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Light Granule
7938 Light_Granule 빛의알갱이

A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Used for Rune Knight skills.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1

Item information

Sell price 750 zeny
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
18 Vocal 3,317 Insect Earth 1 Medium 77 26 244 241 Normal 2.5%
27 Toad 660 Fish Water 1 Medium 24 6 246 221 Boss 2.5%
31 Eclipse 625 Brute Neutral 3 Medium 50 20 259 228 Boss 2.5%
42 Mastering 1,260 Plant Water 1 Medium 48 31 263 241 Boss 2.5%
56 Mimic 1,707 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 63 15 376 335 Normal 5%
56 Furious Mimic 8,535 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 63 15 412 335 25%
56 Elusive Mimic 8,535 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 63 15 376 335 25%
63 Jakk 1,901 Formless Fire 2 Medium 90 25 306 294 Normal 0.05%
70 Zerom 2,429 Human Fire 1 Medium 93 15 319 302 Normal 0.01%
71 Brilight 2,366 Insect Fire 1 Small 93 25 290 308 Normal 0.5%
93 Vagabond Wolf 8,203 Brute Earth 1 Medium 102 51 356 371 Boss 2.5%
95 Wild Rider 33,300 Fish Water 2 Large 480 22 419 377 Boss 5%
100 Jakk 23,933 Formless Fire 2 Medium 90 25 363 361 Normal 0.05%
105 Toad 900,000 Fish Water 1 Medium 24 6 324 299 Boss 2.5%
105 Vagabond Wolf 900,000 Brute Earth 1 Medium 102 51 368 383 Boss 2.5%
105 Infinite Vocal 900,000 Insect Earth 1 Medium 77 26 331 328 Normal 2.5%
105 Infinite Eclise 900,000 Brute Neutral 3 Medium 50 20 333 302 Boss 2.5%
112 Resentful Bongun 19,077 Undead Undead 1 Medium 88 5 364 360 Normal 2%
113 Sropho 20,805 Fish Water 2 Medium 44 91 366 382 Normal 0.5%
117 King Dramoh 28,453 Fish Water 2 Large 480 22 361 417 Boss 1%
117 Deranged Adventurer 24,078 Undead Undead 3 Medium 340 20 359 436 Normal 2%
119 Plasma 16,100 Formless Ghost 4 Small 130 45 413 433 Normal 1.5%
119 Plasma Ringleader 80,500 Formless Ghost 4 Small 130 45 413 433 7.5%
123 Hillslion 26,126 Brute Earth 1 Small 83 11 392 436 Normal 6%
129 Angry Snowier 66,540 Formless Water 2 Large 195 78 417 402 Normal 3%
130 Acidus 40,950 Dragon Holy 2 Large 101 90 408 408 Normal 2.5%
130 Acidus 24,000 Dragon Dark 2 Large 101 90 408 408 Normal 1%
137 Mimic (Nightmare) 63,101 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 210 40 517 368 Normal 10%
140 Miming 81,200 Formless Neutral 1 Small 120 120 406 510 Normal 0.5%
140 Miming Ringleader 406,000 Formless Neutral 1 Small 120 120 406 510 2.5%
142 Little Fatum 85,100 Human Wind 2 Small 51 198 408 534 Normal 0.5%
142 Furious Little Fatum 425,500 Human Wind 2 Small 51 198 427 534 2.5%
143 Cursed Box 24,958 Formless Neutral 3 Medium 139 46 505 526 Normal 10%
144 Released Spell 291,046 Formless Ghost 2 Medium 180 87 464 404 Normal 1.5%
160 Jakk 181,967 Formless Fire 2 Medium 90 25 443 441 Normal 0.05%
197 Plasma Spectrum 7,549,720 Formless Ghost 4 Small 225 74 530 515 Normal 12.5%
198 Arch Plasma 7,588,702 Formless Holy 4 Small 229 75 531 519 Normal 12.5%
201 웃음을 주는 자 3,808,424 Angel Holy 3 Medium 318 118 568 570 Normal 2.5%
203 Void Mimic 3,842,817 Formless Neutral 4 Medium 251 125 502 522 Normal 15%
203 Pray Giver 3,845,709 Angel Ghost 3 Medium 308 118 558 503 Normal 2.5%
222 Jormungandr Guardian-P 18,988,110 Demon Poison 2 Small 341 130 513 485 Normal 7.5%
222 Jormungandr Guardian-Y 17,847,680 Demon Ghost 2 Small 229 230 512 504 Normal 7.5%
250 Mastering 126,000 Plant Water 1 Small 96 62 492 478 Boss 2.5%
250 Vagabond Wolf 820,300 Brute Earth 1 Medium 204 102 576 636 Boss 2.5%
250 Vocal 331,700 Insect Earth 1 Medium 144 52 502 526 Boss 2.5%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 WoE Supply Box 0.5%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName 鍮쏆쓽?뚭갚?? 빛의알갱이
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName 鍮쏆쓽?뚭갚?? 빛의알갱이
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 빛의알갱이 鍮쏆쓽?뚭갚??
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 빛의알갱이 鍮쏆쓽?뚭갚??
2018-11-16 22:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Weight : 1
A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Used for Rune Knight skills.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1
2018-11-16 22:01 identifiedDescriptionName A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Weight : 1
A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Used for Rune Knight skills.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1
2017-01-23 12:19 unidentifiedResourceName ºûÀǾ˰»ÀÌ 빛의알갱이
2017-01-23 12:19 identifiedResourceName ºûÀǾ˰»ÀÌ 빛의알갱이
2016-12-23 08:07 unidentifiedResourceName 빛의알갱이 ºûÀǾ˰»ÀÌ
2016-12-23 08:07 unidentifiedDescriptionName A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Weight : 1
A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Weight : 1
2016-12-23 08:07 identifiedResourceName 빛의알갱이 ºûÀǾ˰»ÀÌ
2016-12-23 08:07 identifiedDescriptionName A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Weight : 1
A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.