Blazing Flame Blast
Blazing Flame Blast
Max level : 5
Skill Requirement: Massive Flame Blaster level 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Ranged Physical
Target: Single target
Recovery: AP 2
Description: Can only be used in Fury state.
Inflicts long ranged physical damage to the target ,if the user is under Massive Flame Blaster buff, the skill will deal more damage.
Deals additional damage depends on user's base level and POW, has a chance to trigger critical, critical chance is the user's Cri.
The effectiveness of critical modifier is applied by half.

[Level 1]: 5800% Atk / 7700% Atk (Massive Flame Blaster).
[Level 2]: 9600% Atk / 11900% Atk (Massive Flame Blaster).
[Level 3]: 13400% Atk / 16100% Atk (Massive Flame Blaster).
[Level 4]: 17200% Atk / 20300% Atk (Massive Flame Blaster).
[Level 5]: 21000% Atk / 24500% Atk (Massive Flame Blaster).

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Wilhelm Lugenburg Card Card -


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