Knight Meric Spritesheet


Criatura Academy Floor 1 (iz_ac01)

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Tracking a Goddess Worshipper Talk to Peterwah Knight Merrick received a tip from Alberta about Bran. Meet with [Peter]alberta,175,138,000,0 in Alberta to confirm the information about Bran's whereabouts.
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전단지의 업보 메리크와 대화 프론테라 대성당에서 [메리크 경]iz_ac01,117,57,0,101,0이 기다리고 있다고 한다. 메리크 경이 보이지 않는다면 데스크의 [스프라키]iz_ac01,102,44,0,101,0에게 물어보자.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.