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Costume: Very Cute Doll Hat
20329 C_Tare_HSchool_Doll_Hat C늘어진여고생인형모자

There are no worries in the world when you are wearing this on your head.
Class: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Jobs: All Jobs

Item information

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 0
Type Costume
Subtype Headgear
Location Upper
Can be refined no
Can be damaged no
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-09-18



Name Chance Refine Enchant
 이프리트 냥다래 의상 스크롤 2.44%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName ?섏뼱吏꾩뿬怨좎깮?명삎紐⑥옄 늘어진여고생인형모자
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName 罹?
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 罹?
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 늘어진여고생인형모자 ?섏뼱吏꾩뿬怨좎깮?명삎紐⑥옄
2023-10-31 20:23 unidentifiedDescriptionName An unknown item that requires appraisal. Can be identified by using a Magnifier. An unknown item that requires appraisal. Can be identified by using a Magnifier.
2018-05-09 21:18 weight 160 0
2017-07-14 03:49 unidentifiedResourceName 늘어진여고생인형모자
2017-07-14 03:49 unidentifiedDescriptionName Not identified. Use [Magnifier] to identify. An unknown item that requires appraisal. Can be identified by using a Magnifier.
2017-07-14 03:49 unidentifiedDisplayName Costume Very Cute Doll Hat Costume Headgear
2017-07-14 03:49 identifiedDescriptionName There are no worries in the world when you are wearing this on your head.
Type: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
[Lace La Zard]mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0
There are no worries in the world when you are wearing this on your head.
Class: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Jobs: All Jobs
2017-07-14 03:49 identifiedDisplayName Costume Very Cute Doll Hat Costume: Very Cute Doll Hat
2017-01-23 12:22 identifiedResourceName ´Ã¾îÁø¿©°í»ýÀÎÇü¸ðÀÚ 늘어진여고생인형모자
2017-01-23 12:22 unidentifiedResourceName ´Ã¾îÁø¿©°í»ýÀÎÇü¸ðÀÚ 늘어진여고생인형모자
2016-12-23 08:13 unidentifiedResourceName 늘어진여고생인형모자 ´Ã¾îÁø¿©°í»ýÀÎÇü¸ðÀÚ
2016-12-23 08:13 identifiedResourceName 늘어진여고생인형모자 ´Ã¾îÁø¿©°í»ýÀÎÇü¸ðÀÚ
2016-12-23 08:13 identifiedDescriptionName There are no worries in the world when you are wearing this on your head.
Type: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
[Lace La Zard]mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0
There are no worries in the world when you are wearing this on your head.
Type: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
[Lace La Zard]mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0
2016-10-28 02:27 unidentifiedResourceName 바스타드소드 늘어진여고생인형모자
2016-10-28 02:27 unidentifiedDescriptionName This 2 Week Rental Box contains 1 Item. The Box is Tradable, but the item that comes out of it may not be, please read the description.
This Rental Weapon is not Tradable
40% Bonus Attack Damage to Earth Element Targets
A straight bladed sword that can be brutally swung just like a baseball bat.
This item is not Refinable
Class :Two-handed Sword
Attack Strength: 136
Weight : 160
Weapon Level: 2
Required Level : 1
Jobs: Swordman Class
Not identified. Use [Magnifier] to identify.
2016-10-28 02:27 unidentifiedDisplayName Classic Underneath Bastard Sword 2 Week Rental Box Costume Very Cute Doll Hat
2016-10-28 02:27 identifiedResourceName 바스타드소드 늘어진여고생인형모자
2016-10-28 02:27 identifiedDescriptionName This 2 Week Rental Box contains 1 Item. The Box is Tradable, but the item that comes out of it may not be, please read the description.
This Rental Weapon is not Tradable
40% Bonus Attack Damage to Earth Element Targets
A straight bladed sword that can be brutally swung just like a baseball bat.
This item is not Refinable
Class :Two-handed Sword
Attack Strength: 136
Weight : 160
Weapon Level: 2
Required Level : 1
Jobs: Swordman Class
There are no worries in the world when you are wearing this on your head.
Type: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Required Job: All Jobs
[Lace La Zard]mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0
2016-10-28 02:27 identifiedDisplayName Classic Underneath Bastard Sword 2 Week Rental Box Costume Very Cute Doll Hat
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.