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Basic Info
31999 Lv.
? ? ?
Primary stats
Secondary stats
? Health ? Def ? MDef
? Range ? Attack ? MATK
? Req. Hit ? Req. Flee
0 Res (-0.00%) 0 Mres (-0.00%)
1.00 Speed (cells/sec)
? Aspd (attacks/sec)


No AI available Normal
Title Quickinfo Info
Participation in the Royal Hunt Animal Monster Hunting After hunting 30 animal-type monsters, report it to [Commander Nadezda]prt_fild01,98,171,0,101,0.
Apprentice Hunter - 1 Animal Monster Hunting After hunting 30 animal-type monsters over Lv 50, report to [Assistant Lofince]prt_fild01,97,1800,101,0.
Apprentice Hunter - 2 Insect-type Monster Hunting After hunting 30 insect-type monsters over Lv 50, report to [Assistant Lofince]prt_fild01,97,1800,101,0.
Skilled Hunter - 1 Fish and shell-type Monster Hunting After hunting 30 fish and shellfish-type monsters over Lv 50, report to [Assistant Jang Ha-sung]prt_fild01,107,180,0,101,0.
Skilled Hunter - 2 Dragon Monster Hunting After hunting 30 dragon monsters of Lv 50 or higher, report to [Admiral Haseong Jang]prt_fild01,107,180,0,101,0.
Insect Monster Hunting Insect monster hunting After hunting 30 insect-type monsters over Lv 50, report to [Assistant Lofince]prt_fild01,97,1800,101,0.
Animal Monster Hunting Animal Monster Hunting After hunting 30 animal-type monsters over Lv 50, report to [Assistant Lofince]prt_fild01,97,1800,101,0.
Fish and Shell-type Monster Hunting Fish and Shell-type Monster Hunting After hunting 30 fish-type monsters over Lv 50, report to [Assistant Lofince]prt_fild01,97,180,0,101,0
Dragon Monster Hunting Dragon Monster hunting Hunt down 30 dragon monsters of 50 lv or more and then report to [Deputy Lopinche]prt_fild01,97,180,0,101,0.
(숙련)곤충형 몬스터 사냥 곤충형 몬스터 사냥 100Lv 이상의 곤충형 몬스터를 30마리 사냥한 뒤에 [부관 장하성]prt_fild01,107,180,0,101,0에게 보고하도록 하자.
(숙련)동물형 몬스터 사냥 동물형 몬스터 사냥 100Lv 이상의 동물형 몬스터를 30마리 사냥한 뒤에 [부관 장하성]prt_fild01,107,180,0,101,0에게 보고하도록 하자.
(숙련)어패형 몬스터 사냥 어패형 몬스터 사냥 100Lv 이상의 어패형 몬스터를 30마리 사냥한 뒤에 [부관 장하성]prt_fild01,107,180,0,101,0에게 보고하도록 하자.
(숙련)용족 몬스터 사냥 용족 몬스터 사냥 100Lv 이상의 용족 몬스터를 30마리 사냥한 뒤에 [부관 장하성]prt_fild01,107,180,0,101,0에게 보고하도록 하자.
[Repeat]Warrior Discipline-Human Hunt the 50 human monsters as part of the Warrior Discipline program of the Richard family.
[Repeat]Warrior Discipline-Animal Hunt the 50 animal monsters as part of the Warrior Discipline program of the Richard family.
[Repeat]Warrior Discipline-Immortal Hunt the 50 undead monsters as part of the Warrior Discipline program of the Richard family.
[Repeat]Warrior Discipline-Intangible Hunt the 50 nothing monsters as part of the Warrior Discipline program of the Richard family.
시푸의 특별 훈련(lv90-150) 몬스터 처치 100마리 프론테라의 [시푸]prontera,153,224,0,101,0 사부님은 레벨90 이상의 몬스터를 100마리 퇴치하는 특별 훈련을 제안했다. 제이드 궁전의 명예 제자답게 빠르게 끝내자!
시푸의 특별 훈련(lv151-200) 몬스터 처치 100마리 프론테라의 [시푸]prontera,153,224,0,101,0 사부님은 레벨151 이상의 몬스터를 100마리 퇴치하는 특별 훈련을 제안했다. 제이드 궁전의 명예 제자답게 빠르게 끝내자!
시푸의 특별 훈련(lv201-) 몬스터 처치 100마리 프론테라의 [시푸]prontera,153,224,0,101,0 사부님은 레벨 201 이상의 몬스터를 100마리 퇴치하는 특별 훈련을 제안했다. 제이드 궁전의 명예 제자답게 빠르게 끝내자!
