작은 조각 Spritesheet


Dragon's Lair (lasa_dun02)

Title Quickinfo Info
4th Job Change: Inspiration Piece 2 Inspiration Piece 2 I should hunt Earth monsters at Level 130 or above to fill the [Piece]lasa_dun02,180,172,0,101,0 with earth energy.
4th Job Change: Inspiration Piece 3 Inspiration Piece 3 As I hold the crystal in my hand, I hear a [heavenly]tha_t11,13,84,0,101,0 voice surrounding me.
Title Quickinfo Info
4th Job Change: Inspiration Piece 2 Inspiration Piece 2 As I hold the crystal in my hand, I hear the sound that shakes the [earth]lasa_dun02,180,172,0,101,0surrounding me.
4th Job Change: Inspiration Piece 2 Inspiration Piece 2 I should hunt Earth monsters at Level 130 or above to fill the [Piece]lasa_dun02,180,172,0,101,0 with earth energy.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.