Blitz Beat
Blitz Beat
Max Lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : special physics
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Commands the Falcon to dive at a single target and strike repeatedly to inflict piercing ranged damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target.
Falcon damage increases with owner's AGI and DEX.
For every 3 points of LUK the chance of auto-cast is increased by 1%.
Falcon has a range equal to 3 cells added to the range of Vulture's Eye skill learned by the caster.

[Lv 1] : Number of consecutive hits: 1times, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2] : Number of consecutive hits: 2times, SP Consumption: 13
[Lv 3] : Number of consecutive hits: 3times, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4] : Number of consecutive hits: 4times, SP Consumption: 19
[Lv 5] : Number of consecutive hits: 5times, SP Consumption: 22

Skill information

Max level 5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
SP consumption 10 13 16 19 22
After cast delay 1 sec
Fixed Casttime 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec
Variable Casttime 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
75 Swift Argiope 17,850 394 - 523 140 - 170 3,970 11,010 Insect Poison 1 Large 88 32 298 269
75 King Poring 4,835 135 - 135 80 - 80 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 71 5 292 302 Normal
75 GM Cultist 4,835 115 - 115 105 - 105 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 67 31 307 364 Normal
75 iRO GM Cultist 2,835 115 - 115 105 - 105 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 67 31 345 325 Normal
75 Orc Lady 4,835 115 - 115 85 - 85 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 83 17 286 302 Normal
75 Lord of Darkness Antoni 4,835 150 - 150 90 - 90 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 85 5 336 335 Normal
75 Ifrit 60,000 170 - 170 171 - 171 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 256 92 370 400 Normal
75 Orc Hero 90,000 172 - 172 146 - 146 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 197 70 357 389 Normal
75 High Orc 60,000 150 - 150 106 - 106 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 101 45 291 328 Normal
75 [PH] Monster Name 27,120 368 - 493 228 - 303 1,952 6,125 Formless Water 2 Large 156 85 374 333 Boss
75 [PH] Monster Name 325,000 410 - 540 299 - 434 48,750 24,375 Human Earth 3 Large 183 90 299 309 Boss
76 Dark Frame 3,653 327 - 418 107 - 125 809 749 Demon Dark 3 Medium 67 27 313 310 Normal
76 Parasite 3,155 333 - 434 157 - 184 809 749 Plant Wind 2 Medium 63 30 354 352 Normal
76 Mysteltainn R 33,350 1,173 - 1,684 307 - 475 0 0 Formless Dark 4 Large 48 30 415 437 Boss
76 Solid Parasite 31,550 373 - 494 157 - 184 4,045 11,235 Plant Wind 2 Medium 63 30 354 352
76 [PH] Monster Name 5,200 221 - 273 181 - 226 500 425 Insect Earth 2 Medium 116 16 338 316 Normal
76 [PH] Monster Name 4,100 231 - 275 175 - 208 405 375 Brute Earth 2 Small 110 6 365 345 Normal
77 Doppelganger 380,000 1,881 - 2,722 967 - 1,672 172,260 125,280 Demon Dark 3 Medium 246 86 399 450 Boss
77 Angeling 19,800 447 - 604 283 - 370 1,683 1,346 Angel Holy 4 Medium 72 238 327 327 Boss
77 Wraith 4,415 367 - 482 174 - 211 906 723 Undead Undead 4 Large 80 40 303 338 Normal
77 Dimik 10,000 1,007 - 1,464 680 - 1,184 0 0 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 45 28 346 323 Normal
77 Venatu 12,717 749 - 1,036 227 - 304 0 0 Formless Fire 2 Medium 96 20 333 305 Normal
77 Nc Dimik 10,000 1,007 - 1,464 680 - 1,184 0 0 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 72 28 312 391 Normal
77 Crystal H 7,777,777 15,722 - 23,544 5,597 - 10,264 2,077,777 1,888,888 Formless Neutral 3 Large 77 77 284 339 Boss
