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Charleston 1


Basic Info
3122 Lv. 140
Demon Large Earth 1
Primary stats
189 STR 78 AGI 81 VIT
51 INT 108 DEX 56 LUK
Secondary stats
2,614,000 Health 123 Def 68 MDef
1 Range 2,897 - 4,181 Attack 677 - 1,094 MATK
418 Req. Hit 418 Req. Flee
0 Res (-0.00%) 0 Mres (-0.00%)
6.67 Speed (cells/sec)
0.42 Aspd (attacks/sec)


Neutral 100%
Water 100%
Earth 25%
Fire 150%
Wind 90%
Poison 150%
Holy 100%
Dark 100%
Ghost 100%
Undead 100%


Aggressive Assist Looter Change target Change target on attack Immobile Cast sensor Normal
Level >= % Exp Job Exp
124 40 14,721 8,425
125 115 42,324 24,223
126 120 44,164 25,276
127 125 46,005 26,330
128 130 47,845 27,383
129 135 49,685 28,436
130 140 51,525 29,489
131 135 49,685 28,436
132 130 47,845 27,383
133 125 46,005 26,330
134 120 44,164 25,276
135 115 42,324 24,223
136 110 40,484 23,170
137 105 38,644 22,117
140 100 36,804 21,064
141 100 36,804 21,064
146 95 34,963 20,010
151 90 33,123 18,957
156 85 31,283 17,904
161 60 22,082 12,638
166 35 12,881 7,372
171 10 3,680 2,106
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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.