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Burnt Tree
7068 Burn_Tree 타다만장작

A burnt piece of wood that seems to have little practical value, despite the fact that shops will still buy it for zeny.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1

Item information

Sell price 270 zeny
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
92 Old Stove 7,780 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 47 353 329 Normal 5%
98 Heater 7,681 Brute Fire 2 Medium 199 50 347 374 Normal 6.25%
139 Skeleton General 180,130 Undead Undead 1 Medium 100 35 373 410 Normal 12.75%
139 Skeleton General Ringleader 900,650 Undead Undead 1 Medium 100 35 373 410 63.75%
139 Furious Skeleton General 900,650 Undead Undead 1 Medium 100 35 383 410 63.75%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.14%
 Old Purple Box 0.14%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?€?ㅻ쭔?μ옉 타다만장작
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?€?ㅻ쭔?μ옉 타다만장작
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 타다만장작 ?€?ㅻ쭔?μ옉
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 타다만장작 ?€?ㅻ쭔?μ옉
2018-11-30 02:09 unidentifiedDescriptionName A piece of wood which seems to be burnt.
Nobody knows how practical it is, but it's still possible to sell this to shops.
Weight: 1
A burnt piece of wood that seems to have little practical value, despite the fact that shops will still buy it for zeny.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1
2018-11-30 02:09 identifiedDescriptionName A burnt piece of
wood that seems to
have little practical
value, despite the
fact that shops will
still buy it for zeny.
Weight : 1
A burnt piece of wood that seems to have little practical value, despite the fact that shops will still buy it for zeny.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1
2017-01-23 12:18 unidentifiedResourceName Ÿ´Ù¸¸ÀåÀÛ 타다만장작
2017-01-23 12:18 identifiedResourceName Ÿ´Ù¸¸ÀåÀÛ 타다만장작
2016-12-23 08:06 unidentifiedResourceName 타다만장작 Ÿ´Ù¸¸ÀåÀÛ
2016-12-23 08:06 unidentifiedDescriptionName A piece of wood which seems to be burnt.
Nobody knows how practical it is, but it's still possible to sell this to shops.
Weight: 1
A piece of wood which seems to be burnt.
Nobody knows how practical it is, but it's still possible to sell this to shops.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:06 identifiedResourceName 타다만장작 Ÿ´Ù¸¸ÀåÀÛ
2016-12-23 08:06 identifiedDescriptionName A burnt piece of
wood that seems to
have little practical
value, despite the
fact that shops will
still buy it for zeny.
Weight : 1
A burnt piece of
wood that seems to
have little practical
value, despite the
fact that shops will
still buy it for zeny.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.