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암흑 오크워리어


Basic Info
3948 Lv. 58
Human Medium Earth 2
Primary stats
52 STR 27 AGI 34 VIT
18 INT 38 DEX 11 LUK
Secondary stats
3,100 Health 87 Def 25 MDef
1 Range 186 - 224 Attack 112 - 143 MATK
285 Req. Hit 266 Req. Flee
0 Res (-0.00%) 0 Mres (-0.00%)
6.67 Speed (cells/sec)
1.16 Aspd (attacks/sec)


Neutral 100%
Water 100%
Earth 0%
Fire 175%
Wind 80%
Poison 150%
Holy 100%
Dark 100%
Ghost 100%
Undead 100%


No AI available Normal
Id Name Enchant Type Subtype Sell price Drop chance
 931 Orcish Voucher Etc. - 53z 25%
 13482 Unknown item #13482 Weapon Sword 0z 2%
 7054 Brigan Etc. - 280z 2.32%
 28741 Unknown item #28741 Weapon Dagger 0z 2%
 757 Rough Elunium Etc. - 244z 0.1%
 2267 Cigarette Armor Headgear 10z 0.5%
 16080 Unknown item #16080 - - 0z 2%
 25429 Unknown item #25429 * - - 0z 0.01%
* This item is protected from being stolen.
Level >= % Exp Job Exp
42 40 363 226
43 115 1,044 652
44 120 1,089 680
45 125 1,135 708
46 130 1,180 737
47 135 1,225 765
48 140 1,271 793
49 135 1,225 765
50 130 1,180 737
51 125 1,135 708
52 120 1,089 680
53 115 1,044 652
54 110 998 623
55 105 953 595
58 100 908 567
59 100 908 567
64 95 862 538
69 90 817 510
74 85 771 481
79 60 544 340
84 35 317 198
89 10 90 56
Name Interruptable State Level CHANCE Casttime Delay Condition
NPC_GUIDEDATTACK no Unknown -1 5% instant none
NPC_BLINDATTACK no Unknown -1 5% instant none
NPC_COMBOATTACK no Unknown -1 5% instant none
Critical Wounds no Unknown -1 5% instant none
NPC_PIERCINGATT no Unknown -1 5% instant none
 Play  Name


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.