orange Juice 0.014%
1x  Bitter Herb 0.014%
1x  Rainbow Carrot 0.014%
1x  Earthworm the Dude 0.014%
1x  Rotten Fish 0.014%
1x  Rusty Iron 0.014%
1x  Monster Juice 0.014%
1x  Sweet Milk 0.014%
1x  Well-Dried Bone 0.014%
1x  Singing Flower 0.014%
1x  Dew-Laden Moss 0.014%
1x  Deadly Noxious Herb 0.014%
1x  Fatty Chubby Earthworm 0.014%
1x  Baked Sweet Potato 0.014%
1x  Tropical Banana 0.014%
1x  Orc Trophy 0.014%
1x  No Recipient 0.014%
1x  Old Broom 0.014%
1x  Silver Knife of Chastity 0.014%
1x  Armlet of Obedience 0.014%
1x  Shining Stone 0.014%
1x  Contract in Shadow 0.014%
1x  Book of the Devil 0.014%
1x  Pet Incubator 0.014%
1x  Concentration Potion 0.014%
1x  Awakening Potion 0.014%
1x  Berserk Potion 0.014%
1x  Her Heart 0.014%
1x  Korean Rice Cake 0.014%
1x  Red Gift Box 0.014%
1x  Yellow Gift Box 0.014%
1x  Blue Gift Box 0.014%
1x  Green Gift Box 0.014%
1x  Red Envelope 0.014%
1x  Poison Bottle 0.014%
1x  Gold Pill 0.014%
1x  Ora Ora 0.014%
1x  Animal Gore 0.014%
1x  Hinalle 0.014%
1x  Aloe 0.014%
1x  Clover 0.014%
1x  Four-Leaf Clover 0.014%
1x  Singing Plant 0.014%
1x  Ment 0.014%
1x  Illusion Flower 0.014%
1x  Shoot 0.014%
1x  Flower 0.014%
1x  Empty Bottle 0.014%
1x  Emperium 0.014%
1x  Yellow Gemstone 0.014%
1x  Red Gemstone 0.014%
1x  Blue Gemstone 0.014%
1x  Garnet 0.014%
1x  Amethyst 0.014%
1x  Aquamarine 0.014%
1x  Emerald 0.014%
1x  Pearl 0.014%
1x  Ruby 0.014%
1x  Cursed Ruby 0.014%
1x  Sardonyx 0.014%
1x  Sapphire 0.014%
1x  Opal 0.014%
1x  Topaz 0.014%
1x  Zircon 0.014%
1x  1carat Diamond 0.014%
1x  2carat Diamond 0.014%
1x  3carat Diamond 0.014%
1x  Cracked Diamond 0.014%
1x  Red Frame 0.014%
1x  Chung Jah 0.014%
1x  China 0.014%
1x  Black Ladle 0.014%
1x  Pencil Case 0.014%
1x  Rouge 0.014%
1x  Plush Doll 0.014%
1x  Poring Doll 0.014%
1x  Chonchon Doll 0.014%
1x  Spore Doll 0.014%
1x  Bouquet 0.014%
1x  Wedding Bouquet 0.014%
1x  Glass Bead 0.014%
1x  Crystal Mirror 0.014%
1x  Witherless Rose 0.014%
1x  Frozen Rose 0.014%
1x  Baphomet Doll 0.014%
1x  Osiris Doll 0.014%
1x  Rocker Doll 0.014%
1x  Yoyo Doll 0.014%
1x  Smokie Doll 0.014%
1x  Rough Oridecon 0.014%
1x  Rough Elunium 0.014%
1x  Daenggie 0.014%
1x  Tree Root 0.014%
1x  Reptile Tongue 0.014%
1x  Scorpion Tail 0.014%
1x  Stem 0.014%
1x  Pointed Scale 0.014%
1x  Resin 0.014%
1x  Spawn 0.014%
1x  Jellopy 0.014%
1x  Garlet 0.014%
1x  Scell 0.014%
1x  Zargon 0.014%
1x  Tooth of Bat 0.014%
1x  Fluff 0.014%
1x  Chrysalis 0.014%
1x  Bird Feather 0.014%
1x  Talon 0.014%
1x  Sticky Webfoot 0.014%
1x  Animal Skin 0.014%
1x  Wolf Claw 0.014%
1x  Mushroom Spore 0.014%
1x  Orc's Fang 0.014%
1x  Baphomet's Horn 0.014%
1x  Butterfly Powder 0.014%
1x  Bird's Bill 0.014%
