Salesman Spritesheet


Rachel, the Capital of Arunafeltz States (rachel)

Title Quickinfo Info
Water Purification (2) Put the Filter into Water Bucket You purchased a Water Filter from the trader.
Now you can get clean water by bringing it to the [Water Bucket]wolfvill,104,234,0,101,0 in Gray Wolf Village.
[Daily] Water Purification (2) Put the Filter into Water Bucket You purchased a Water Filter from the trader.
Now you can get clean water by bringing it to the [Water Bucket]wolfvill,104,234,0,101,0 in Gray Wolf Village.
Title Quickinfo Info
Water Purification (1) Buy a Water Filter Budan of Gray Wolf Village asks you to buy a Water Filter in Rachel.
Let's go to Rachel and find the [Trader]rachel,103,141,0,101,0.
[Daily] Water Purification (1) Buy a Water Filter Budan of Gray Wolf Village asks you to buy a Water Filter in Rachel.
Let's go to Rachel and find the [Trader]rachel,103,141,0,101,0.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.