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970 Alchol 알코올

This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine.
Weight: 3

Item information

Sell price 150 zeny
Weight 3
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
1 Black Mushroom 5 Plant Earth 1 Small 100 99 201 171 Normal 0.5%
1 Red Mushroom 5 Plant Earth 1 Small 100 99 201 171 Normal 0.5%
9 Dead Plankton 95 Undead Undead 1 Small 21 3 214 189 Normal 0.01%
27 Toad 660 Fish Water 1 Medium 24 6 246 221 Boss 0.5%
40 Plankton 933 Plant Water 3 Small 28 28 293 245 Normal 0.02%
40 Furious Plankton 4,665 Plant Water 3 Small 28 28 308 245 0.1%
66 Horong 1,701 Formless Fire 4 Small 84 35 298 298 Normal 0.25%
98 Kaho 7,229 Demon Fire 4 Medium 106 55 359 347 Normal 0.03%
105 Toad 900,000 Fish Water 1 Medium 24 6 324 299 Boss 0.5%
130 BLACK MUSHROOM 150,000 Plant Earth 1 Small 418 76 331 301 Normal 0.5%
155 Faithful Manager 151,548 Formless Neutral 4 Large 204 141 383 413 Normal 1%
Sprite Name Mapname X Y Sell price Navigation Price
연금술사 다이 paramk 75 102 npc 100,000z
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.14%
 Old Purple Box 0.14%
 Wrapped Box 0.3%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:54 unidentifiedResourceName ?뚯퐫?? 알코올
2024-09-04 01:54 identifiedResourceName ?뚯퐫?? 알코올
2024-09-03 23:09 identifiedResourceName 알코올 ?뚯퐫??
2024-09-03 23:09 unidentifiedResourceName 알코올 ?뚯퐫??
2018-05-12 01:16 weight 0 3
2018-05-09 19:58 weight 3 0
2018-01-12 04:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid
is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers
and wine. 200 Proof.
Weight: 3
This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine.
Weight: 3
2018-01-12 04:03 identifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 3
This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine.
Weight: 3
2017-08-19 09:01 unidentifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid
is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers
and wine. 200 Proof.
Weight: 3
This colorless liquid
is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers
and wine. 200 Proof.
Weight: 3
2017-08-19 09:01 identifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 3
This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 3
2017-08-19 08:50 unidentifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid
is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers
and wine. 200 Proof.
Weight: 3
This colorless liquid
is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers
and wine. 200 Proof.
Weight: 3
2017-08-19 08:50 identifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 3
This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 3
2017-01-23 12:14 unidentifiedResourceName ¾ËÄÚ¿Ã 알코올
2017-01-23 12:14 identifiedResourceName ¾ËÄÚ¿Ã 알코올
2016-12-23 08:02 unidentifiedResourceName 알코올 ¾ËÄÚ¿Ã
2016-12-23 08:02 unidentifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid
is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers
and wine. 200 Proof.
Weight: 3
This colorless liquid
is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers
and wine. 200 Proof.
Weight: 3
2016-12-23 08:02 identifiedResourceName 알코올 ¾ËÄÚ¿Ã
2016-12-23 08:02 identifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 3
This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 3
2016-06-17 02:52 identifiedDescriptionName This colorless liquid
is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers
and wine. 200 Proof.
Weight : 3
This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine. 200 Proof.
Type: Miscellaneous
Weight: 3
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.