1x  Snake Scale 0.014%
1x  Insect Feelers 0.014%
1x  Immortal Heart 0.014%
1x  Rotten Bandage 0.014%
1x  Orcish Voucher 0.014%
1x  Skeleton Bone 0.014%
1x  Memento 0.014%
1x  Shell 0.014%
1x  Scale Shell 0.014%
1x  Venomous Canine 0.014%
1x  Sticky Mucus 0.014%
1x  Bee Stinger 0.014%
1x  Grasshopper's Leg 0.014%
1x  Nose Ring 0.014%
1x  Monkey Tail 0.014%
1x  Solid Shell 0.014%
1x  Horseshoe 0.014%
1x  Raccoon Leaf 0.014%
1x  Snail's Shell 0.014%
1x  Horn 0.014%
1x  Bear's Footskin 0.014%
1x  Feather 0.014%
1x  Mermaid's Heart 0.014%
1x  Fin 0.014%
1x  Cactus Needle 0.014%
1x  Stone Heart 0.014%
1x  Shining Scale 0.014%
1x  Insect Peeling 0.014%
1x  Gill 0.014%
1x  Decayed Nail 0.014%
1x  Horrendous Mouth 0.014%
1x  Stinky Scale 0.014%
1x  Nipper 0.014%
1x  Conch 0.014%
1x  Tentacle 0.014%
1x  Sharp Scale 0.014%
1x  Crab Shell 0.014%
1x  Clam Shell 0.014%
1x  Clam Flesh 0.014%
1x  Turtle Shell 0.014%
1x  Heroic Emblem 0.014%
1x  Gold 0.014%
1x  Alcohol 0.014%
1x  Detrimindexta 0.014%
1x  Karvodailnirol 0.014%
1x  Counteragent 0.014%
1x  Mixture 0.014%
1x  Scarlet Dyestuffs 0.014%
1x  Lemon Dyestuffs 0.014%
1x  Cobalt Blue Dyestuffs 0.014%
1x  Green Dyestuffs 0.014%
1x  Orange Dyestuffs 0.014%
1x  Violet Dyestuffs 0.014%
1x  White Dyestuffs 0.014%
1x  Black Dyestuffs 0.014%
1x  Oridecon 0.014%
1x  Elunium 0.014%
1x  Anvil 0.014%
1x  Oridecon Anvil 0.014%
1x  Golden Anvil 0.014%
1x  Emperium Anvil 0.014%
1x  Red Blood 0.014%
1x  Crystal Blue 0.014%
1x  Wind of Verdure 0.014%
1x  Green Live 0.014%
1x  Flame Heart 0.014%
1x  Mystic Frozen 0.014%
1x  Rough Wind 0.014%
1x  Great Nature 0.014%
1x  Iron 0.014%
1x  Steel 0.014%
1x  Star Crumb 0.014%
1x  Star Dust 0.014%
1x  Iron Ore 0.014%
1x  Coal 0.014%
1x  Chivalry Emblem 0.014%
1x  Hammer of Blacksmith 0.014%
1x  Old Magic Book 0.014%
1x  Necklace of Wisdom 0.014%
1x  Necklace of Oblivion 0.014%
1x  Hand of God 0.014%
1x  Phracon 0.014%
1x  Emveretarcon 0.014%
1x  Frill 0.014%
1x  Rainbow Shell 0.014%
1x  Ant Jaw 0.014%
1x  Tongue 0.014%
1x  Rat Tail 0.014%
1x  Mole Whiskers 0.014%
1x  Mole Claw 0.014%
1x  Trunk 0.014%
1x  Black Hair 0.014%
1x  Dokebi Horn 0.014%
1x  Nine Tails 0.014%
1x  Fish Tail 0.014%
1x  Squid Ink 0.014%
1x  Cobweb 0.014%
1x  Acorn 0.014%
1x  Porcupine Quill 0.014%
1x  Mane 0.014%
1x  Tiger Skin 0.014%
1x  Tiger's Footskin 0.014%
1x  Mantis Scythe 0.014%
1x  Maneater Blossom 0.014%
1x  Maneater Root 0.014%
1x  Blue Hair 0.014%
1x  Dragon Canine 0.014%
1x  Dragon Scale 0.014%
1x  Dragon Tail 0.014%
1x  Little Evil Horn 0.014%
1x  Little Evil Wing 0.014%
1x  Elder Pixie's Moustache 0.014%
1x  Lantern 0.014%
1x  Bug Leg 0.014%
1x  Orc Claw 0.014%
1x  Zenorc's Fang 0.014%