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150Lv~199Lv 무형 몬스터 사냥 레벨에 맞는 무형 몬스터를 100마리 사냥한 뒤 [유노 몬스터 학회 부스]yuno.gat,133,199,0,101,0로 돌아가 보고하자.
200Lv 레벨 이상 무형 몬스터 사냥 레벨에 맞는 무형 몬스터를 100마리 사냥한 뒤 [유노 몬스터 학회 부스]yuno.gat,133,199,0,101,0로 돌아가 보고하자.
4th Job Change: Inspiration Piece 1 Inspiration Piece 1 I should hunt Wind monsters at Level 105 or above to fill the [Piece]ra_fild05,50,308,0,101,0 with wind energy.
4th Job Change: Inspiration Piece 2 Inspiration Piece 2 I should hunt Earth monsters at Level 130 or above to fill the [Piece]lasa_dun02,180,172,0,101,0 with earth energy.
4th Job Change: Inspiration Piece 3 Inspiration Piece 3 I should hunt Angel monsters at Level 180 or above to fill the [Piece]tha_t11,13,84,0,101,0 with angelic energy.
4th Job Change: Piece Collection Inspiration Piece 1 I should hunt Shadow monsters at Level 105 or above to fill the [Piece]niflheim,331,267,0,101,0 with dark energy.
4th Job Change: Piece Collection Inspiration Piece 2 I should hunt Fire monsters at Level 130 or above to fill the [Piece]thor_v01,281,233,0,101,0 with fiery energy.
4th Job Change: Piece Collection Inspiration Piece 3 I should hunt Dragon monsters at Level 180 or above to fill the [Piece]abyss_03,107,114,0,101,0 with draconic energy.
트레이너의 야욕 Lv.150이상 악마형 [세스룸니르]ra_temple,29,92,0,101,0에서 안전하고 즐거운 물놀이를 하기 위해서는 체력이 필수입니다. 150레벨 이상의 악마형 몬스터를 100마리 정도 잡으며 체력을 단련하는 겁니다.
트레이너의 야욕 Lv.200이상 악마형 [세스룸니르]ra_temple,29,92,0,101,0에서 안전하고 즐거운 물놀이를 하기 위해서는 체력이 필수입니다. 200레벨 이상의 악마형 몬스터를 100마리 정도 잡으며 체력을 단련하는 겁니다.
불태우는 경쟁심 Lv.150이상 몬스터 알데바란 겨울 사냥대회에서 왕실 [수렵부]aldebaran,119,53,0,101,0의 명예는 지켜져야 합니다. 150레벨 이상의 몬스터 20마리만 잡아주십시오.
유해 몬스터는 유해해요 Lv.150 화속성 이 시기에는 화속성 몬스터를 주의해야 합니다. 150레벨의 화속성 몬스터 100마리를 처리하고 [알데바란]aldebaran,98,119,0,101,0으로 다시 돌아오십시오.
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Rudolf's favor Lv1 100 Fish Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]malangdo,209,151,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Small Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]prontera,163,92,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv4 Defeat 100 Small Monsters which are Lv.200 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]prontera,163,92,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Formless Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]yuno,180,145,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv2 Defeat 100 Formless Monsters which are Lv.100 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]yuno,180,145,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Earth property Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]prontera,170,288,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Large Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]geffen,74,42,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Fire property Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]comodo,248,128,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv3 Defeat 100 Fire property Monsters which are Lv.150 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]comodo,248,128,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv4 Defeat 100 Fire property Monsters which are Lv.200 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]comodo,248,128,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Ghost property Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]lasagna,87,206,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv4 Defeat 100 Ghost property Monsters which are Lv.200 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]lasagna,87,206,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Medium sized Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]prontera,149,305,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv4 Defeat 100 Medium sized Monsters which are Lv.200 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]prontera,149,305,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Plant Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]alberta,131,174,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv1 Defeat 100 Devil Monsters which are Lv.50 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]niflheim,198,238,0,101,0 for rewards.
Rudolf's favor Lv3 Defeat 100 monsters which are Lv.150 or higher
and go back to [Investigator Rudolf]prt_fild01,108,173,0,101,0 for rewards.
무궁무진한 새콤이 개량의 길 -식물형 편- 프론테라의 [새콤이]prontera,171,278,0,101,0 개량 연구 데이터 수집을 위해 150레벨 이상인 식물형 몬스터를 100마리 사냥하자.
무궁무진한 새콤이 개량의 길 -식물형 편- 프론테라의 [새콤이]prontera,171,278,0,101,0 개량 연구 데이터 수집을 위해 200레벨 이상인 식물형 몬스터를 100마리 사냥하자.


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.