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Mental Potion
14600 Mental_Potion 멘탈포션

A potion that increases Maximum SP by 10% and decreases SP consumption by 10% for 30 minutes.
Weight: 1


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 10th Anniversary Lucky Box 0.22%
 Ides Of March Lucky Box 0.22%
 Freshly May-d Groove Pack 0.32%
 Christmas Holiday Box 0.8%
 Majestic Devil Scroll 0.93%
 Sagittarius Scroll 1%
 Scorpius Scroll 6%
 Power Scroll 7%
 Taurus Crown Scroll 10%
 보너스상자 05 0.01%
 보너스상자 05 0.01%
 Buddah Scroll 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지 10세트 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지Ⅱ 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지 10세트Ⅱ 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지Ⅲ 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지Ⅲ 10세트 0.01%
 Support Package IV 0.01%
 Support Package IV(10) 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지V 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지V 10세트 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 10세트 0.01%
 고농축 제련용 광석상자 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 II 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 10세트 II 0.01%
 고농축 제련용 광석상자 II 0.01%
 고밀도 제련용 광석상자 0.01%
 고농축 제련용 광석상자 III 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 III 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 10세트 III 0.01%
 고농축 제련용 광석상자 IV 0.01%
 고밀도 제련용 광석상자II 0.01%
 고농축 제련용 광석상자 V 0.01%
 고밀도 제련용 광석상자III 0.01%
 고농축 제련용 광석상자 VI 0.01%
 고밀도 제련용 광석상자IV 0.01%
 고농축 제련용 광석상자 VII 0.01%
 고밀도 제련용 광석상자V 0.01%
 HD ore package 0.01%
 High density ore package 0.01%
 고농축 에르늄 패키지 0.01%
 고농축 오리데오콘 패키지 0.01%
 고밀도 카르늄 패키지 0.01%
 고밀도 브라디움 패키지 0.01%
 (Limited) HD Elunium Package 0.01%
 (Limited) HD Oridecon Package 0.01%
 고밀도 카르늄 계정한정 패키지 0.01%
 고밀도 브라디움 계정한정 패키지 0.01%
 월간 전투 교범 패키지 0.01%
 HD Carnium Account Limited Package 0.01%
 HD Bradium Account Limited Package 0.01%
 Shiba Says High Enriched Refine Package 0.01%
 Shiba Says Experience Package 0.01%
 이프리트 고농축 제련용 광석 패키지 0.01%
 이프리트 고농축 에르늄 패키지 0.01%
 이프리트 고농축 오리데오콘 패키지 0.01%
 Mental Potion 50 Box 0.1%
 22nd Anniversary Monthly Package I 0.1%
 August Lucky Box 2016 0.2%
 Christmas Stocking 0.2%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?뚮??ъ뀡 파란포션
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?뚮??ъ뀡 파란포션
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 파란포션 ?뚮??ъ뀡
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 파란포션 ?뚮??ъ뀡
2017-01-23 12:20 unidentifiedResourceName ÆĶõÆ÷¼Ç 파란포션
2017-01-23 12:20 identifiedResourceName ÆĶõÆ÷¼Ç 파란포션
2016-12-23 08:10 unidentifiedResourceName 파란포션 ÆĶõÆ÷¼Ç
2016-12-23 08:10 identifiedResourceName 파란포션 ÆĶõÆ÷¼Ç
2016-12-23 08:10 unidentifiedDescriptionName A potion that increases Maximum SP by 10% and decreases SP consumption by 10% for 30 minutes.
Weight: 1
A potion that increases Maximum SP by 10% and decreases SP consumption by 10% for 30 minutes.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:10 identifiedDescriptionName A potion that increases Maximum SP by 10% and decreases SP consumption by 10% for 30 minutes.
Weight: 1
A potion that increases Maximum SP by 10% and decreases SP consumption by 10% for 30 minutes.
Weight: 1
2016-04-01 10:41 weight 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.