Napalm Beat
Napalm beat
Max Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Special Attack(Magic)
Target: 1 Enemy
Description: Attack an enemy from a distance
through the use of psychokinetic energy.

Description : Strikes at a single target with psychokinetic energy to inflict Ghost property magic damage to all enemies within the area of effect.
The more targets, the more scattered the damage.

[Lv 1] : MATK 80%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 2] : MATK 90%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 3] : MATK 100%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 4] : MATK 110%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 5] : MATK 120%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 6] : MATK 130%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 7] : MATK 140%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv 8] : MATK 150%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv 9] : MATK 160%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv10] : MATK 170%, SP Consumption:18

Skill information

Max level 10
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
SP consumption 9 9 9 12 12 12 15 15 15 18
After cast delay 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 0.9 sec 0.9 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.7 sec 0.6 sec 0.5 sec
Fixed Casttime 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.1 sec
Variable Casttime 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec 0.4 sec
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
118 Beholder 10,000 937 - 1,276 275 - 358 2,009 1,390 Demon Dark 2 Large 76 25 393 414 Normal
119 Plasma 16,100 878 - 1,187 304 - 385 2,367 2,652 Formless Ghost 4 Small 130 45 413 433 Normal
119 Plasma Ringleader 80,500 1,001 - 1,372 304 - 385 11,835 39,780 Formless Ghost 4 Small 130 45 413 433
120 Beholder 19,651 850 - 1,167 318 - 396 2,652 2,544 Formless Wind 2 Small 50 30 402 422 Normal
123 Lady Solace 29,028 1,067 - 1,486 280 - 379 3,095 2,972 Angel Holy 3 Medium 96 96 388 418 Boss
123 Elusive Lady Solace 145,140 1,234 - 1,737 280 - 379 15,475 44,580 Angel Holy 3 Medium 96 96 388 418
135 Rudo 501,489 1,361 - 1,922 1,227 - 2,128 13,633 13,649 Angel Holy 3 Small 196 96 400 430 Boss
144 Released Spell 291,046 1,637 - 2,336 1,070 - 1,761 19,403 13,582 Formless Ghost 2 Medium 180 87 464 404 Normal
147 Lichtern (Y) 131,513 1,420 - 1,987 1,330 - 2,267 7,071 7,669 Formless Ghost 4 Small 84 51 441 461 Normal
201 Smile Giver 3,811,137 4,168 - 6,057 1,592 - 2,669 0 0 Angel Holy 3 Medium 372 78 509 509 Boss
201 웃음을 주는 자 3,808,424 4,652 - 6,773 1,664 - 2,797 253,895 177,726 Angel Holy 3 Medium 318 118 568 570 Normal
Name Type Subtype
Banshee Card Card -
Death Word Card Card -
Harpy Card Card -
Super Novice


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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Napalm beat
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Special Attack(Magic)
Target: 1 Enemy
Description: Attack an enemy from a distance
through the use of psychokinetic energy.

Description : Strikes at a single target with psychokinetic energy to inflict Ghost property magic damage to all enemies within the area of effect.
The more targets, the more scattered the damage.

[Lv 1] : MATK 80%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 2] : MATK 90%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 3] : MATK 100%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 4] : MATK 110%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 5] : MATK 120%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 6] : MATK 130%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 7] : MATK 140%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv 8] : MATK 150%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv 9] : MATK 160%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv10] : MATK 170%, SP Consumption:18
Napalm beat
Max Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Special Attack(Magic)
Target: 1 Enemy
Description: Attack an enemy from a distance
through the use of psychokinetic energy.

Description : Strikes at a single target with psychokinetic energy to inflict Ghost property magic damage to all enemies within the area of effect.
The more targets, the more scattered the damage.

[Lv 1] : MATK 80%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 2] : MATK 90%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 3] : MATK 100%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 4] : MATK 110%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 5] : MATK 120%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 6] : MATK 130%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 7] : MATK 140%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv 8] : MATK 150%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv 9] : MATK 160%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv10] : MATK 170%, SP Consumption:18
2020-05-02 05:27 description Napalm Beat
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Form: Offensive
Property: Spiritual
Target: Enemy
Description: Attack an enemy from a distance
through the use of psychokinetic energy.

[Lv 1]:9sp, 1sec delay, +80% Matk dmg
[Lv 2]:9sp, 1sec delay, +90% Matk dmg
[Lv 3]:9sp, 1sec delay, +100% Matk dmg
[Lv 4]:12sp, 0.9sec delay, +110% Matk dmg
[Lv 5]:12sp, 0.9sec delay, +120% Matk dmg
[Lv 6]:12sp, 0.8sec delay, +130% Matk dmg
[Lv 7]:15sp, 0.8sec delay, +140% Matk dmg
[Lv 8]:15sp, 0.7sec delay, +150% Matk dmg
[Lv 9]:15sp, 0.6sec delay, +160% Matk dmg
[Lv 10]:18sp, 0.5sec delay, 170% Matk dmg
Napalm beat
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Special Attack(Magic)
Target: 1 Enemy
Description: Attack an enemy from a distance
through the use of psychokinetic energy.

Description : Strikes at a single target with psychokinetic energy to inflict Ghost property magic damage to all enemies within the area of effect.
The more targets, the more scattered the damage.

[Lv 1] : MATK 80%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 2] : MATK 90%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 3] : MATK 100%, SP Consumption: 9
[Lv 4] : MATK 110%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 5] : MATK 120%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 6] : MATK 130%, SP Consumption:12
[Lv 7] : MATK 140%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv 8] : MATK 150%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv 9] : MATK 160%, SP Consumption:15
[Lv10] : MATK 170%, SP Consumption:18
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.