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Public reports
Name Date
woe_20250126.rrf 01/26/2025 19:02:09
看人打蛇.rrf 01/26/2025 18:47:51
一般.rrf 01/26/2025 18:17:01
黑蛇.rrf 01/26/2025 18:16:38
test2.rrf 01/26/2025 17:54:11
冰晶弓靴+變幻斗.rrf 01/26/2025 17:53:51
冰晶弓靴.rrf 01/26/2025 17:52:48
加農OSAD.rrf 01/26/2025 17:51:42
惡魔型輸出.rrf 01/26/2025 17:46:34
20秒全力打擊.rrf 01/26/2025 17:38:01
暗屬性傷害測試.rrf 01/26/2025 17:27:01
333 01/26/2025 17:21:19
新鞋子.rrf 01/26/2025 17:21:11
火力全開(四大套、瘋兔套、席琳套).rrf 01/26/2025 17:19:19
善惡.rrf 01/26/2025 17:17:19
全開.rrf 01/26/2025 16:56:14
oghc him 777.rrf 01/26/2025 16:03:40
席琳套+變幻+音盤.rrf 01/26/2025 15:42:04
席琳套 法弓 20S.rrf 01/26/2025 15:37:57
席琳整套+瘋兔包+音盤.rrf 01/26/2025 15:35:05
席琳整套+瘋兔包 20S.rrf 01/26/2025 15:33:04
20秒 +13瘋兔包.rrf 01/26/2025 15:27:53
+13瘋兔包20S.rrf 01/26/2025 15:25:53
咒3基米卡四大套20S.rrf 01/26/2025 14:55:05
咒3 基米卡席琳套.rrf 01/26/2025 14:54:06
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.