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Anniversary Destiny Box
12926 Pet_Egg_Scroll2 펫알스크롤2

Anniversary Destiny Box, opening this up and get your prize! This item cannot be traded, but can be saved and opened at your leisure!

S Class: Mini Glasses[1]
A Class: Little Feather Hat
A Class: Demon Mask
A Class: Skull Cap
B Class: 2000 Marvelous Medals
B Class: 7 Battle Manual X3
B Class: 800 KVM Medals
B Class: Job Class Card Album
C Class: Cancer Crown
C Class: Cancer Diadem
D Class: Expanded Party Buff Scroll Box

A Pack of 5 Lucky Boxes is also being offered.
Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price 10 zeny
Weight 1
Type Cash
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Name Chance Enchant
1x  Red Mage Hat 0.105%
1x  Token Of Siegfried 0.526%
2x  Battle Manual 0.947%
1x  Battle Manual 1.053%
1x  Bubble Gum 1.053%
2x  Bubble Gum 1.053%
1x  LV5 Aspersio Scroll 1.053%
1x  LV10 Wind Walker Scroll 1.053%
1x  Mini Glasses [1] 1.053%
2x  Token Of Siegfried 1.579%
1x  Giant Fly Wing 1.579%
2x  LV10 Wind Walker Scroll 1.579%
2x  Giant Fly Wing 2.632%
2x  LV5 Aspersio Scroll 2.632%
1x  Skull Cap [1] 2.632%
1x  Demon Mask 2.632%
1x  Little Feather Hat [1] 2.632%
2000x  Prize Medal 4.211%
1x  Class Set Card Album 5.263%
800x  KVM Badge 6.579%
7x  Battle Manual X3 6.579%
1x  Cancer Diadem 12.632%
1x  Cancer Crown 12.632%
1x  Expanded Party Buff Scroll Box 26.316%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Anniversary Destiny Crate 0.01%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?뚯떇蹂댁옄湲? 음식보자기
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?뚯떇蹂댁옄湲컂 음식보자기g
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 음식보자기g ?뚯떇蹂댁옄湲컂
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 음식보자기 ?뚯떇蹂댁옄湲?
2017-01-23 12:19 unidentifiedResourceName À½½Äº¸ÀÚ±â 음식보자기
2017-01-23 12:19 identifiedResourceName À½½Äº¸ÀÚ±âg 음식보자기g
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedResourceName 음식보자기 À½½Äº¸ÀÚ±â
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedDescriptionName December 2008 Lucky Box!
Inside, you have a chance of winning many great prizes. See the Lucky Box page on the website for possible prizes.
Weight: 1
December 2008 Lucky Box!
Inside, you have a chance of winning many great prizes. See the Lucky Box page on the website for possible prizes.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedResourceName 음식보자기g À½½Äº¸ÀÚ±âg
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedDescriptionName Anniversary Destiny Box, opening this up and get your prize! This item cannot be traded, but can be saved and opened at your leisure!

S Class: Mini Glasses[1]
A Class: Little Feather Hat
A Class: Demon Mask
A Class: Skull Cap
B Class: 2000 Marvelous Medals
B Class: 7 Battle Manual X3
B Class: 800 KVM Medals
B Class: Job Class Card Album
C Class: Cancer Crown
C Class: Cancer Diadem
D Class: Expanded Party Buff Scroll Box

A Pack of 5 Lucky Boxes is also being offered.
Weight : 1
Anniversary Destiny Box, opening this up and get your prize! This item cannot be traded, but can be saved and opened at your leisure!

S Class: Mini Glasses[1]
A Class: Little Feather Hat
A Class: Demon Mask
A Class: Skull Cap
B Class: 2000 Marvelous Medals
B Class: 7 Battle Manual X3
B Class: 800 KVM Medals
B Class: Job Class Card Album
C Class: Cancer Crown
C Class: Cancer Diadem
D Class: Expanded Party Buff Scroll Box

A Pack of 5 Lucky Boxes is also being offered.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.