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Nose Ring
941 Nose_Ring 쇠고랑

A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1

Item information

Sell price 213 zeny
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
58 Minorous 1,729 Brute Fire 2 Large 100 10 300 289 Normal 26.68%
58 Furious Minorous 8,645 Brute Fire 2 Large 100 10 312 289 100%
58 Elusive Minorous 8,645 Brute Fire 2 Large 100 10 300 289 100%
58 Swift Minorous 8,645 Brute Fire 2 Large 100 10 300 289 100%
107 Majoruros 13,522 Brute Fire 2 Large 111 25 365 363 Normal 22.07%
107 Furious Majoruros 67,610 Brute Fire 2 Large 111 25 382 363 100%
121 Minorous (Nightmare) 27,346 Brute Fire 2 Large 131 41 368 372 Normal 50%
253 화염의 메이저우로스 25,488,079 Brute Fire 2 Large 480 185 639 620 Normal 22.07%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.14%
 Old Purple Box 0.14%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:54 identifiedResourceName ?좉퀬?? 쇠고랑
2024-09-04 01:54 unidentifiedResourceName ?좉퀬?? 쇠고랑
2024-09-03 23:09 identifiedResourceName 쇠고랑 ?좉퀬??
2024-09-03 23:09 unidentifiedResourceName 쇠고랑 ?좉퀬??
2018-05-12 01:15 weight 0 1
2018-05-09 19:58 weight 1 0
2018-01-12 04:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
2018-01-12 04:03 identifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 09:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 09:01 identifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 08:50 unidentifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
2017-08-19 08:50 identifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2017-01-23 12:14 unidentifiedResourceName ¼è°í¶û 쇠고랑
2017-01-23 12:14 identifiedResourceName ¼è°í¶û 쇠고랑
2016-12-23 08:02 unidentifiedResourceName 쇠고랑 ¼è°í¶û
2016-12-23 08:02 unidentifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:02 identifiedResourceName 쇠고랑 ¼è°í¶û
2016-12-23 08:02 identifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
2016-06-17 02:52 identifiedDescriptionName A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight : 1
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.