Psychic Stream Max level : 5 Skill Requirement: Magic Book Mastery level 5, Diamond Storm level 3, Conflagration level 3, Lightning Land level 3, Terra Drive level 3, Venom Swamp level 3 Skill Form: Active(AP) Type: Magic Target: Single target Consumes: AP 5 Description: Melts into the flow of magic and instantly dashes to the target, inflicts neutral property magical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target. Since the user must use the flow of magic, so the skill cannot be used if the user is protected by Energy Coat buff. Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and SPL. _ [Level 1]: 4500% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 2]: 8000% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 3]: 11500% Matk / area of effect : 5 x 5 cells. [Level 4]: 15000% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. [Level 5]: 18500% Matk / area of effect : 7 x 7 cells. |
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