1x  Cultish Mask 0.014%
1x  Scorpion Nipper 0.014%
1x  Dead Medusa 0.014%
1x  Horrendous Hair 0.014%
1x  Skirt of Virgin 0.014%
1x  Tendon 0.014%
1x  Detonator 0.014%
1x  Single Cell 0.014%
1x  Ancient Tooth 0.014%
1x  Ancient Lips 0.014%
1x  Earthworm Peeling 0.014%
1x  Grit 0.014%
1x  Moth Dust 0.014%
1x  Moth Wings 0.014%
1x  Fabric 0.014%
1x  Golden Hair 0.014%
1x  Witch Starsand 0.014%
1x  Jack o' Pumpkin 0.014%
1x  Fang 0.014%
1x  Reins 0.014%
1x  Trap 0.014%
1x  Fine-grained Trunk 0.014%
1x  Solid Trunk 0.014%
1x  Barren Trunk 0.014%
1x  Morocc Solution 0.014%
1x  Payon Solution 0.014%
1x  Empty Test Tube 0.014%
1x  Empty Potion Bottle 0.014%
1x  Short Daenggie 0.014%
1x  Clock Hands 0.014%
1x  Round Shell 0.014%
1x  Worn-out Page 0.014%
1x  Manacles 0.014%
1x  Worn-out Prison Uniform 0.014%
1x  Arrow 0.014%
1x  Silver Arrow 0.014%
1x  Fire Arrow 0.014%
1x  Steel Arrow 0.014%
1x  Crystal Arrow 0.014%
1x  Wind Arrow 0.014%
1x  Stone Arrow 0.014%
1x  Immaterial Arrow 0.014%
1x  Stun Arrow 0.014%
1x  Freezing Arrow 0.014%
1x  Flash Arrow 0.014%
1x  Curse Arrow 0.014%
1x  Rusty Arrow 0.014%
1x  Poison Arrow 0.014%
1x  Sharp Arrow 0.014%
1x  Oridecon Arrow 0.014%
1x  Shadow Arrow 0.014%
1x  Sleep Arrow 0.014%
1x  Silence Arrow 0.014%
1x  Iron Arrow 0.014%
1x  Mould Powder 0.014%
1x  Ogre Tooth 0.014%
1x  Anolian Skin 0.014%
1x  Mud Lump 0.014%
1x  Skull 0.014%
1x  Wing of Red Bat 0.014%
1x  Claw of Rat 0.014%
1x  Stiff Horn 0.014%
1x  Glitter Shell 0.014%
1x  Tail of Steel Scorpion 0.014%
1x  Claw of Monkey 0.014%
1x  Tough Scalelike Stem 0.014%
1x  Coral Reef 0.014%
1x  Old Portrait 0.014%
1x  Bookclip in Memory 0.014%
1x  Spoon Stub 0.014%
1x  Key of Clock Tower 0.014%
1x  Key of Underground 0.014%
1x  Claw of Desert Wolf 0.014%
1x  Old Frying Pan 0.014%
1x  Piece of Egg Shell 0.014%
1x  Poison Spore 0.014%
1x  Red Stocking 0.014%
1x  Matchstick 0.014%
1x  Fang of Hatii 0.014%
1x  Yarn 0.014%
1x  Fine Grit 0.014%
1x  Alice's Apron 0.014%
1x  Talon of Griffon 0.014%
1x  Stone 0.014%
1x  Cyfar 0.014%
1x  Brigan 0.014%
1x  Free Ticket for Kafra Storage 0.014%
1x  Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation 0.014%
1x  Free Ticket for the Cart Service 0.014%
1x  Soft Feather 0.014%
1x  Wing of Dragonfly 0.014%
1x  Sea-otter Fur 0.014%
1x  Ice Cubic 0.014%
1x  Stone Fragment 0.014%
1x  Burnt Tree 0.014%
1x  Destroyed Armor 0.014%
1x  Broken Shell 0.014%
1x  Tattered Clothes 0.014%
1x  Old Shuriken 0.014%
1x  Cogwheel 0.014%
1x  Fragment 0.014%
1x  Metal Fragment 0.014%
1x  Lava 0.014%
1x  Burning Heart 0.014%
1x  Live Coal 0.014%
1x  Worn-out Magic Scroll 0.014%
1x  Sharp Leaf 0.014%
1x  PecoPeco Feather 0.014%
