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Shoulder Protector
7196 Shoulder_Protection 어깨보호대

A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1

Item information

Sell price 86 zeny
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
67 Wootan Fighter 2,120 Human Fire 2 Medium 103 8 281 299 Normal 20%
67 Furious Wootan Fighter 10,600 Human Fire 2 Medium 103 8 285 299 100%
95 Wootan Fighter 9,000 Human Fire 2 Medium 103 8 309 327 Normal 120%
167 Ancient Wootan Fighter 725,500 Human Fire 2 Medium 205 8 482 495 Normal 20%
169 Ancient Wootan Defender 20,154,000 Human Fire 4 Large 874 143 567 554 Boss 22.5%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.14%
 Old Purple Box 0.14%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?닿묠蹂댄샇?€ 어깨보호대
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?닿묠蹂댄샇?€ 어깨보호대
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 어깨보호대 ?닿묠蹂댄샇?€
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 어깨보호대 ?닿묠蹂댄샇?€
2018-11-30 02:09 unidentifiedDescriptionName A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Weight: 1
A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1
2018-11-30 02:09 identifiedDescriptionName A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Weight : 1
A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1
2017-01-23 12:18 unidentifiedResourceName ¾î±úº¸È£´ë 어깨보호대
2017-01-23 12:18 identifiedResourceName ¾î±úº¸È£´ë 어깨보호대
2016-12-23 08:07 unidentifiedResourceName 어깨보호대 ¾î±úº¸È£´ë
2016-12-23 08:07 unidentifiedDescriptionName A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Weight: 1
A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:07 identifiedResourceName 어깨보호대 ¾î±úº¸È£´ë
2016-12-23 08:07 identifiedDescriptionName A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Weight : 1
A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.