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Pump of Spirit
25041 Pump_Of_Spirit 영혼의뚫어뻥

Item that can be used to create sockets on Headgears listed below. 1 time use only.

Sigrun's Wings, Robo Eye,
Angel Spirit, Binoculars,
Blinker, Alarm Mask,
Opera Phantom Mask, Mr. Smile,
Geek Glasses, Heart Foundation,
Ifrit's Ears, Chick Hat,
Gigantic Magestic Goat,
Spirit of Chung E, Butterfly Mask,
Shadow Booster,
Fallen Angel Blessing,
Elemental Crown, Anubis Helm,
Rabbit Magic Hat,
New Wave Sunglasses,
Victory Wing Ear,
Thanatos' Maero Mask,
Thanatos' Mal Mask,
Thanatos' Despero Mask,
Battle Processor,
EXP Advisor,
Deep Blue Sunglasses

Success rate is 25%. Both Pump of Spirit and headgear will be lost if socket creation fails.
Caution! - Even if you succeed on socket creation, refine rate will be reset to 0.
[Piercing Master]
Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2023-02-17


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:56 identifiedResourceName ?곹샎?섎슟?대빳 영혼의뚫어뻥
2024-09-04 01:56 unidentifiedResourceName ?곹샎?섎슟?대빳 영혼의뚫어뻥
2024-09-03 23:11 identifiedResourceName 영혼의뚫어뻥 ?곹샎?섎슟?대빳
2024-09-03 23:11 unidentifiedResourceName 영혼의뚫어뻥 ?곹샎?섎슟?대빳
2023-02-17 01:51 unidentifiedResourceName 영혼의뚫어뻥
2023-02-17 01:51 unidentifiedDescriptionName Item that can be used to create sockets on Headgears listed below. 1 time use only.

Sigrun's Wings, Robo Eye,
Angel Spirit, Binoculars,
Blinker, Alarm Mask,
Opera Phantom Mask, Mr. Smile,
Geek Glasses, Heart Foundation,
Ifrit's Ears, Chick Hat,
Gigantic Magestic Goat,
Spirit of Chung E, Butterfly Mask,
Shadow Booster,
Fallen Angel Blessing,
Elemental Crown, Anubis Helm,
Rabbit Magic Hat,
New Wave Sunglasses,
Victory Wing Ear,
Thanatos' Maero Mask,
Thanatos' Mal Mask,
Thanatos' Despero Mask,
Battle Processor,
EXP Advisor,
Deep Blue Sunglasses

Success rate is 25%. Both Pump of Spirit and headgear will be lost if socket creation fails.
Caution! - Even if you succeed on socket creation, refine rate will be reset to 0.
[Piercing Master]moc_paraup,15,171,0,100,0,0
Weight : 1
2023-02-17 01:51 unidentifiedDisplayName Pump of Spirit
2023-02-17 01:51 identifiedResourceName 영혼의뚫어뻥
2023-02-17 01:51 identifiedDescriptionName Item that can be used to create sockets on Headgears listed below. 1 time use only.

Sigrun's Wings, Robo Eye,
Angel Spirit, Binoculars,
Blinker, Alarm Mask,
Opera Phantom Mask, Mr. Smile,
Geek Glasses, Heart Foundation,
Ifrit's Ears, Chick Hat,
Gigantic Magestic Goat,
Spirit of Chung E, Butterfly Mask,
Shadow Booster,
Fallen Angel Blessing,
Elemental Crown, Anubis Helm,
Rabbit Magic Hat,
New Wave Sunglasses,
Victory Wing Ear,
Thanatos' Maero Mask,
Thanatos' Mal Mask,
Thanatos' Despero Mask,
Battle Processor,
EXP Advisor,
Deep Blue Sunglasses

Success rate is 25%. Both Pump of Spirit and headgear will be lost if socket creation fails.
Caution! - Even if you succeed on socket creation, refine rate will be reset to 0.
[Piercing Master]moc_paraup,15,171,0,100,0,0
Weight : 1
2023-02-17 01:51 identifiedDisplayName Pump of Spirit
2023-02-17 01:51 weight 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.