77 [PH] Monster Name 4,400 260 - 302 147 - 178 435 515 Brute Earth 2 Large 110 14 325 284 Normal
78 Mistress 378,000 942 - 1,336 1,567 - 2,748 184,140 150,660 Insect Wind 4 Small 287 192 464 420 Boss
78 Orc Archer 3,474 367 - 484 138 - 163 880 779 Human Earth 1 Medium 67 31 310 367 Normal
78 Orc Bowman (Instance) 54,835 537 - 740 138 - 163 0 0 Human Earth 1 Medium 67 31 310 398 Normal
79 Moonlight Flower 324,000 1,950 - 2,843 1,036 - 1,787 183,744 135,720 Demon Fire 3 Medium 254 81 381 406 Boss
79 Pasana 3,020 374 - 483 127 - 151 854 794 Human Fire 2 Medium 93 35 315 329 Normal
79 Petite 3,197 361 - 470 159 - 180 854 794 Dragon Wind 1 Medium 86 42 318 335 Normal
79 Cat o' Nine Tails 23,600 524 - 711 185 - 233 2,074 2,896 Demon Fire 3 Medium 100 50 354 328 Boss
79 Iara 4,262 324 - 412 208 - 267 854 794 Fish Water 3 Medium 0 76 293 332 Normal
79 Cultist 12,000 505 - 680 127 - 151 0 0 Human Fire 2 Medium 93 35 315 329 Normal
79 Swift Pasana 15,100 417 - 548 127 - 151 4,270 11,910 Human Fire 2 Medium 93 35 315 329
79 Solid Iara 42,620 359 - 464 208 - 267 4,270 11,910 Fish Water 3 Medium 0 76 293 332
79 월야화 324,000 1,950 - 2,843 1,036 - 1,787 0 0 Demon Fire 3 Medium 254 81 381 406 Boss
80 Evil Druid 4,720 389 - 512 172 - 213 955 766 Undead Undead 4 Large 88 45 312 335 Normal
80 Wind Ghost 3,631 366 - 479 201 - 258 869 809 Demon Wind 3 Medium 64 51 307 352 Normal
80 Goat 2,905 365 - 478 162 - 198 869 809 Brute Fire 3 Medium 95 43 320 328 Normal
80 Jing Guai 3,994 410 - 545 143 - 168 912 809 Demon Earth 3 Medium 110 37 302 324 Normal
80 Lady Tanee 360,000 1,714 - 2,489 848 - 1,403 183,744 130,500 Plant Wind 3 Large 241 104 388 490 Boss
80 Tristan III 43,000 1,287 - 1,888 331 - 487 1 1 Undead Undead 4 Medium 25 30 290 334 Fixed drop rate
80 Archer Guardian 80,404 1,794 - 2,603 645 - 1,054 0 0 Human Neutral 4 Large 64 62 360 448 Boss
80 Garden Keeper 100 81 - 82 81 - 82 0 0 Formless Earth 2 Small 160 99 281 251 Boss
80 Bow Guardian 241,212 1,794 - 2,603 645 - 1,054 0 0 Human Neutral 4 Large 64 62 360 448 Boss
80 Orc Lady (Instance) 50,058 512 - 698 370 - 603 0 0 Human Earth 2 Medium 56 10 315 345 Normal
80 Dandelion H 120,000 349 - 484 293 - 476 0 0 Human Dark 2 Medium 0 10 299 326 Normal
80 Headless Mule 3,268 395 - 518 154 - 189 869 809 Demon Fire 3 Large 33 44 331 330 Normal
80 Rafflesia Arnoldi 3,631 367 - 490 189 - 230 912 809 Plant Earth 1 Medium 80 20 312 335 Normal
80 Amset-Ra 400,000 2,577 - 3,777 1,611 - 2,811 0 0 Undead Undead 4 Medium 172 164 379 415 Boss
80 Solid Wind Ghost 36,310 411 - 546 201 - 258 4,345 12,135 Demon Wind 3 Medium 64 51 307 352
80 Elusive Jing Guai 19,970 464 - 625 143 - 168 4,560 12,135 Demon Earth 3 Medium 110 37 302 324
80 Solid Goat 29,050 410 - 545 162 - 198 4,345 12,135 Brute Fire 3 Medium 95 43 320 328
80 Goat Ringleader 14,525 410 - 545 162 - 198 4,345 12,135 Brute Fire 3 Medium 95 43 320 328
80 Elusive Evil Druid 23,600 438 - 586 172 - 213 4,775 11,490 Undead Undead 4 Large 88 45 312 335
80 Swift Rafflesia Arnoldi 18,155 416 - 564 189 - 230 4,560 12,135 Plant Earth 1 Medium 80 20 312 335
80 Rubylit 3,631 481 - 652 162 - 198 586 598 Formless Fire 1 Small 95 43 320 328 Normal
80 Sapphilit 3,631 481 - 652 162 - 198 586 598 Formless Water 1 Small 95 43 320 328 Normal
80 Emelit 3,631 481 - 652 162 - 198 586 598 Plant Earth 1 Small 95 43 320 328 Normal
80 Topalit 3,631 481 - 652 162 - 198 586 598 Dragon Holy 1 Small 95 43 320 328 Normal
80 Amelit 3,631 481 - 652 162 - 198 586 598 Formless Dark 1 Small 95 43 320 328 Normal
80 파트 메탈 드라곤 3,631 481 - 652 162 - 198 586 598 Human Undead 1 Small 95 43 320 328 Normal
80 Mythlit 3,631 481 - 652 162 - 198 586 598 Formless Dark 1 Small 95 43 320 328 Normal
