Name Weight Type Subtype Server
Research Assistant Bot Card 1 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS iRO jRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Research Chart 1 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Research Note 0 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Research Tool Bag 0 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Resentful Bongun Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Resentful Munak Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Resentful Sohee Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Resentful Soldier Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Resentment Lv1 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Resentment Lv2 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Resentment Lv3 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Resentment Lv4 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Resentment Lv5 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Resentment of Thanatos Card 1 Card - cRO dpRO iRO jRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Reset Quest Token 0 Etc. - dpRO dpROS GGH
Reset Stat Box 0 Consumable Special dpRO dpROS GGH
Reset Stat Stone 0 - - dpRO dpROS GGH
Resin 1 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Resist Defense Stone (Garment) 0 Enchant - dpRO iRO kROM twRO
Resist Defense Stone (Garment) 10 Etc. - dpRO iRO kROM twRO
Resist Spell Power Pendant Shadow Box 0 Cash - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU twRO vnRO
Resist Spell Power Shadow Pendant 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Resources Package 1 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU twRO vnRO
Respect 0 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropRU
Rest Lv1 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Rest Lv2 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Rest Lv3 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Rest Lv4 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Rest Lv5 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
RESTARTer Pack 1 Cash - dpRO dpROS iRO iROT ropEU ropRU
RESTARTer Pack Plus 1 Cash - dpRO dpROS iRO iROT ropEU ropRU
Restless Dead Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Restore Shadow Combination 1 Consumable Special cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS ropRU twRO
Restore Shadow Earring 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS twRO vnRO
Restore Shadow Pendant 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS twRO vnRO
Resurrection 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG
Resurrection Stone (Lower) 10 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG
Returning Player Box 0 - - dpRO GGH
Revelation of Aramazd [1] 100 Armor Armor bRO dpRO iRO jRO
Reverberation Shadow Earring 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right) cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Reverberation Shadow Pendant 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left) cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Reverberation Shadow Weapon 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Revised Encyclopedia [1] 20 Armor Shield bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Revolution Quiz Box 1 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
Reward Job BM25 0 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
RG Golden Apple 30 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
RG Golden Potion 3 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS twRO vnRO
RG Golden Potion Box 30 Cash - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
RG-5649 [2] 290 Weapon Gatling Gun dpRO kROM
RGRed Potion 4 Consumable Regeneration bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
RG노블햇 상자 1 Cash - bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
RG부드러운 양모자상자 1 Cash - bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
RG빨간포션 상자 40 Cash - bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
RG파란포션 상자 90 Cash - bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
RG황금사과 상자 300 Cash - bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
RG황금사과 조각 30 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpROS kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
RG황금사과 조각 상자 0 Cash - bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
Rhino Egg 0 Armor Pet bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH twRO vnRO
Rhino Model Hat [1] 30 Armor Costume Helm bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rhongomyniad [1] 180 Weapon Spear bRO dpRO iRO jRO
Rhydo Runestone 1 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rhydo Runestone For Apprentice 1 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rhyncho Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rhythm Hairband 0 Costume Costume Helm cRO dpRO iRO iROT jRO kROM ropRU twRO
Rhythmical Shadow Earring 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right) dpRO kROM
Rhythmical Shadow Pendant 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left) dpRO kROM
Ribbon 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ribbon [1] 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ribbon Chef Box 1 Cash - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH ropEU twRO vnRO
Ribbon Chef hat 50 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU twRO vnRO
Ribbon Magic Hat 20 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ribbon Noodle 0 - - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROG twRO vnRO
Ribbon of bride 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ribbon Of Bride 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ribbon of bride Box 1 Cash - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ribbon of Bride Scroll 1 Cash - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropRU twRO vnRO
Ribbon Of Lady [1] 30 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU twRO vnRO
Ribbon Piamat 10 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Rice Ball 3 Consumable Regeneration bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rice Ball 3 Consumable Regeneration bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rice Ball Doll 1 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rice Ball Hat [1] 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rice Cake 1 Consumable Regeneration bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rice Cake 5 Etc. - bRO cRO dpROS iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
Rice Cake Stick 1 Consumable Regeneration bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rice Dumpling Hat 7 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU twRO vnRO
Rice Pouch 10 Etc. - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Richard Richard Card 1 Card - dpRO kROM
Richard Richard Card Fragment 1 Etc. - dpRO kROM
Rider Insignia 50 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rider Insignia [1] 20 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropRU
Rider Insignia [1] 50 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rider Insignia Box 1 Cash - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropRU
Rider's Suit [1] 100 Armor Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rideword Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rideword Hat [1] 30 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rideword Hat Box 30 Consumable Special bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rideword Hat Box 30 Cash - bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG
Ridsh Card 1 Card - dpRO kROM twRO
Riesen Bretzel 0 Consumable Special bRO dpRO dpROS ropEU ropRU
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.