Instructor Ur Spritesheet


Inside Morroc Eden Group (moc_para01)

Title Quickinfo Info
Advanced Training at Comodo Find and speak to Romeo Look for the cave located to the north. There's someone there named Romeo. You know? As in Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo.
Advanced Training at Glast Heim Find and speak to Johan at Glast Heim Near Geffen, there is an area known as Glast Heim infested with undead and ghost monsters.
Advaned Training in Einbroch Find the Dispatched Instructor Kiren at the field south of Einbroch The industrial city of Einbroch east of Lighthalzen is where the next training mission is.
Advanced Training in Ice Dungeon Find the Dispatched Instructor Naomi at the Ice Dungeon There is an Ice Dungeon Cave if you travel North from Rachel. It's a long walk but it's worth it if you can make the trek.
Advanced Training at Ash Vacuum Find the Dispatched Instructor Margaret at the Midgard Expedition Camp Since you are a third class job, you should be able to fight the monsters at Ash Vacuum pretty easily.
낙원단 기본 장비 지급 관리자 토른 앞으로 장비를 지속적으로 제공할 관리자들을 만나 봐. 먼저 방어구를 담당하는 관리자 [토른]moc_para01,110,87,0,101,0,님을 만나보는 것이 좋겠다.
낙원단 기본 장비 지급 교관 우르에게 보고 [우르]moc_para01,23,31,0,101,0,한테 가서 기본 장비를 모두 지급 받았다고 얘기하면 돼.
낙원단 쉐도우 장비 지급 교관 보야와 상담 추가적인 장비를 받고 싶다면 [보야]moc_para01,25,31,0,101,0,와 상담을 해 봐.
낙원단 고급 장비 지급 방어구의 재료 탄력있는 줄 15개랑 코볼트의 털 3개를 [토른]moc_para01,110,87,0,101,0,님께 가져다 드리면 고급 방어구를 받을 수 있어.
낙원단 고급 장비 지급 무기의 재료 오래된 곡괭이 15개를 [미하엘]moc_para01,110,83,0,101,0,님께 가져다 드리면 고급 무기를 주실 거야.
Title Quickinfo Info
Report to Instructor Ur Report to Instructor Ur back at Eden Group Headquarters Your tasks for Step 1 are over for now so go back to Eden Group Headquarters and speak to Instructor Ur.
Report to Instructor Ur Report to Instructor Ur back at Eden Group Headquarters Your hunting at Glast Heim has helped clear the Abbey. Go back to Eden Group Headquarters and speak to Instructor Ur.
Report to Instructor Ur Report to Instructor Ur back at Eden Group Headquarters. Your work at the Einbroch area is done. Go back to Eden Group Headquarters and speak to Instructor Ur.
Report to Instructor Ur Report to Instructor Ur back at Eden Group Headquarters. You are done hunting at Ice Dungeon. Go back to Eden Group Headquarters and speak to Instructor Ur.
Report to Instructor Ur Report to Instructor Ur back at Eden Group Headquarters. Your training is done at Ash Vacuum. Go back to Eden Group Headquarters and speak to Instructor Ur.
낙원단 기본 장비 지급 교관 우르에게 보고 [우르]moc_para01,23,31,0,101,0,한테 가서 기본 장비를 모두 지급 받았다고 얘기하면 돼.
낙원단 기본 장비 지급 교관 우르와 상담 쓸만한 기본 장비가 없다면 이 옆에 있는 [우르]moc_para01,23,31,0,101,0,라는 교관과 기본 장비에 대해 상담해 봐.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.