80 The Frozen Heart 1,012 408 - 523 81 - 82 98 80 Formless Water 2 Small 2 10 281 300 Normal
80 Skeleton 4,070 514 - 714 445 - 745 2,500 2,200 Undead Undead 1 Medium 41 8 305 283 Normal
80 Farmiliar 3,990 470 - 650 413 - 683 2,380 2,060 Brute Dark 1 Small 30 20 310 295 Normal
80 Zombie 4,990 332 - 444 276 - 444 2,570 2,010 Undead Undead 1 Medium 25 12 301 293 Normal
80 하이 오크 7,512 584 - 799 180 - 239 1,029 1,005 Human Fire 2 Large 101 45 296 333 Normal
80 오크 아쳐 8,199 585 - 810 176 - 233 1,058 1,006 Human Earth 1 Medium 67 31 312 369 Normal
80 [PH] Monster Name 2,200,000 3,046 - 4,529 1,131 - 2,031 168,000 114,000 Fish Water 2 Large 280 280 281 251 Boss
80 [PH] Monster Name 5,000 401 - 561 130 - 172 802 711 Fish Water 2 Small 38 18 281 251 Normal
80 [PH] Monster Name 5,000 401 - 561 130 - 172 799 774 Human Water 3 Medium 62 8 281 251 Normal
80 [PH] Monster Name 5,000 401 - 561 130 - 172 799 774 Fish Water 2 Medium 48 26 281 251 Normal
80 [PH] Monster Name 5,000 401 - 561 130 - 172 799 774 Fish Water 1 Small 42 28 281 251 Normal
81 Baphomet 668,000 2,721 - 3,981 1,554 - 2,745 218,089 167,053 Demon Dark 3 Large 379 45 406 437 Boss
81 High Orc 4,077 409 - 536 147 - 177 954 889 Human Fire 2 Large 101 45 297 334 Normal
81 Clock 4,505 414 - 547 159 - 190 1,001 889 Formless Earth 2 Medium 91 43 305 348 Normal
81 Maya Purple 77,670 1,449 - 2,086 563 - 894 6,442 3,258 Insect Earth 4 Large 139 40 333 339 Boss
81 Sleeper 4,505 420 - 553 141 - 170 1,001 889 Formless Earth 2 Medium 101 29 322 316 Normal
81 Metaling 3,862 347 - 452 125 - 148 954 889 Formless Neutral 1 Small 69 28 311 311 Normal
81 Wood Goblin 4,720 430 - 569 106 - 115 1,001 889 Plant Earth 3 Medium 144 12 300 318 Normal
81 Garden Watcher 300,000 1,577 - 2,310 867 - 1,432 0 0 Angel Neutral 4 Medium 88 55 338 405 Boss
81 Orc Elite Guard (Instance) 44,193 586 - 801 217 - 307 0 0 Human Fire 2 Large 101 45 297 334 Normal
81 Comodo 4,291 377 - 492 130 - 155 954 889 Brute Poison 3 Medium 92 11 333 345 Normal
81 Elusive Wood Goblin 23,600 486 - 652 106 - 115 5,005 13,335 Plant Earth 3 Medium 144 12 300 318
81 Elusive Sleeper 22,525 473 - 632 141 - 170 5,005 13,335 Formless Earth 2 Medium 101 29 322 316
81 Swift Sleeper 22,525 473 - 632 141 - 170 5,005 13,335 Formless Earth 2 Medium 101 29 322 316
81 Solid Metaling 38,620 389 - 514 125 - 148 4,770 13,335 Formless Neutral 1 Small 69 28 311 311
81 Metaling Ringleader 19,310 389 - 514 125 - 148 4,770 13,335 Formless Neutral 1 Small 69 28 311 311
81 Solid High Orc 40,770 460 - 612 147 - 177 4,770 13,335 Human Fire 2 Large 101 45 297 334
81 Elusive Comodo 21,455 422 - 561 130 - 155 4,770 13,335 Brute Poison 3 Medium 92 11 333 345
81 Clock Ringleader 22,525 467 - 626 159 - 190 5,005 13,335 Formless Earth 2 Medium 91 43 305 348
81 Furious Clock 22,525 467 - 626 159 - 190 5,005 13,335 Formless Earth 2 Medium 91 43 312 348
81 Metaling 4,300 289 - 364 125 - 148 262 268 Formless Neutral 1 Small 69 28 311 311 Normal
81 alla Knight 54,465 443 - 588 141 - 170 0 0 Human Fire 1 Medium 101 29 322 316 Normal
81 alla Cavalier 54,465 443 - 588 141 - 170 0 0 Human Water 1 Medium 101 29 322 316 Normal
81 alla Templar 54,465 443 - 588 141 - 170 0 0 Human Earth 1 Medium 101 29 322 316 Normal
81 alla Rapier 54,465 443 - 588 141 - 170 0 0 Human Holy 1 Medium 101 29 322 316 Normal
81 alla Champion 54,465 443 - 588 141 - 170 0 0 Human Dark 1 Medium 101 29 322 316 Normal
Name Type Subtype
Unknown item #18196 Weapon Bow
Unknown item #18985 Armor Headgear
Unknown item #29404 - -
Unknown item #29416 - -
Falconer Claw [1] Armor Accessory
Flying Galapago Armor Headgear
Heavens Cage [1] Armor Headgear
Hunter Shadow Shoes Shadow Equipment Shadow Shoes
Paradise Hunter Crossbow Weapon Bow
Yoichi's Muffler [1] Armor Garment

