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[Event] Miracle Elixir
23899 Comp_Almighty

Ultra magical legendary drink, which condensing many of the famous healthy foods.
Account Bound
Caution: Existing food-item buffs do not stack.
Type: Usable
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
All stats + 10, ATK + 30, MATK + 30 for 30 minutes.
Increases movement speed for 10 minutes.


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2021-06-11
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Channeling Commemoration Box ⅠI ?
 부스터 팩(150) 0%
 부스터 팩(80) 0%
 사령관의 답례 0%
 사령관의 고급답례 0%
 [비매품]올마이티 10개 상자 0.01%
 화려한 보상 상자 0.01%
 Level Up Box (120) 0.01%
 Level Up Box (140) 0.01%
 Level Up Box (160) 0.01%
 RO굿즈 이벤트 상자 0.01%
 Level Up Box (175) 0.01%
 2018 점핑 사전예약 감사상자 0.01%
 부스터 팩(60) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(90) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(115) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(130) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(145) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(175) 0.01%
 부스터 프로모션 사전예약 감사상자 0.01%
 크리스마스 선물상자 0.01%
 부스터 팩(190) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(200) 0.01%
 회원정보 갱신 캠페인 상자 0.01%
 라그나로크 인벤 이벤트 지원 상자 0.01%
 기부 참여 상자 0.01%
 부스터 팩(215) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(230) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(230) 0.01%
 RO Live Shop고급상자 0.01%
 부스터 팩(110) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(170) 0.01%
 부스터 팩(240) 0.01%
 라그나로크 아레나 7레벨 달성 보상 상자 0.01%
 New Server Launch Thank You Box 0.01%
 크로스 이벤트 상자 0.1%
 Gold PC Room Box 0.1%
 Ink Ball 3%
 Lucky Bag 8%
 왕가의 보상 상자 1%
 멜론 축제 보상상자 1.5%
 4월 이벤트 보상상자 2%
 Thanksgiving Package 2.5%
 Event Reward Box 3%
 라그페스 기념 상자 3%
 눈꽃 보상 상자 3%
 January Event's Reward Box 3%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName 留덉븘紐⑥슱 마아모울
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName 留덉븘紐⑥슱 마아모울
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 마아모울 留덉븘紐⑥슱
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 마아모울 留덉븘紐⑥슱
2024-01-30 23:04 unidentifiedDescriptionName Ultra magical legendary drink, which condensing many of the famous healthy foods.
Account Bound
Caution: Existing food-item buffs do not stack.
Type: Usable
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
All stats + 10, ATK + 30, MATK + 30 for 60 minutes.
Increases movement speed for 10 minutes.
Ultra magical legendary drink, which condensing many of the famous healthy foods.
Account Bound
Caution: Existing food-item buffs do not stack.
Type: Usable
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
All stats + 10, ATK + 30, MATK + 30 for 30 minutes.
Increases movement speed for 10 minutes.
2024-01-30 23:04 identifiedDescriptionName Ultra magical legendary drink, which condensing many of the famous healthy foods.
Account Bound
Caution: Existing food-item buffs do not stack.
Type: Usable
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
All stats + 10, ATK + 30, MATK + 30 for 60 minutes.
Increases movement speed for 10 minutes.
Ultra magical legendary drink, which condensing many of the famous healthy foods.
Account Bound
Caution: Existing food-item buffs do not stack.
Type: Usable
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
All stats + 10, ATK + 30, MATK + 30 for 30 minutes.
Increases movement speed for 10 minutes.
2021-06-11 03:06 unidentifiedResourceName 마아모울
2021-06-11 03:06 identifiedResourceName 마아모울
2021-06-11 03:06 unidentifiedDisplayName [Event] Miracle Elixir
2021-06-11 03:06 unidentifiedDescriptionName Ultra magical legendary drink, which condensing many of the famous healthy foods.
Account Bound
Caution: Existing food-item buffs do not stack.
Type: Usable
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
All stats + 10, ATK + 30, MATK + 30 for 60 minutes.
Increases movement speed for 10 minutes.
2021-06-11 03:06 identifiedDisplayName [Event] Miracle Elixir
2021-06-11 03:06 identifiedDescriptionName Ultra magical legendary drink, which condensing many of the famous healthy foods.
Account Bound
Caution: Existing food-item buffs do not stack.
Type: Usable
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
All stats + 10, ATK + 30, MATK + 30 for 60 minutes.
Increases movement speed for 10 minutes.
2021-06-11 03:06 weight 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.