Name Weight Type Subtype Server
Gale Shadow Pendant 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left) dpRO kROM
Gale Storm Tuning Device 0 Enchant - dpRO iRO kROM kROS twRO
Galensis Card 1 Card - cRO dpRO iRO jRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Galion Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gambler Hat 20 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gambler's Seal 50 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gambler's Seal 10 Armor Headgear dpRO kROM
Gambler's Seal [1] 10 Armor Headgear bRO dpRO kROM
Gan Ceann Card 1 Card - cRO dpRO iRO jRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Ganbantein 200 Weapon Two-handed Rod bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gang Scarf 0 - - bRO dpRO dpROS GGH ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG
Gangsta Scroll 0 Consumable Special dpRO GGH
Gangster Mask 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gangster Scarf 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garden Administration 3 Set Reward 0 Consumable Special dpRO kROM
Garden Administration 5 Set Reward 0 Consumable Special dpRO kROM
Garden Administration Activation Reward 0 Consumable Special dpRO kROM
Garden Administration Completion Reward 0 Consumable Special dpRO kROM
Garden of Eden [1] 40 Armor Headgear bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO jRO
Gardener Shoes 30 Armor Shoes dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Gardener Shoes [1] 30 Armor Shoes bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Gardener's Cookie 1 Etc. - cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Garfish 0 Weapon Two-handed Sword bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gargantua Shadow Shield 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Shield bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gargoyle Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garlet 1 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garling Card 1 Card - dpRO kROM
Garment Card Album 5 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garment Enchantment Box 0 - - iRO twRO
Garnet 10 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garrick's Storm Scroll 1 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garrison [1] 50 Weapon Pistol bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garrison [2] 50 Weapon Pistol bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garuda Hat [1] 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Garuda Hat Box 10 Cash Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU
Garuda Scroll 0 - - bRO dpRO dpROS GGH ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG
Gary's Groove Box 1 Cash - dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU
Gary's Groovy Pack 1 Cash - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU
Gas Mask 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gas Mask 0 Etc. - cRO dpRO iRO jRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Gaster Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Gate Keeper 100 Weapon Shotgun bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gate Keeper-DD 130 Weapon Shotgun bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gate of Netherworld [1] 10 Armor Headgear bRO dpRO iRO jRO
Gathered Herb 0 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gathering Party Costume Egg 0 Consumable Special iRO
Gauntlet of Accuracy 90 Armor Accessory bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC twRO vnRO
Gauntlet Of Happiness [1] 100 Armor Accessory bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH jRO ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gazeti Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
GC109 Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geek Glasses 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geek Glasses [1] 10 Armor Costume Helm bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG vnRO
Geffen Arena Certificate 0 Etc. - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS twRO
Geffen Arena Champion Certificate 0 Etc. - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS twRO
Geffen Arena Coin 0 Etc. - cRO dpRO iRO jRO kROM kROS twRO
Geffen Gang Card 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geffen Magic Accessory Scroll 10 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geffen Magic Armor Scroll 10 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geffen Magic Coin 0 Etc. - dpRO dpROS iRO iROT ropEU ropRU
Geffen Magic Contest Coin 0 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geffen Magic Muffler [1] 55 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Geffen Magic Robe [1] 100 Armor Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geffen Magic Tournament 12 Refine Cube 1 Consumable Special bRO dpRO dpROS kROM kROS vnRO
Geffen Tablet 0 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geffen Thief Card 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geffen Thug Card 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geffenia Card Box 1 Cash - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU
Geffenia Ice Magic Tool [1] 50 Armor Accessory dpRO dpROS iRO jRO
Geffenia Water Book [1] 100 Armor Shield bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geheimnis Terra Scroll 1 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geist Shadow Armor 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Geist Shadow Shield 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Shield bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gelerdria 70 Weapon Spear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gelerdria [3] 70 Weapon Spear bRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Gemini Crown 30 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemini Crown Box 1 Cash Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU
Gemini Crown Scroll 1 Cash - dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU
Gemini Crown Scroll 10 Box 1 Cash - dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU
Gemini Diadem [1] 30 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemini Diadem Box 1 Cash Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU
Gemini-S58 Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemini-S58 Eyes 10 Armor Costume Helm bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemma Hairband 20 Armor Headgear bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Gemmed Sallet 50 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemmed Sallet [1] 50 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone 1 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone of Time 0 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Armor 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Box 1 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Combination 1 Consumable Special cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS ropRU twRO
Gemstone Shadow Earring 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Earring II 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Mix Recipe 1 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Pendant 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Shield 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Shield bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Shield II 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Shield bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Shoes 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Shoes bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Weapon 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Gemstone Shadow Weapon II 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROG twRO vnRO
Gender Change Card 0 Consumable Special dpRO kROM
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.