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Slimy Fluid
1001081 Slicky_Fluid

A fairly slippery clear liquid.

Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2023-09-07
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
213 Giant Caput 12,405,430 Formless Neutral 2 Large 288 125 494 485 Normal 16.8%
222 Angel Iceslug 16,734,483 Angel Holy 1 Medium 304 163 488 470 Normal 10.5%
235 Snowstorm Angel 207,606,917 Angel Holy 4 Large 329 179 518 503 Boss 17%
243 Bear Bug 25,609,178 Insect Fire 2 Small 255 134 614 569 Normal 5.5%
253 맹독의 사이드와인더 35,522,723 Brute Poison 1 Medium 463 488 604 618 Normal 18%
253 영혼의 위스퍼 33,220,493 Demon Ghost 3 Small 501 281 768 719 Normal 18%
255 영혼의 증오 39,467,913 Undead Ghost 4 Large 844 326 728 714 Normal 18%
264 Aferde 46,254,911 Insect Wind 2 Large 478 275 687 697 Normal 22.5%
273 헤카 23,207,890 Demon Wind 3 Large 282 364 610 663 Normal ?
273 강인한 헤카 51,101,790 Demon Wind 3 Large 348 504 678 775 Normal ?


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName 誘몃걣誘몃걣?쒖븸泥? 미끌미끌한액체
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName 誘몃걣誘몃걣?쒖븸泥? 미끌미끌한액체
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 미끌미끌한액체 誘몃걣誘몃걣?쒖븸泥?
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 미끌미끌한액체 誘몃걣誘몃걣?쒖븸泥?
2023-09-12 01:54 weight 1
2023-09-07 21:19 unidentifiedResourceName 미끌미끌한액체
2023-09-07 21:19 unidentifiedDisplayName Slimy Fluid
2023-09-07 21:19 unidentifiedDescriptionName A fairly slippery clear liquid.
2023-09-07 21:19 identifiedResourceName 미끌미끌한액체
2023-09-07 21:19 identifiedDisplayName Slimy Fluid
2023-09-07 21:19 identifiedDescriptionName A fairly slippery clear liquid.

Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.