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Basic Info
2008 Lv. 82
Demon Large Ghost 2
Primary stats
60 STR 110 AGI 200 VIT
250 INT 199 DEX 66 LUK
Secondary stats
4,000,000 Health 40 Def 40 MDef
3 Range 7,182 - 10,702 Attack 1,732 - 2,932 MATK
392 Req. Hit 451 Req. Flee
0 Res (-0.00%) 0 Mres (-0.00%)
4.00 Speed (cells/sec)
1.89 Aspd (attacks/sec)


Neutral 70%
Water 100%
Earth 100%
Fire 100%
Wind 100%
Poison 75%
Holy 100%
Dark 100%
Ghost 150%
Undead 125%


Aggressive Assist Looter Change target Change target on attack Immobile Cast sensor Boss
Id Name Enchant Type Subtype Sell price Drop chance
* This item is protected from being stolen.
Level >= % Exp Job Exp
66 40 19,800 18,000
67 115 56,925 51,750
68 120 59,400 54,000
69 125 61,875 56,250
70 130 64,350 58,500
71 135 66,825 60,750
72 140 69,300 63,000
73 135 66,825 60,750
74 130 64,350 58,500
75 125 61,875 56,250
76 120 59,400 54,000
77 115 56,925 51,750
78 110 54,450 49,500
79 105 51,975 47,250
82 100 49,500 45,000
83 100 49,500 45,000
88 95 47,025 42,750
93 90 44,550 40,500
98 85 42,075 38,250
103 60 29,700 27,000
108 35 17,325 15,750
113 10 4,950 4,500
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
66 Ox 500,000 1,139 - 1,643 1,486 - 2,686 4 4 Demon Ghost 1 Large 25 15 316 360 Normal
 Play  Name


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.