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Varmund Rune Box
101067 Barmund_Rune_Box

A box created by Beta by collecting data from the Biosphere.
When used, you will get 10 pcs of one of the following item, Grass, Fire, Ice, and Death Rune Fragment.
Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2024-09-24
Name Chance Enchant
10x  Grass Rune Fragment 25%
10x  Fire Rune Fragment 25%
10x  Ice Rune Fragment 25%
10x  Death Rune Fragment 25%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-24 23:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box created by Beta by collecting data from the Biosphere.
When used, you will get 10 pcs of one of the following item, Grass, Fire, Ice, and Death Rune Fragment.
2024-09-24 23:03 unidentifiedResourceName 쉐도우큐브
2024-09-24 23:03 unidentifiedDisplayName Varmund Rune Box
2024-09-24 23:03 identifiedResourceName 쉐도우큐브
2024-09-24 23:03 identifiedDescriptionName A box created by Beta by collecting data from the Biosphere.
When used, you will get 10 pcs of one of the following item, Grass, Fire, Ice, and Death Rune Fragment.
Weight : 1
2024-09-24 23:03 identifiedDisplayName Varmund Rune Box
2024-09-24 23:03 weight 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.