Suad Spritesheet


Gray Wolf Village (wolfvill)

Title Quickinfo Info
People's Opinion (1) Talk to Passionate Young Man I was advised to come after hearing various opinions. Let's hear the opinion of [Passionate Young Man]wolfvill,145,146,0,101,0.
People's Opinion (2) Talk to Native Old Man I was advised to come after hearing various opinions. Let's hear the opinion of [Native Old Man]wolfvill,139,148,0,101,0.
People's Opinion (3) Talk to Passionate Old Man I was advised to come after hearing various opinions. Let's hear the opinion of [Passionate Old Man]wolfvill,150,147,0,101,0.
People's Opinion (4) Talk to Timid Young Man I was advised to come after hearing various opinions. Let's hear the opinion of [Timid Young Man]wolfvill,152,145,0,101,0.
Source of Weapons (1) Talk to Miriam After the meeting, [Miriam]wolfvill,148,151,0,101,0 quietly called you and the others. What's going on?
Title Quickinfo Info
Gray Wolf Forest Tournament (1) Talk to Suad The Great Conference of the Gray Wolf Forest will soon begin. Let's go meet [Suad]wolfvill,144,151,0,101,0 where people are gathered.
Gray Wolf Forest Tournament (2) Talk to Suad I think I have listened enough opinions of the people of Gray Wolf Forest. Let's go back to [Suad]wolfvill,144,151,0,101,0.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.