Yube Spritesheet


Inside Eclage (ecl_in04)

Title Quickinfo Info
The chicken or the egg Talk with Yube. Need to package the seed to be sent to Splendide in a seed box. Be careful since it is a difficult process.
Red seed and green seed Register the delivery. Seed was packaged safely into the seed container. Give it to the delivery man waiting in the plaza.
Dreaming boy 1 Bunch of acorns. Oliver the Dreaming Boy asks for acorns. Obtain acorns.
Title Quickinfo Info
The chicken or the egg Talk with Yube. Glaces is going to visit Moreng. She suggests talking with Yube.
The chicken or the egg Talk with Yube. Need to package the seed to be sent to Splendide in a seed box. Be careful since it is a difficult process.
Red seed and green seed Talk with Yube. The seed box was given to the delivery man. Go back to Yube's house.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.