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Pertz Runestone
12732 Runstone_Pertz 룬스톤_페르쓰

Deals strong damage to all enemies around (7 x 7 cell) the caster.
Damage increases as Rune Mastery level, STR, and BaseLv increases. Critical damage applies based on caster's critical hit rate.
Casting cannot be canceled by damage received.
Weight : 1


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 1 zeny
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName 猷ъ뒪???섎Ⅴ?? 룬스톤_페르쓰
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName 猷ъ뒪???섎Ⅴ?? 룬스톤_페르쓰
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 룬스톤_페르쓰 猷ъ뒪???섎Ⅴ??
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 룬스톤_페르쓰 猷ъ뒪???섎Ⅴ??
2022-10-14 04:04 unidentifiedDescriptionName A stone crafted by Rune Knights, allow the use of Storm Blast.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 10
Casts Storm Blast;
Inflicts physical damage on any target within 7-7 cells of the user.
Affected targets gets knocked back by 7 cells.

Increases the damage of Storm Blast for every base Str.
Increases the damage of Storm Blast per level of Rune Mastery known.

(1 Second Cooldown)
Deals strong damage to all enemies around (7 x 7 cell) the caster.
Damage increases as Rune Mastery level, STR, and BaseLv increases. Critical damage applies based on caster's critical hit rate.
Casting cannot be canceled by damage received.
Weight : 1
2022-10-14 04:04 identifiedDescriptionName A stone crafted by Rune Knights, allow the use of Storm Blast.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 10
Casts Storm Blast;
Inflicts physical damage on any target within 7-7 cells of the user.
Affected targets gets knocked back by 7 cells.

Increases the damage of Storm Blast for every base Str.
Increases the damage of Storm Blast per level of Rune Mastery known.

(1 Second Cooldown)
Deals strong damage to all enemies around (7 x 7 cell) the caster.
Damage increases as Rune Mastery level, STR, and BaseLv increases. Critical damage applies based on caster's critical hit rate.
Casting cannot be canceled by damage received.
Weight : 1
2022-10-14 04:04 weight 10 1
2019-10-25 03:54 unidentifiedDescriptionName Momentarily discharge a destructible power from a Rune Stone. Generates a powerful shockwave around yourself.
Generates a 7 x 7 shockwave around a player and damages all targets and causes knockback effect.
Waiting time for reuse: None.
After the skill usage, there's a 1 second delay.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
A stone crafted by Rune Knights, allow the use of Storm Blast.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 10
Casts Storm Blast;
Inflicts physical damage on any target within 7-7 cells of the user.
Affected targets gets knocked back by 7 cells.

Increases the damage of Storm Blast for every base Str.
Increases the damage of Storm Blast per level of Rune Mastery known.

(1 Second Cooldown)
2019-10-25 03:54 identifiedDescriptionName Cast 'Storm Blast' momentarily discharging a destructible power from the Rune Stone.
Generates a 7 x 7 shockwave around yourself and damages all targets and causes knockback effect.
Waiting time for reuse: None.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
A stone crafted by Rune Knights, allow the use of Storm Blast.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 10
Casts Storm Blast;
Inflicts physical damage on any target within 7-7 cells of the user.
Affected targets gets knocked back by 7 cells.

Increases the damage of Storm Blast for every base Str.
Increases the damage of Storm Blast per level of Rune Mastery known.

(1 Second Cooldown)
2017-01-23 12:19 unidentifiedResourceName ·é½ºÅæ_Æ丣¾² 룬스톤_페르쓰
2017-01-23 12:19 identifiedResourceName ·é½ºÅæ_Æ丣¾² 룬스톤_페르쓰
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedResourceName 룬스톤_페르쓰 ·é½ºÅæ_Æ丣¾²
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedDescriptionName Momentarily discharge a destructible power from a Rune Stone. Generates a powerful shockwave around yourself.
Generates a 7 x 7 shockwave around a player and damages all targets and causes knockback effect.
Waiting time for reuse: None.
After the skill usage, there's a 1 second delay.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
Momentarily discharge a destructible power from a Rune Stone. Generates a powerful shockwave around yourself.
Generates a 7 x 7 shockwave around a player and damages all targets and causes knockback effect.
Waiting time for reuse: None.
After the skill usage, there's a 1 second delay.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedResourceName 룬스톤_페르쓰 ·é½ºÅæ_Æ丣¾²
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedDescriptionName Cast 'Storm Blast' momentarily discharging a destructible power from the Rune Stone.
Generates a 7 x 7 shockwave around yourself and damages all targets and causes knockback effect.
Waiting time for reuse: None.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
Cast 'Storm Blast' momentarily discharging a destructible power from the Rune Stone.
Generates a 7 x 7 shockwave around yourself and damages all targets and causes knockback effect.
Waiting time for reuse: None.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.