Title | Quickinfo | Info |
Messenger - Arc's Favor | Report to Arch | You fell between giant roots of a tree. You've found a giant tribe called the 'Sapha,' hard as rocks and big as mountain. Seems like there's no more traces left from Terra. |
Messenger - Terra's Whereabouts | If Bradium is related.. would it be the Sapha? | When you arrived to see the Sapha, Terra was already long gone. Very bright pieces of mineral were scattered around the hardened giant. These pieces must be the Bradium. |
Messenger - Prove the Truth | Show the evidence to Luik and Snorren | You've got some 'Bradium fragments' from the hardened body of the Sapha and a 'Shabby Muffler.' These should be enough evidence! |
Messenger - Too late! | Looks like you're too late to save Ogen. Snorren turned his back and started to walk back to the town. You should pick up Terra. |
Title | Quickinfo | Info |
Messenger - Arch's Favor | Find the traces of Terra. | You've found a trace near Splendide. Looks like the traces are taking the direction of South. Let's keep looking. |
Messenger - Terra's Whereabouts | Find Terra | Arc's worried that Terra went off with Bradium from the Lab without permission. Terra could have gone to the 'Sapha' in that 'Cave' with a Bradium. |
Messenger - Prove the Truth | Go back to the cave and find some evidence | Snorren suspects that the hardened Sapha might be his friend, 'Ogen' and requests to see the evidence. |
Messenger - Prove the Truth | Go to Ogen before it's too late | Looks like the 'Shabby Muffler' is the one from a friend of Snorren's. It was also proved that Terra was really trying to save 'Ogen' with 'Bradium's fragments'. |