Mandragora Howl

Skill information

Max level 5
Flags ▪ Display range (only monster skills)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
SP consumption 0 0 0 0 0
Data 1 20 40 60 80 100
Data 2 5 6 7 8 9
Data 3 30 35 40 45 50
Data 4 4 8 12 16 20
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
69 Amon Ra 1,009,000 1,827 - 2,663 1,636 - 2,867 120,060 93,960 Human Earth 3 Large 213 123 358 340 Boss
80 Lady Tanee 360,000 1,714 - 2,489 848 - 1,403 183,744 130,500 Plant Wind 3 Large 241 104 388 490 Boss
128 Vesper 3,802,000 3,239 - 4,706 3,517 - 6,310 1,755,000 1,237,500 Brute Holy 2 Large 402 109 523 553 Boss
145 Amon Ra (Nightmare) 2,515,784 3,515 - 5,158 2,516 - 4,437 1,626,487 1,432,295 Human Earth 3 Large 367 301 434 416 Boss
176 Flamel Emule 2,312,000 2,982 - 4,315 2,659 - 4,658 80,000 40,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 130 100 456 546 Boss
186 Genetic Flamel 3,600,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 Genetic Flamel 14,400,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
240 환영의 타니 아가씨 78,560,000 7,588 - 11,177 5,139 - 9,132 0 0 Plant Wind 3 Large 241 104 656 650 Boss
249 Amon Ra of the Illusion 62,053,500 3,765 - 5,437 3,383 - 5,846 0 0 Human Earth 3 Large 213 123 627 621 Boss
250 아몬 라 100,900,000 3,766 - 5,438 3,384 - 5,847 120,060 93,960 Human Earth 3 Large 413 246 628 622 Boss

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Date Field Old New
2017-09-22 12:36 description
2017-09-22 12:36 name Mandragora Howl
2017-09-22 12:36 MaxLv 5
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.