History of iRO

Name Type Subtype Server
Overseas Care Package XXVI Armor Pet dpRO dpROS iRO iROT ropEU ropRU
Botany Mail Armor Armor bRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Menblatt Wing Manteau Armor Garment bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU thROG
Manteau Of Guardsman Armor Garment dpRO dpROS iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Mysterious Muffler Armor Garment bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Tengu Shoes Armor Shoes bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.