No data available


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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Blitz Beat
MAX Lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : special physics
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Commands the Falcon to dive at a single target and strike repeatedly to inflict piercing ranged damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target.
Falcon damage increases with owner's AGI and DEX.
For every 3 points of LUK the chance of auto-cast is increased by 1%.
Falcon has a range equal to 3 cells added to the range of Vulture's Eye skill learned by the caster.

[Lv 1] : Number of consecutive hits: 1times, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2] : Number of consecutive hits: 2times, SP Consumption: 13
[Lv 3] : Number of consecutive hits: 3times, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4] : Number of consecutive hits: 4times, SP Consumption: 19
[Lv 5] : Number of consecutive hits: 5times, SP Consumption: 22
Blitz Beat
Max Lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : special physics
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Commands the Falcon to dive at a single target and strike repeatedly to inflict piercing ranged damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target.
Falcon damage increases with owner's AGI and DEX.
For every 3 points of LUK the chance of auto-cast is increased by 1%.
Falcon has a range equal to 3 cells added to the range of Vulture's Eye skill learned by the caster.

[Lv 1] : Number of consecutive hits: 1times, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2] : Number of consecutive hits: 2times, SP Consumption: 13
[Lv 3] : Number of consecutive hits: 3times, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4] : Number of consecutive hits: 4times, SP Consumption: 19
[Lv 5] : Number of consecutive hits: 5times, SP Consumption: 22
2020-05-02 05:27 description Blitz Beat
MAX lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
Description: Command Falcon to attack
a targeted enemy. Leveling this skill also
increases the chance of automatic attacks from
the Falcon when attacking an enemy with a
Bow Class Weapon. The Falcon's Attack Range
is equal to the level of the Vulture's Eye skill +3.

[Lv 1]:10sp, 1 Hit
[Lv 2]:13sp, 2 Hits
[Lv 3]:16sp, 3 Hits
[Lv 4]:19sp, 4 Hits
[Lv 5]:22sp, 5 Hits
Blitz Beat
MAX Lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : special physics
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Commands the Falcon to dive at a single target and strike repeatedly to inflict piercing ranged damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target.
Falcon damage increases with owner's AGI and DEX.
For every 3 points of LUK the chance of auto-cast is increased by 1%.
Falcon has a range equal to 3 cells added to the range of Vulture's Eye skill learned by the caster.

[Lv 1] : Number of consecutive hits: 1times, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2] : Number of consecutive hits: 2times, SP Consumption: 13
[Lv 3] : Number of consecutive hits: 3times, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4] : Number of consecutive hits: 4times, SP Consumption: 19
[Lv 5] : Number of consecutive hits: 5times, SP Consumption: 22
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.