알디나 Spritesheet


Excavation Site of Verus (verus04)

Title Quickinfo Info
Verus Landscaping Department's Request Confirm the source of stench Aldina at the Landscaping Department asked me to search the [dump site]verus04,28,115,0,101,0 for the illegally dumped source of stench.
Aldina's New Request (1) Talk to Aldina Aldina frowned at the box, and then started creating a document to fulfill her duty as a governmental official.
Aldina's New Request (2) Talk to Gregor Aldina thrust the fine notice into my pocket and asked me to collect the illegal dumping fine from the Biolo who did it. I should go to his [lab]verus04,53,263,0,101,0.
Title Quickinfo Info
Report to Aldina Talk to Aldina I used my professional skills and knowledge to address the problem in Verus. I should report back to [Aldina]verus04,157,165,0,101,0.
Aldina's New Request (1) Talk to Aldina Aldina frowned at the box, and then started creating a document to fulfill her duty as a governmental official.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.