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Basic Info
1319 Lv. 94
Brute Medium Water 2
Primary stats
68 STR 47 AGI 50 VIT
45 INT 69 DEX 25 LUK
Secondary stats
8,346 Health 127 Def 38 MDef
2 Range 416 - 543 Attack 244 - 334 MATK
341 Req. Hit 333 Req. Flee
0 Res (-0.00%) 0 Mres (-0.00%)
5.88 Speed (cells/sec)
1.04 Aspd (attacks/sec)


Neutral 100%
Water 0%
Earth 100%
Fire 80%
Wind 175%
Poison 150%
Holy 100%
Dark 100%
Ghost 100%
Undead 100%


Aggressive Assist Looter Change target Change target on attack Immobile Cast sensor Normal
Id Name Enchant Type Subtype Sell price Drop chance
 967 Turtle Shell Etc. - 255z 22.07%
 7070 Broken Shell Etc. - 338z 4.25%
 7066 Ice Cubic Etc. - 248z 6.25%
 912 Zargon Etc. - 180z 9%
 526 Royal Jelly Consumable Regeneration 3,500z 0.8%
 6256 Ice Piece Etc. - 50z 1%
 689 Level 5 Cold Bolt Consumable Special 1,000z 0.5%
 4319 Freezer Card * Card - 10z 0.01%
* This item is protected from being stolen.
Level >= % Exp Job Exp
78 40 509 481
79 115 1,465 1,383
80 120 1,528 1,443
81 125 1,592 1,503
82 130 1,656 1,563
83 135 1,719 1,624
84 140 1,783 1,684
85 135 1,719 1,624
86 130 1,656 1,563
87 125 1,592 1,503
88 120 1,528 1,443
89 115 1,465 1,383
90 110 1,401 1,323
91 105 1,337 1,263
94 100 1,274 1,203
95 100 1,274 1,203
100 95 1,210 1,142
105 90 1,146 1,082
110 85 1,082 1,022
115 60 764 721
120 35 445 421
125 10 127 120
Name Interruptable State Level CHANCE Casttime Delay Condition
Cold Bolt yes Attacking 3 5% 1 sec 5 sec
Cold Bolt yes Chasing 3 5% 1 sec 5 sec
Frost Driver yes Attacking 9 5% 1 sec 5 sec
NPC_EMOTION yes Moving 1 20% instant 5 sec
NPC_EMOTION yes Chasing 1 2% instant 5 sec
NPC_EMOTION yes Idling 1 20% instant 5 sec
NPC_WATERATTACK no Attacking 3 5% 0.5 sec 5 sec
Title Quickinfo Info
Freezer Hunting Hunt 30 Freezer monsters at Turtle Island and return to the second floor of the Eden Group Headquarters.
Invisible Quest Place Holder Place Holder
Turtle ?kill 2 Defeated 10 Frieza and 10 Hitters each There are reports of humans inside the dungeons of Turtle Island. To ensure that those exploring the dungeon are not endangered, hunt down Freezers and Hitters.
Take down the turtle hordes again today 2 Defeated 10 Frieza and 10 Hitters each To keep the Second Knights of Turtle Island out of harm's way, hunt down Frieza and Hitter to help them.
Let's Kick Freezer Shell Hunt 200 Freezer Turtles and report back to the Girl at the Good Turtles Village.
Freezer Hunting Hunt 400 Freezer monsters. Hunt the Freezer monsters and return to Gramps at the Eden Group to get your reward.
Bounty Board Freezer Hunt 150 Freezer monsters and return to the Bounty Board at Alberta
 Play  Name


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.