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Hagalas Runestone
12733 Runstone_Hagalas 룬스톤_하갈라즈

By projecting the magical power of rune stone onto his own skin, he turns his HP into a hard, stone-shelled skin at some cost.
During duration, increases physical and magical armor, adds a chance to destory enemy's weapon who deals melee physical damage to a player.
Effect disappears when duration is over, or stone-shelled skin HP becomes 0.
In the case of monsters, the attack power of the monster decreases. However, this effect does not work for boss monsters.
Weight : 1


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 1 zeny
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName 猷ъ뒪???섍컝?쇱쫰 룬스톤_하갈라즈
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName 猷ъ뒪???섍컝?쇱쫰 룬스톤_하갈라즈
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 룬스톤_하갈라즈 猷ъ뒪???섍컝?쇱쫰
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 룬스톤_하갈라즈 猷ъ뒪???섍컝?쇱쫰
2022-10-14 04:04 unidentifiedDescriptionName A stone crafted by Rune Knights, buffs the user with Stonehard Skin.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 10
When using the item, buffs the user for 3 minutes;
Consumes 25% of the user's HP to apply a defensive shield equal to the amount consumed; Increases Def and Mdef.
The defensive shield is removed once its HP is consumed.
Adds a chance of damaging the attacker's weapon, if the attacker is a monster reduces damage taken by 25% for 10 seconds.

Maximum carry capacity: 60
By projecting the magical power of rune stone onto his own skin, he turns his HP into a hard, stone-shelled skin at some cost.
During duration, increases physical and magical armor, adds a chance to destory enemy's weapon who deals melee physical damage to a player.
Effect disappears when duration is over, or stone-shelled skin HP becomes 0.
In the case of monsters, the attack power of the monster decreases. However, this effect does not work for boss monsters.
Weight : 1
2022-10-14 04:04 identifiedDescriptionName A stone crafted by Rune Knights, buffs the user with Stonehard Skin.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 10
When using the item, buffs the user for 3 minutes;
Consumes 25% of the user's HP to apply a defensive shield equal to the amount consumed; Increases Def and Mdef.
The defensive shield is removed once its HP is consumed.
Adds a chance of damaging the attacker's weapon, if the attacker is a monster reduces damage taken by 25% for 10 seconds.

Maximum carry capacity: 60
By projecting the magical power of rune stone onto his own skin, he turns his HP into a hard, stone-shelled skin at some cost.
During duration, increases physical and magical armor, adds a chance to destory enemy's weapon who deals melee physical damage to a player.
Effect disappears when duration is over, or stone-shelled skin HP becomes 0.
In the case of monsters, the attack power of the monster decreases. However, this effect does not work for boss monsters.
Weight : 1
2022-10-14 04:04 weight 10 1
2019-10-25 03:54 unidentifiedDescriptionName It changes your skin into a solid shell like a Rune Stone for 3 minutes. Has a chance of destroying weapons of attacking enemies.
When operating, it's invoked by using 25% of your HP and this skin possesses the same amount of HP.
It disappears when all the HP is consumed.
For monsters, it decreases 25% of Atk for 10 seconds at a fixed rate.
This skill cannot be used for a boss monster.
No waiting time for reuse. Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
A stone crafted by Rune Knights, buffs the user with Stonehard Skin.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 10
When using the item, buffs the user for 3 minutes;
Consumes 25% of the user's HP to apply a defensive shield equal to the amount consumed; Increases Def and Mdef.
The defensive shield is removed once its HP is consumed.
Adds a chance of damaging the attacker's weapon, if the attacker is a monster reduces damage taken by 25% for 10 seconds.

Maximum carry capacity: 60
2019-10-25 03:54 identifiedDescriptionName Cast 'Stonehard Skin' changing your skin into a solid shell for 3 minutes. Has a chance of destroying weapons of attacking enemies.
Consumes 25% of your HP and this skin possesses the same amount of HP consumed.
It disappears when all the HP is consumed.
For monsters, it decreases 25% of Atk for 10 seconds at a fixed rate.
This skill cannot be used for a boss monster.
No waiting time for reuse.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
A stone crafted by Rune Knights, buffs the user with Stonehard Skin.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 10
When using the item, buffs the user for 3 minutes;
Consumes 25% of the user's HP to apply a defensive shield equal to the amount consumed; Increases Def and Mdef.
The defensive shield is removed once its HP is consumed.
Adds a chance of damaging the attacker's weapon, if the attacker is a monster reduces damage taken by 25% for 10 seconds.

Maximum carry capacity: 60
2017-01-23 12:19 identifiedResourceName ·é½ºÅæ_ÇÏ°¥¶óÁî 룬스톤_하갈라즈
2017-01-23 12:19 unidentifiedResourceName ·é½ºÅæ_ÇÏ°¥¶óÁî 룬스톤_하갈라즈
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedResourceName 룬스톤_하갈라즈 ·é½ºÅæ_ÇÏ°¥¶óÁî
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedDescriptionName It changes your skin into a solid shell like a Rune Stone for 3 minutes. Has a chance of destroying weapons of attacking enemies.
When operating, it's invoked by using 25% of your HP and this skin possesses the same amount of HP.
It disappears when all the HP is consumed.
For monsters, it decreases 25% of Atk for 10 seconds at a fixed rate.
This skill cannot be used for a boss monster.
No waiting time for reuse. Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
It changes your skin into a solid shell like a Rune Stone for 3 minutes. Has a chance of destroying weapons of attacking enemies.
When operating, it's invoked by using 25% of your HP and this skin possesses the same amount of HP.
It disappears when all the HP is consumed.
For monsters, it decreases 25% of Atk for 10 seconds at a fixed rate.
This skill cannot be used for a boss monster.
No waiting time for reuse. Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedResourceName 룬스톤_하갈라즈 ·é½ºÅæ_ÇÏ°¥¶óÁî
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedDescriptionName Cast 'Stonehard Skin' changing your skin into a solid shell for 3 minutes. Has a chance of destroying weapons of attacking enemies.
Consumes 25% of your HP and this skin possesses the same amount of HP consumed.
It disappears when all the HP is consumed.
For monsters, it decreases 25% of Atk for 10 seconds at a fixed rate.
This skill cannot be used for a boss monster.
No waiting time for reuse.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
Cast 'Stonehard Skin' changing your skin into a solid shell for 3 minutes. Has a chance of destroying weapons of attacking enemies.
Consumes 25% of your HP and this skin possesses the same amount of HP consumed.
It disappears when all the HP is consumed.
For monsters, it decreases 25% of Atk for 10 seconds at a fixed rate.
This skill cannot be used for a boss monster.
No waiting time for reuse.
Maximum carrying amount: 10
Weight : 10
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.