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Medium Life Potion
14535 Med_Life_Potion 중형생명수

A sizeable bottle of
Yggdrasil Tree Sap
that is effective in
healing wounds.
Restores an amount of
HP equal of 7% of your
Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration.
If you are incapacitated,
the item effect will disappear.
Weight : 1


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 개조된 영웅의 무기 제련망치 패키지 V 0.01%
 Platinum Treasure Chest 0.01%
 Medium Life Potion 10 Box 0.01%
 Medium Life Potion 30 Box 0.01%
 Medium Life Potion 50 Box 0.01%
 1 Hour Survival Pack 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 Ⅱ 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트 Ⅱ 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지Ⅲ 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트Ⅲ 0.01%
 Three Master Package IV 0.01%
 Three Master Package IV(10) 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지Ⅴ 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트Ⅴ 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지VI 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트VI 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지VII 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트VII 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지Ⅷ 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트Ⅷ 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지IX 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트IX 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지X 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트X 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지XI 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트XI 0.01%
 뉴 삼명수 패키지 0.01%
 뉴 삼명수 패키지 10세트 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지XII 0.01%
 삼명수 패키지 10세트XII 0.01%
 Life Potion Sampler 10 Crate 0.01%
 Life Potion Sampler 10 Crate 0.01%
 Life Potion Sampler Crate 0.01%
 Life Potion Sampler Crate 0.01%
 (Limited) Special Potion Package 0.01%
 스톤 코인 패키지 II 0.01%
 [Limited] Silvervine Package II 0.01%
 타노스 업그레이드 패키지 0.01%
 영웅의 무기 개조 패키지 I 0.01%
 영웅의 무기 개조 패키지 II 0.01%
 개조된 영웅의 무기 제련망치 패키지 I 0.01%
 개조된 영웅의 무기 제련망치 패키지 II 0.01%
 영웅의 무기 개조 패키지 III 0.01%
 개조된 영웅의 무기 제련망치 패키지 III 0.01%
 개조된 영웅의 무기 제련망치 패키지 IV 0.01%
 영웅의 무기 개조 패키지 IV 0.01%
 영웅의 무기 개조 패키지 V 0.01%
 개조된 영웅의 무기 제련망치 패키지 VI 0.01%
 영웅의 무기 개조 패키지 VI 0.01%
 월간 소모품 패키지 I 0.01%
 월간 소모품 패키지 II 0.01%
 월간 소모품 패키지 III 0.01%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?멸퀬 싸고
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?멸퀬 싸고
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 싸고 ?멸퀬
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 싸고 ?멸퀬
2017-01-23 12:20 unidentifiedResourceName ½Î°í 싸고
2017-01-23 12:20 identifiedResourceName ½Î°í 싸고
2016-12-23 08:10 unidentifiedResourceName 싸고 ½Î°í
2016-12-23 08:10 unidentifiedDescriptionName A sizeable bottle of
Yggdrasil Tree Sap
that is effective in
healing wounds.
Restores an amount of
HP equal of 7% of your
Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration.
Weight: 1
A sizeable bottle of
Yggdrasil Tree Sap
that is effective in
healing wounds.
Restores an amount of
HP equal of 7% of your
Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:10 identifiedResourceName 싸고 ½Î°í
2016-12-23 08:10 identifiedDescriptionName A sizeable bottle of
Yggdrasil Tree Sap
that is effective in
healing wounds.
Restores an amount of
HP equal of 7% of your
Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration.
If you are incapacitated,
the item effect will disappear.
Weight : 1
A sizeable bottle of
Yggdrasil Tree Sap
that is effective in
healing wounds.
Restores an amount of
HP equal of 7% of your
Max HP every 4 seconds for a 10 minute duration.
If you are incapacitated,
the item effect will disappear.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.