1x  Antelope Horn 0.014%
1x  Antelope Skin 0.014%
1x  Piece of Shield 0.014%
1x  Shining Spear Blade 0.014%
1x  Broken Sword 0.014%
1x  Slick Paper 0.014%
1x  Sharp Paper 0.014%
1x  Broken Pharaoh Emblem 0.014%
1x  Masque of Tutankhamen 0.014%
1x  Harpy Feather 0.014%
1x  Harpy Talon 0.014%
1x  Torn Magic Book 0.014%
1x  Torn Scroll 0.014%
1x  Bacillus 0.014%
1x  Burning Horseshoe 0.014%
1x  Honey Pot 0.014%
1x  Burning Hair 0.014%
1x  Dragon Skin 0.014%
1x  Sand Clump 0.014%
1x  Scorpion Claw 0.014%
1x  Large Jellopy 0.014%
1x  Medicine Bowl 0.014%
1x  Bottle Grenade 0.014%
1x  Acid Bottle 0.014%
1x  Plant Bottle 0.014%
1x  Marine Sphere Bottle 0.014%
1x  Glistening Coat 0.014%
1x  Yellow Plate 0.014%
1x  Piece of Bamboo 0.014%
1x  Oil Paper 0.014%
1x  Glossy Hair 0.014%
1x  Worn-out Kimono 0.014%
1x  Poisonous Powder 0.014%
1x  Poisonous Toad Skin 0.014%
1x  Broken Shuriken 0.014%
1x  Dark Mask 0.014%
1x  Broken Liquor Jar 0.014%
1x  Tengu Nose 0.014%
1x  Black Bear Skin 0.014%
1x  Cloud Crumb 0.014%
1x  Hard Feeler 0.014%
1x  Solid Peach 0.014%
1x  Transparent Celestial Robe 0.014%
1x  Soft Silk 0.014%
1x  Strange Steel Piece 0.014%
1x  Giant Butterfly Wing 0.014%
1x  Ba Gua 0.014%
1x  Tuxedo 0.014%
1x  Leopard Skin 0.014%
1x  Leopard Claw 0.014%
1x  Wrapping Lace 0.014%
1x  Wrapping Paper 0.014%
1x  Cacao 0.014%
1x  Thin Trunk 0.014%
1x  Festival Mask 0.014%
1x  Brown Root 0.014%
1x  Wooden Heart 0.014%
1x  Solid Husk 0.014%
1x  Lamp 0.014%
1x  Vane 0.014%
1x  Sprout 0.014%
1x  Soft Blade of Grass 0.014%
1x  Slingshot 0.014%
1x  Shoulder Protector 0.014%
1x  Tough Vines 0.014%
1x  Huge Leaf 0.014%
1x  Elastic Band 0.014%
1x  Log 0.014%
1x  Pincher of Beetle 0.014%
1x  Strong Branch 0.014%
1x  Piece of Black Cloth 0.014%
1x  Black Cat Doll 0.014%
1x  Old Manteau 0.014%
1x  Rusty Kitchen Knife 0.014%
1x  Helm of Dullahan 0.014%
1x  Armor Piece of Dullahan 0.014%
1x  Fragment of Rossata Stone 0.014%
1x  Hung Doll 0.014%
1x  Needle Packet 0.014%
1x  Bat Cage 0.014%
1x  Broken Needle 0.014%
1x  Red Muffler 0.014%
1x  Spool 0.014%
1x  Decomposed Rope 0.014%
1x  Striped Sock 0.014%
1x  Ectoplasm 0.014%
1x  Tangled Chains 0.014%
1x  Wooden Gnarl 0.014%
1x  Contorted Self-Portrait 0.014%
1x  Pumpkin Lantern 0.014%
1x  Folding Fan of Cat Ghost 0.014%
1x  Cat's Eye 0.014%
1x  Dry Sand 0.014%
1x  Dragon Horn 0.014%
1x  Denture from Dragon Mask 0.014%
1x  Tiger Panty 0.014%
1x  Little Ghost Doll 0.014%
1x  Pinafore 0.014%
1x  Nursing Bottle 0.014%
1x  Glacial Heart 0.017%
1x  Ice Scale 0.017%
1x  Bloody Rune 0.017%
1x  Rotten Meat 0.017%
1x  Sticky Poison 0.017%
1x  Clattering Skull 0.037%
1x  Old White Cloth 0.04%
1x  Broken Farming Utensil 0.04%
