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Kachua's Secret Box
100536 Main_Lucky_Box_US

This item cannot be traded with other accounts.
Weight: 0

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 0
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage no
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2020-08-21
Name Chance Enchant
1x  Weapon +12 Refine Ticket 0.01%
1x  Armor +12 Refine Ticket 0.01%
1x  Weapon +11 Refine Ticket 0.03%
1x  Armor +11 Refine Ticket 0.03%
1x  Armor +10 Refine Ticket 0.09%
1x  Weapon +10 Refine Ticket 0.09%
1x  Weapon +9 Refine Ticket 0.12%
1x  Armor +9 Refine Ticket 0.12%
1x  Weapon +8 Refine Ticket 0.15%
1x  Armor +8 Refine Ticket 0.15%
1x  Weapon +7 Refine Ticket 0.18%
1x  Armor +7 Refine Ticket 0.18%
1x  Essence of Powerful Soul 0.2%
1x  Tension Shadow Weapon 0.25%
1x  Tension Shadow Earring 0.25%
1x  Tension Shadow Pendant 0.25%
1x  Elegant Shadow Weapon 0.25%
1x  Elegant Shadow Earring 0.25%
1x  Elegant Shadow Pendant 0.25%
1x  Sentimental Shadow Weapon 0.25%
1x  Sentimental Shadow Earring 0.25%
1x  Sentimental Shadow Pendant 0.25%
1x  Enchanting Shadow Weapon 0.25%
1x  Enchanting Shadow Earring 0.25%
1x  Enchanting Shadow Pendant 0.25%
1x  Spell Circuit [1] 1%
1x  General Helm [1] 1%
1x  Golden Fish Hat [1] 1%
1x  Giant Snake Breath 1%
1x  Ancient Hero Boots [1] 1%
1x  Celine's Brooch Type K [1] 1%
1x  Violet Halo [1] 1.5%
1x  Blacksmith Blessing 2.02%
1x  Class Shadow Weapon Cube 2.02%
1x  Class Shadow Armor Cube 2.02%
1x  Class Shadow Shoes Cube 2.02%
1x  Class Shadow Shield Cube 2.02%
1x  Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.02%
1x  Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.02%
10x  [Not for sale]Shiny Physical DEF Scroll 5%
3x  Life Insurance 5%
1x  Yggdrasilberry Box 5%
1x  Unlimited Fly Wing 3 Day Box 5%
1x  Poison Bottle 30 Box 6%
1x  Strength Soul Potion Box 6%
1x  Agility Soul Potion Box 6%
1x  Vitality Soul Potion Box 6%
1x  Intelligence Soul Potion Box 6%
1x  Dexterity Soul Potion Box 6%
1x  Lucky Soul Potion Box 6%
1x  Butterfly Wing Box 6%
1x  Alchemist Box 6%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName ?ㅻ옒?쒗뙆?€?곸옄 오래된파란상자
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName ?ㅻ옒?쒗뙆?€?곸옄 오래된파란상자
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 ?ㅻ옒?쒗뙆?€?곸옄
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 ?ㅻ옒?쒗뙆?€?곸옄
2024-08-20 21:31 identifiedDescriptionName This item cannot be traded with other accounts.
Weight : 0
This item cannot be traded with other accounts.
Weight: 0
2024-08-20 21:31 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box North America Kachua's Secret Box
2024-08-20 21:31 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier. Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier.
2024-08-20 21:31 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box North America Kachua's Secret Box
2024-05-21 22:27 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier. Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier.
2023-11-14 21:23 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier. Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier.
2023-10-31 20:23 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier. Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier.
2023-07-21 01:01 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Secret Box North America
2023-07-21 01:01 identifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded.
Weight : 0
This item cannot be traded with other accounts.
Weight : 0
2023-07-21 01:01 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Secret Box North America
2023-06-22 21:33 unidentifiedDescriptionName Not graded. You can appraise it using the [magnifying glass]. Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier.
2023-06-22 21:33 identifiedDescriptionName This item cannot be traded with other accounts.
Weight: 0
Cannot be traded.
Weight : 0
2023-06-22 21:33 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box North America Kachua's Secret Box
2023-06-22 21:33 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box North America Kachua's Secret Box
2023-05-25 22:20 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown Item, can be identified by [Magnifier]. Not graded. You can appraise it using the [magnifying glass].
2023-05-25 22:20 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Secret Box North America
2023-05-25 22:20 identifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded.
Weight : 0
This item cannot be traded with other accounts.
Weight: 0
2023-05-25 22:20 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Secret Box North America
2023-03-23 21:07 unidentifiedResourceName 기만의열쇠 오래된파란상자
2023-03-23 21:07 unidentifiedDescriptionName The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
Unknown Item, can be identified by [Magnifier].
2023-03-23 21:07 identifiedResourceName 기만의열쇠 오래된파란상자
2023-03-23 21:07 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Key Kachua's Secret Box
2023-03-23 21:07 identifiedDescriptionName The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
