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Status Shadow Item Combiner
23247 StatusShadow_Mix 스테이터스S변환상자

A device that will produce an Almighty Shadow Earring or Almighty Shadow Pendant if you combine five status(Str, Int, Vit, Agi, Dex, Luk) shadow items with +7 refine level or higher.
Refining Level of material items do not affect the result.

Class: Item Giver
Weight: 1


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2020-09-25


By Ralen on 07/27/2024
When using this item you are randomly given either one Almighty Shadow Earring or one Almighty Shadow Pendant.
To use it have five of the items in the list below in your inventory while each is at +7 or higher, then use the Combiner, drag or double click all five items (can use five of the same piece or any combination of different pieces so long as there are five total), then click the button to exchange for one Almighty accessory.

Exchangeable shadows:
Lucky Shadow Armor/Weapon
Intelligent Shadow Pendant/Earring
Dexterous Shadow Armor/Weapon
Athletic Shadow Shield/Shoes
Power Shadow Earring/Pendant
Vital Shadow Shield/Shoes

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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName ?쇳뵾?ㅻ슍?깆긽?? 라피네뚝딱상자
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName ?쇳뵾?ㅻ슍?깆긽?? 라피네뚝딱상자
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 라피네뚝딱상자 ?쇳뵾?ㅻ슍?깆긽??
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 라피네뚝딱상자 ?쇳뵾?ㅻ슍?깆긽??
2020-09-25 05:49 unidentifiedResourceName 라피네뚝딱상자
2020-09-25 05:49 unidentifiedDescriptionName A device that will produce an Almighty Shadow Earring or Almighty Shadow Pendant if you combine five status(Str, Int, Vit, Agi, Dex, Luk) shadow items with +7 refine level or higher.
Refining Level of material items do not affect the result.

Class: Item Giver
Weight: 1
2020-09-25 05:49 identifiedResourceName 라피네뚝딱상자
2020-09-25 05:49 unidentifiedDisplayName Status Shadow Item Combiner
2020-09-25 05:49 identifiedDisplayName Status Shadow Item Combiner
2020-09-25 05:49 identifiedDescriptionName A device that will produce an Almighty Shadow Earring or Almighty Shadow Pendant if you combine five status(Str, Int, Vit, Agi, Dex, Luk) shadow items with +7 refine level or higher.
Refining Level of material items do not affect the result.

Class: Item Giver
Weight: 1
2020-09-25 05:49 weight 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.