1x  Gift Box 0.37%
1x  Dead Branch 0.607%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:54 identifiedResourceName ?ㅻ옒?쒗뙆?€?곸옄 오래된파란상자
2024-09-04 01:54 unidentifiedResourceName ?ㅻ옒?쒗뙆?€?곸옄 오래된파란상자
2024-09-03 23:09 unidentifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 ?ㅻ옒?쒗뙆?€?곸옄
2024-09-03 23:09 identifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 ?ㅻ옒?쒗뙆?€?곸옄
2018-05-12 01:15 weight 0 20
2018-05-09 19:58 weight 20 0
2018-01-12 04:03 identifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Type: Consumable
Class: Item Producer
Weight: 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Class: Item Giver
Weight: 20
2018-01-12 04:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight: 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Class: Item Giver
Weight: 20
2017-08-19 09:00 unidentifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight: 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight: 20
2017-08-19 09:00 identifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Type: Consumable
Class: Item Producer
Weight: 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Type: Consumable
Class: Item Producer
Weight: 20
2017-08-19 08:42 unidentifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight: 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight: 20
2017-08-19 08:42 identifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Type: Consumable
Class: Item Producer
Weight: 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Type: Consumable
Class: Item Producer
Weight: 20
2017-01-23 12:14 unidentifiedResourceName ¿À·¡µÈÆĶõ»óÀÚ 오래된파란상자
2017-01-23 12:14 identifiedResourceName ¿À·¡µÈÆĶõ»óÀÚ 오래된파란상자
2016-12-23 08:01 unidentifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 ¿À·¡µÈÆĶõ»óÀÚ
2016-12-23 08:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight: 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight: 20
2016-12-23 08:01 identifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 ¿À·¡µÈÆĶõ»óÀÚ
2016-12-23 08:01 identifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Type: Consumable
Class: Item Producer
Weight: 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Type: Consumable
Class: Item Producer
Weight: 20
2016-06-17 02:52 identifiedDescriptionName Chance Item Box
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight : 20
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Type: Consumable
Class: Item Producer
Weight: 20
2015-10-29 01:40 identifiedDescriptionName A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight: 20
Chance Item Box
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Weight : 20
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.