Abandoned Lab Amicitia (amicitia2) iRO Wikiexternal Map viewer

This is just a map viewer. It has no connection to any ragnarok server.

Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Amount
243 Lavaeter 33,910,920 7,694 - 11,271 1,211 - 1,918 317,899 222,529 Formless Fire 3 Small 441 101 646 614 Normal 65
244 Fulgor 36,820,210 7,765 - 11,374 1,219 - 1,938 314,774 220,342 Brute Water 3 Medium 511 142 645 595 Normal 65
244 Napeo 30,324,840 7,771 - 11,384 1,204 - 1,906 315,666 220,966 Plant Wind 3 Medium 511 144 591 571 Normal 65
244 Galensis 35,885,800 7,774 - 11,381 1,245 - 1,972 316,687 221,681 Human Earth 3 Medium 395 114 630 621 Normal 65
245 The One 275,042,400 12,292 - 18,109 2,558 - 4,211 7,599,887 5,319,921 Formless Neutral 3 Large 654 114 689 679 Boss 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.