Guild Receptionist Spritesheet


Inside Hugel (hu_in01)

Title Quickinfo Info
Job Chage to Hunter 5 Wolf Claw, 5 Trunk, 3 White Herb Collect the items that the Demon Hunter says.
Job Change to Hunter 3 Bill of Birds, 5 Skel-bone, 3 Green Herbs Collect the items that the Demon Hunter says.
Job Change to Hunter 3 Venom Canine, 3 Animal Skin, 5 Red Herb Collect the items that the Demon Hunter says.
Job Change to Hunter 3 Dokkaebi Horn, 3 Pieces of Egg Shell, 10 Fluff Collect the items that the Demon Hunter says.
Job Change to Hunter 9 Shell, 9 Worm Peeling, 9 Yellow Herb Collect the items that the Demon Hunter says.
Job Change to Hunter Tooth of Bat, 1 Sticky Mucus, 1 Bear's Footskin Collect the items that the Demon Hunter says.
Job Change to Hunter 2 Porcupine Quill, 1 Yoyo Tail, 1 Acorn Collect the items that the Demon Hunter says.
Job Chages to Hunter Go to the Guildmaster who is in Payon Central Palace
Job Chages to Hunter Go talk to our Guildmaster who is at the Archer Guild.
Title Quickinfo Info
Job Chage to Hunter Meet the Hunter Guildsman to continue the test.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.