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Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box
13553 Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box 던전이동스크롤1상자

A box containing a
special scroll that
can transport you
once to Nogg Road,
Mjolnir Dead Pit,
Robot Factory Lv2,
Einbroch Mine Dungeon,
Payon Dungeon, Toy
Dungeon, Glast Heim
Underprison, Louyang
Dungeon, Hermit's
Checkers, Izlude
Dungeon, Turtle
Island Dungeon,
Clock Tower B3F,
Clock Tower 3F,
Glast Heim Culvert 2F,
Sphinx Dungeon 4F,
Inside Pyramid 4F,
Prontera Culvert 3F,
Amatsu Dungeon 1F
(Tatami Maze),
Somatology Laboratory
1st Floor, or Ayothaya
Ancient Shrine 2F.
Warning - After using it, unless you choose the destination in 1 minute,
it will be useless.
Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price 10 zeny
Weight 1
Type Cash
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09
Name Chance Enchant
5x  Dungeon Teleport Scroll 100%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Mystery Travel Sack A 0.5%
 Mystery Travel Sack B 0.5%
 Mystery Travel Sack C 0.5%
 Mystery Travel Sack D 0.5%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?뉖튆?섏긽?? 햇빛의상자
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?뉖튆?섏긽?? 햇빛의상자
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 햇빛의상자 ?뉖튆?섏긽??
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 햇빛의상자 ?뉖튆?섏긽??
2017-01-23 12:20 unidentifiedResourceName ÇÞºûÀÇ»óÀÚ 햇빛의상자
2017-01-23 12:20 identifiedResourceName ÇÞºûÀÇ»óÀÚ 햇빛의상자
2016-12-23 08:09 unidentifiedResourceName 햇빛의상자 ÇÞºûÀÇ»óÀÚ
2016-12-23 08:09 unidentifiedDescriptionName A box containing a
special scroll that
can transport you
once to Nogg Road,
Mjolnir Dead Pit,
Einbroch Mine Dungeon,
Payon Dungeon, Toy
Dungeon, Glast Heim
Underprison, Louyang
Dungeon, Hermit's
Checkers, Izlude
Dungeon, Turtle
Island Dungeon,
Clock Tower B3F,
Clock Tower 3F,
Glast Heim Culvert 2F,
Sphinx Dungeon 4F,
Inside Pyramid 4F,
Prontera Culvert 3F,
Amatsu Dungeon 1F
(Tatami Maze),
Somatology Laboratory
1st Floor, or Ayothaya
Ancient Shrine 2F.
Warning: After applied, if you do not select any within a minute,
it will not be effective anymore.
Weight: 1
A box containing a
special scroll that
can transport you
once to Nogg Road,
Mjolnir Dead Pit,
Einbroch Mine Dungeon,
Payon Dungeon, Toy
Dungeon, Glast Heim
Underprison, Louyang
Dungeon, Hermit's
Checkers, Izlude
Dungeon, Turtle
Island Dungeon,
Clock Tower B3F,
Clock Tower 3F,
Glast Heim Culvert 2F,
Sphinx Dungeon 4F,
Inside Pyramid 4F,
Prontera Culvert 3F,
Amatsu Dungeon 1F
(Tatami Maze),
Somatology Laboratory
1st Floor, or Ayothaya
Ancient Shrine 2F.
Warning: After applied, if you do not select any within a minute,
it will not be effective anymore.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:09 identifiedResourceName 햇빛의상자 ÇÞºûÀÇ»óÀÚ
2016-12-23 08:09 identifiedDescriptionName A box containing a
special scroll that
can transport you
once to Nogg Road,
Mjolnir Dead Pit,
Robot Factory Lv2,
Einbroch Mine Dungeon,
Payon Dungeon, Toy
Dungeon, Glast Heim
Underprison, Louyang
Dungeon, Hermit's
Checkers, Izlude
Dungeon, Turtle
Island Dungeon,
Clock Tower B3F,
Clock Tower 3F,
Glast Heim Culvert 2F,
Sphinx Dungeon 4F,
Inside Pyramid 4F,
Prontera Culvert 3F,
Amatsu Dungeon 1F
(Tatami Maze),
Somatology Laboratory
1st Floor, or Ayothaya
Ancient Shrine 2F.
Warning - After using it, unless you choose the destination in 1 minute,
it will be useless.
Weight : 1
A box containing a
special scroll that
can transport you
once to Nogg Road,
Mjolnir Dead Pit,
Robot Factory Lv2,
Einbroch Mine Dungeon,
Payon Dungeon, Toy
Dungeon, Glast Heim
Underprison, Louyang
Dungeon, Hermit's
Checkers, Izlude
Dungeon, Turtle
Island Dungeon,
Clock Tower B3F,
Clock Tower 3F,
Glast Heim Culvert 2F,
Sphinx Dungeon 4F,
Inside Pyramid 4F,
Prontera Culvert 3F,
Amatsu Dungeon 1F
(Tatami Maze),
Somatology Laboratory
1st Floor, or Ayothaya
Ancient Shrine 2F.
Warning - After using it, unless you choose the destination in 1 minute,
it will be useless.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.