Sunset Blast
Sunset Blast
MAX Lv : 5
Skill requirement : Sky Mastery 5, Noon Blast 1
Skill form : Active
Type : Melee Physical
Target : Single Target
Recovery : AP 2
Details : Can only be used when the current celestial movement is Noon or Sunset..
Kicks the target with the power of blazing sun, inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target..
Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW..
If the current celestial movement is Sunset, applies critical damage, the critical chance is the user's Cri.
The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half..

[Lv 1] : ATK 1200+(Sky Mastery Lv x5)%/3x3cells
[Lv 2] : ATK 1500+(Sky Mastery Lv x10)%/3x3cells
[Lv 3] : ATK 1800+(Sky Mastery Lv x15)%/5x5cells
[Lv 4] : ATK 2100+(Sky Mastery Lv x20)%/5x5cells
[Lv 5] : ATK 2400+(Sky Mastery Lv x25)%/7x7cells

Skill information

Max level 5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
SP consumption 28 30 32 34 36

No data available

Sky Emperor


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Date Field Old New
2024-11-05 21:49 description Sunset Blast
MAX Lv : 5
Skill requirement : Sky Mastery 5, Noon Blast 1
Skill form : Active
Type : Melee Physical
Target : Single Target
Recovery : AP 2
Details : Can only be used when the current celestial movement is Noon or Sunset..
Kicks the target with the power of blazing sun, inflicts melee physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies around the target..
Deals additional damage depends on level of Sky Mastery user learned, user's base level and POW..
If the current celestial movement is Sunset, applies critical damage, the critical chance is the user's Cri.
The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half..

[Lv 1] : ATK 1200+(Sky Mastery Lv x5)%/3x3cells
[Lv 2] : ATK 1500+(Sky Mastery Lv x10)%/3x3cells
[Lv 3] : ATK 1800+(Sky Mastery Lv x15)%/5x5cells
[Lv 4] : ATK 2100+(Sky Mastery Lv x20)%/5x5cells
[Lv 5] : ATK 2400+(Sky Mastery Lv x25)%/7x7cells
2024-11-05 21:49 name Sunset Blast
2024-11-05 21:49 MaxLv 0 5
2023-09-22 21:08 MaxLv 5 0
2023-09-07 21:19 MaxLv 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.