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End Of Year Madness Box
17362 S_Lucky_Armor_Box 럭키아머S상자

2015 may be nearly over but the Kafra corp has one last surprise. These items won't be back for a long time so it's the perfect time to pick up a box today!
Contains one of the following at random:
Midgard Serpent Hat
Poker Card in Mouth
Majouros Horn
Rolf Von Gigue the 666th
Silver Bunny Band
BLue Bunny Band
Orange Bunny Band
Violet Bunny Band
Magic Card Album x2
KVM Badge x 800
Heroic Backpack

Item information

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 0
Type Cash
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2014-08-20
Name Chance Enchant
1x  Heroic Backpack [1] 2.247%
2x  Mystical Card Album 4.494%
1x  Majoruros Horn 4.494%
1x  Poker Card In Mouth 4.494%
1x  Rolf Von Gigue the 666th 4.494%
1x  Midgard Serpent Hat [1] 4.494%
800x  KVM Badge 6.742%
1x  Unknown Item 0 14.607%
1x  Unknown Item 0 16.854%
1x  Unknown Item 0 17.978%
1x  Unknown Item 0 19.101%
30x  Xmas Firecracker 100%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?좊Ъ?곸옄_1 선물상자_1
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?좊Ъ?곸옄_1 선물상자_1
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 선물상자_1 ?좊Ъ?곸옄_1
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 선물상자_1 ?좊Ъ?곸옄_1
2017-01-23 12:21 unidentifiedResourceName ¼±¹°»óÀÚ_1 선물상자_1
2017-01-23 12:21 identifiedResourceName ¼±¹°»óÀÚ_1 선물상자_1
2016-12-23 08:11 unidentifiedResourceName 선물상자_1 ¼±¹°»óÀÚ_1
2016-12-23 08:11 unidentifiedDescriptionName 2015 may be nearly over but the Kafra corp has one last surprise. These items won't be back for a long time so it's the perfect time to pick up a box today!
Contains one of the following at random:
Midgard Serpent Hat
Poker Card in Mouth
Majouros Horn
Rolf Von Gigue the 666th
Silver Bunny Band
BLue Bunny Band
Orange Bunny Band
Violet Bunny Band
Magic Card Album x2
KVM Badge x 800
Heroic Backpack
Cannot be traded to other accounts.
A box containing Lucky Armour Shadow.
This double armour upon original armour gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone.
LUK + 1.
CRI + 1 for each 2 refinement.
When equipped with Lucky (Weapon, Armour) Shadow, LUK + 1.
Class : Shadow Armour
Location : Armour Weight : 0
Req LvL : 1
Job : All
This item not refundable once it is open.
Weight : 1
2015 may be nearly over but the Kafra corp has one last surprise. These items won't be back for a long time so it's the perfect time to pick up a box today!
Contains one of the following at random:
Midgard Serpent Hat
Poker Card in Mouth
Majouros Horn
Rolf Von Gigue the 666th
Silver Bunny Band
BLue Bunny Band
Orange Bunny Band
Violet Bunny Band
Magic Card Album x2
KVM Badge x 800
Heroic Backpack
2016-12-23 08:11 identifiedResourceName 선물상자_1 ¼±¹°»óÀÚ_1
2016-12-23 08:11 identifiedDescriptionName 2015 may be nearly over but the Kafra corp has one last surprise. These items won't be back for a long time so it's the perfect time to pick up a box today!
Contains one of the following at random:
Midgard Serpent Hat
Poker Card in Mouth
Majouros Horn
Rolf Von Gigue the 666th
Silver Bunny Band
BLue Bunny Band
Orange Bunny Band
Violet Bunny Band
Magic Card Album x2
KVM Badge x 800
Heroic Backpack
2015 may be nearly over but the Kafra corp has one last surprise. These items won't be back for a long time so it's the perfect time to pick up a box today!
Contains one of the following at random:
Midgard Serpent Hat
Poker Card in Mouth
Majouros Horn
Rolf Von Gigue the 666th
Silver Bunny Band
BLue Bunny Band
Orange Bunny Band
Violet Bunny Band
Magic Card Album x2
KVM Badge x 800
Heroic Backpack
2015-12-23 08:55 unidentifiedResourceName 오래된보라상자 선물상자_1
2015-12-23 08:55 unidentifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded to other accounts.
A box containing Lucky Armour Shadow.
This double armour upon original armour gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone.
LUK + 1.
CRI + 1 for each 2 refinement.
When equipped with Lucky (Weapon, Armour) Shadow, LUK + 1.
Class : Shadow Armour
Location : Armour Weight : 0
Req LvL : 1
Job : All
This item not refundable once it is open.
Weight : 1
2015 may be nearly over but the Kafra corp has one last surprise. These items won't be back for a long time so it's the perfect time to pick up a box today!
Contains one of the following at random:
Midgard Serpent Hat
Poker Card in Mouth
Majouros Horn
Rolf Von Gigue the 666th
Silver Bunny Band
BLue Bunny Band
Orange Bunny Band
Violet Bunny Band
Magic Card Album x2
KVM Badge x 800
Heroic Backpack
2015-12-23 08:55 unidentifiedDisplayName Lucky Armour Shadow Box End Of Year Madness Box
2015-12-23 08:55 identifiedResourceName 오래된보라상자 선물상자_1
2015-12-23 08:55 identifiedDescriptionName Cannot be traded to other accounts.
A box containing Lucky Armor Shadow.
This double Armor upon original Armor gives you additional defense effect. Not really effective when worn alone.
LUK + 1.
CRI + 1 for each 2 refinement.
When equipped with Lucky (Weapon, Armor) Shadow, LUK + 1.
Class : Shadow Armor
Location : Armor
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Job : All
This item cannot be refunded once it is opened.
Weight : 1
2015 may be nearly over but the Kafra corp has one last surprise. These items won't be back for a long time so it's the perfect time to pick up a box today!
Contains one of the following at random:
Midgard Serpent Hat
Poker Card in Mouth
Majouros Horn
Rolf Von Gigue the 666th
Silver Bunny Band
BLue Bunny Band
Orange Bunny Band
Violet Bunny Band
Magic Card Album x2
KVM Badge x 800
Heroic Backpack
2015-12-23 08:55 identifiedDisplayName Lucky Armor Shadow Box End Of Year Madness Box
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.