철호 Spritesheet


Malangdo Island (malangdo)

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Portrait that repels a bad luck Talk to SangPil ChulHo said he would draw a portrait that repels a bad luck for to celebrate New Years. He asked for the Brush, Paper and Ink Ball. Let's meet Alberta's SangPil to make one.
Portrait that repels a bad luck Talk to Papyrus ChulHo said he would draw another portrait, asking for some papers and ink balls. Let's go meet Papyrus in Payon.
Title Quickinfo Info
Portrait that repels a bad luck Talk to ChulHo Festival Staff of Malangdo Octopus Festival will introduce the mascot of 2022, ChulHo.
Portrait that repels a bad luck-Hold Malangdo Octopus Festival - Waiting Received ChulHo's portrait. Let's come back tomorrow for more portraits.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.