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Mysterious Egg2
12871 Mysterious_Egg2 의문의알2

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Item information

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 20
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2015-04-28
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
10 1급수 10 Formless Water 4 Large 10 10 220 190 100%
Name Chance Enchant
 Apple 100%
1x  RWC Groove Pack 5.882%
1x  RWC Groove Pack 2 5.882%
1x  Thanksgiving Groove Pack 5.882%
1x  Groovy Dragon Box 5.882%
1x  Fortune EggⅤ 5.882%
1x  Rideword Hat Box 5.882%
1x  Incarnation Of Morocc Doll Box 5.882%
1x  New Recruit Pack 5.882%
1x  Recruit's Mount Gift 5.882%
1x  Safe to 7 Chance Box 5.882%
1x  Gryphon Egg Scroll 5.882%
1x  드래곤의 알 5.882%
1x  2011 RWC 스크롤 5.882%
1x  크루 스크롤 5.882%
1x  언데드의 핵 5.882%
1x  소녀의 마음 5.882%
1x  교황스크롤 5.882%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Battle Manual Limit Box 0.01%
 15주년 기념 상자 1%
 국왕의 선물상자 2%
 Gift New start 2%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName 源쒖쭩?ㅽ겕濡? 깜짝스크롤
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName 源쒖쭩?ㅽ겕濡? 깜짝스크롤
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 깜짝스크롤 源쒖쭩?ㅽ겕濡?
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 깜짝스크롤 源쒖쭩?ㅽ겕濡?
2017-01-23 12:19 unidentifiedResourceName ±ô¦½ºÅ©·Ñ 깜짝스크롤
2017-01-23 12:19 identifiedResourceName ±ô¦½ºÅ©·Ñ 깜짝스크롤
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedDescriptionName
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedResourceName 깜짝스크롤 ±ô¦½ºÅ©·Ñ
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedResourceName 깜짝스크롤 ±ô¦½ºÅ©·Ñ
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedDescriptionName
2016-04-01 10:41 weight 20
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.