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Animal Scroll
14345 Animal_Scroll 애니멀스크롤

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Item information

Sell price 10 zeny
Weight 1
Type Cash
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2015-04-28
Name Chance Enchant
1x  Panda Hat 0.498%
1x  Raccoon Hat 0.498%
1x  Drooping Cat 0.498%
1x  Teddybear Hat 0.498%
1x  Lazy Smokie 0.498%
1x  Tiger Mask 0.498%
1x  Mythical Lion Mask [1] 0.498%
1x  Evolved Drooping Bunny 0.498%
1x  Evolved Magestic Goat 0.498%
1x  Evolved Blue Fish 0.498%
1x  Sea-Otter Hat 0.995%
1x  Galapago Cap 0.995%
1x  Elephant Hat 0.995%
5x  Honey Herbal Tea 18.408%
5x  Bearfoot Special 18.408%
5x  Ascending Dragon Soup 18.408%
5x  Chile Shrimp Gratin 18.408%
5x  Cooked Nine Tail's Tails 18.408%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?좊땲硫€?ㅽ겕濡? 애니멀스크롤
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?좊땲硫€?ㅽ겕濡? 애니멀스크롤
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 애니멀스크롤 ?좊땲硫€?ㅽ겕濡?
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 애니멀스크롤 ?좊땲硫€?ㅽ겕濡?
2017-01-23 12:20 unidentifiedResourceName ¾Ö´Ï¸Ö½ºÅ©·Ñ 애니멀스크롤
2017-01-23 12:20 identifiedResourceName ¾Ö´Ï¸Ö½ºÅ©·Ñ 애니멀스크롤
2016-12-23 08:10 unidentifiedResourceName 애니멀스크롤 ¾Ö´Ï¸Ö½ºÅ©·Ñ
2016-12-23 08:10 unidentifiedDescriptionName
2016-12-23 08:10 identifiedResourceName 애니멀스크롤 ¾Ö´Ï¸Ö½ºÅ©·Ñ
2016-12-23 08:10 identifiedDescriptionName
2016-04-01 10:41 weight 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.