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Basic Info
3359 Lv. 130
Insect Small Earth 1
Primary stats
44 STR 59 AGI 55 VIT
21 INT 99 DEX 33 LUK
Secondary stats
51,100 Health 135 Def 20 MDef
1 Range 882 - 1,237 Attack 214 - 269 MATK
389 Req. Hit 399 Req. Flee
0 Res (-0.00%) 0 Mres (-0.00%)
5.00 Speed (cells/sec)
1.49 Aspd (attacks/sec)


Neutral 100%
Water 100%
Earth 25%
Fire 150%
Wind 90%
Poison 150%
Holy 100%
Dark 100%
Ghost 100%
Undead 100%


Aggressive Assist Looter Change target Change target on attack Immobile Cast sensor Normal
Id Name Enchant Type Subtype Sell price Drop chance
 6893 To Serve Man Etc. - 0z 70%
 6892 Invasion Book Etc. - 0z 5%
 12735 Ancient Rough Runestone Consumable Special 1z 0.05%
 7939 Elder Branch Etc. - 750z 0.5%
 993 Green Live Etc. - 375z 0.5%
 11565 [Event] White Potion Consumable Regeneration 0z 50%
 22554 [Event] First Aid Box Consumable Special 0z 10%
* This item is protected from being stolen.
Level >= % Exp Job Exp
114 40 800 800
115 115 2,300 2,300
116 120 2,400 2,400
117 125 2,500 2,500
118 130 2,600 2,600
119 135 2,700 2,700
120 140 2,800 2,800
121 135 2,700 2,700
122 130 2,600 2,600
123 125 2,500 2,500
124 120 2,400 2,400
125 115 2,300 2,300
126 110 2,200 2,200
127 105 2,100 2,100
130 100 2,000 2,000
131 100 2,000 2,000
136 95 1,900 1,900
141 90 1,800 1,800
146 85 1,700 1,700
151 60 1,200 1,200
156 35 700 700
161 10 200 200
 Play  Name


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.