Cannot be traded.
Weight : 0
2023-03-23 21:07 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Key Kachua's Secret Box
2023-02-17 01:51 unidentifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 기만의열쇠
2023-02-17 01:51 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Secret Key
2023-02-17 01:51 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier. The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
2023-02-17 01:51 identifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 기만의열쇠
2023-02-17 01:51 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Secret Key
2023-02-17 01:51 identifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded.
Weight : 0
The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
2022-09-30 01:52 unidentifiedDescriptionName The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier.
2022-09-30 01:52 identifiedDescriptionName The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
Cannot be traded.
Weight : 0
2022-08-19 03:31 unidentifiedResourceName 기만의열쇠 오래된파란상자
2022-08-19 03:31 unidentifiedDescriptionName The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
2022-08-19 03:31 identifiedResourceName 기만의열쇠 오래된파란상자
2022-08-19 03:31 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Key Kachua's Secret Box
2022-08-19 03:31 identifiedDescriptionName The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Shooting Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Genesis Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
2022-08-19 03:31 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Key Kachua's Secret Box
2022-07-22 04:01 unidentifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 기만의열쇠
2022-07-22 04:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier. The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
2022-07-22 04:01 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Box Kachua's Secret Key
2022-07-22 04:01 identifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded with others.
Weight : 0
The key to unlocking Kachua's Secret Box. It contains various treasures!
The contents of the secret box change every month, so please check before using it.
When opened gives one of the following
Shadow Smelting Hammer 0.40%
Perfect Size Lapine Box 0.40%
Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope 0.80%
Essence of Powerful Soul 0.75%
Cursed Knight's Shield 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Weapon 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Pendant 1.15%
Cart Cannon Shadow Earrings 1.15%
Refining Certificate Envelope 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Weapon) 5.00%
Shadow Cube (Armor) 5.00%
Class Weapon Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Armor Shadow Cube 2.94%
Class Shoes Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Shield Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Pendant Shadow Cube 2.93%
Class Earring Shadow Cube 2.93%
HE Bubble Gum 14.25%
Bloody Branch 14.25%
Yggdrasilberry Box 14.25%
Alchemist Box 14.25%
In addition every Kachua opened will award
HE Bubble Gum 100.00%
Type: Usable
Weight: 0
2022-07-22 04:01 identifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자 기만의열쇠
2022-07-22 04:01 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Box Kachua's Secret Key
2022-04-08 03:23 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Box
2022-04-08 03:23 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Box
2022-04-08 03:23 identifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded.
Weight : 0
Cannot be traded with others.
Weight : 0
2021-12-21 22:48 unidentifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box NA Kachua's Secret Box
2021-12-21 22:48 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown Item, can be identified by [Magnifier]. Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier.
2021-12-21 22:48 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box NA Kachua's Secret Box
2021-11-19 01:58 unidentifiedResourceName 사과 오래된파란상자
2021-11-19 01:58 unidentifiedDisplayName N/A Kachua's Secret Box NA
2021-11-19 01:58 unidentifiedDescriptionName An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier. Unknown Item, can be identified by [Magnifier].
2021-11-19 01:58 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box Kachua's Secret Box NA
2021-11-19 01:58 identifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded with others.
Weight : 0

Attack: 0
Weight: 0
Weapon Level: 0
Cannot be traded.
Weight : 0
2020-08-21 04:41 unidentifiedResourceName 사과
2020-08-21 04:41 unidentifiedDescriptionName An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier.
2020-08-21 04:41 unidentifiedDisplayName N/A
2020-08-21 04:41 identifiedResourceName 오래된파란상자
2020-08-21 04:41 identifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded with others.
Weight : 0

Attack: 0
Weight: 0
Weapon Level: 0
2020-08-21 04:41 identifiedDisplayName Kachua's Secret Box
2020-08-21 04:41 weight 0
2020-08-21 04:41 itemLevel 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.