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Prontera Costume Pack
12477 Gift_Bundle 선물보따리

Available for a limited time, this hat box contains costumes based on popular hats.
Are you looking for a cute new headgear?
When opened this box to receive one of the following:
Costume: Cake Hat
Costume: Gold Dragonhelm
Costume: Sakkat
Costume: Dark Blindfold
Costume: Angry Snarl
Costume: Cowboy Hat
Costume: Zorro Mask
Costume: Dagger in Mouth
Costume: Heart Eye Patch (NEW)
Costume: Full Moon (NEW)
The box can be traded and vended, but the costume headgears are account bound.
Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
185 [GM]스모키 20,000 Brute Poison 3 Medium 0 0 386 555 Boss 10%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
30x  Condensed White Potion 100%
2x  Yggdrasil Seed 100%
1x  GM Max Bond 100%
1x  Costume Cake Hat 10%
1x  Costume Sakkat 10%
1x  Costume: Dark Blindfold 10%
1x  Costume Gold Dragonhelm 10%
1x  Costume: Angry Snarl 10%
1x  Costume Full Moon 10%
1x  Costume Cowboy Hat 10%
1x  Costume Zorro Mask 10%
1x  Costume Pirate Dagger 10%
1x  Costume Heart Eyepatch 10%


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Date Field Old New
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedDescriptionName Available for a limited time, this hat box contains costumes based on popular hats.
Are you looking for a cute new headgear?
When opened this box to receive one of the following:
Costume: Cake Hat
Costume: Gold Dragonhelm
Costume: Sakkat
Costume: Dark Blindfold
Costume: Angry Snarl
Costume: Cowboy Hat
Costume: Zorro Mask
Costume: Dagger in Mouth
Costume: Heart Eye Patch (NEW)
Costume: Full Moon (NEW)
The box can be traded and vended, but the costume headgears are account bound.
Weight : 1
Available for a limited time, this hat box contains costumes based on popular hats.
Are you looking for a cute new headgear?
When opened this box to receive one of the following:
Costume: Cake Hat
Costume: Gold Dragonhelm
Costume: Sakkat
Costume: Dark Blindfold
Costume: Angry Snarl
Costume: Cowboy Hat
Costume: Zorro Mask
Costume: Dagger in Mouth
Costume: Heart Eye Patch (NEW)
Costume: Full Moon (NEW)
The box can be traded and vended, but the costume headgears are account bound.
Weight : 1
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedDescriptionName Available for a limited time, this hat box contains costumes based on popular hats.
Are you looking for a cute new headgear?
When opened this box to receive one of the following:
Costume: Cake Hat
Costume: Gold Dragonhelm
Costume: Sakkat
Costume: Dark Blindfold
Costume: Angry Snarl
Costume: Cowboy Hat
Costume: Zorro Mask
Costume: Dagger in Mouth
Costume: Heart Eye Patch (NEW)
Costume: Full Moon (NEW)
The box can be traded and vended, but the costume headgears are account bound.
Weight : 1
Available for a limited time, this hat box contains costumes based on popular hats.
Are you looking for a cute new headgear?
When opened this box to receive one of the following:
Costume: Cake Hat
Costume: Gold Dragonhelm
Costume: Sakkat
Costume: Dark Blindfold
Costume: Angry Snarl
Costume: Cowboy Hat
Costume: Zorro Mask
Costume: Dagger in Mouth
Costume: Heart Eye Patch (NEW)
Costume: Full Moon (NEW)
The box can be traded and vended, but the costume headgears are account bound.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.